8 principles to achieve optimum mental health | Dan Banos | TEDxRockhampton

Dan runs us though 8 points that not only assist our physical health, but our mental health as well.

Dan is a psychologist at Newstart Psychology & Counselling with expertise in adolescents, anxiety, child psychology, couples therapy, depression, HIV-AIDS, spirituality, stress, teenagers and more. He has ample experience administering psychometric tests to support the assessment of individuals cognitive and decision making capacity.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx


  1. Neuroplasticity – capacity the brain to adopt , change the process
    8 principles
    1 Nutrition
    2 Excercise – good happy chemicals – optimal mental health
    3 water – 80% , tryptophan causes
    serotonin release – happy
    Clarity in ur mind
    4 Sunshine – Achieve greater level of sleep, concentration
    5Temperance – Balance – introduce certain habits
    Caffeine increase level of anxiety and depression
    6 Air – spend outdoors
    7 Rest – give mental clarity to acheieve optimum mental health
    8 Trust – give sense of purpose


  2. As I age I've consolidated my 'felt' brilliant insights into exactly what my mom and dad told me before I reached ten. I liked this presentation

  3. caveat:
    1. i rewired my brain during recovery by reading every zen book the library has, with my own upbringing…the comments i write
    2. some use healthcare as a nannie a la paris i love you
    3. the pill dors their work, the rest is up to you
    4. lack of proper eating during stress induced it

  4. Nice talk, I was feeling that I need to go to psychologist because I was not feeling well mentaly but after listening this I realized, I am not following any component of NEWSTART. Thank you for guidance 🙏 ❤️

  5. How to fix Mental Health, name a grade were children goes and sees a check up on Mental Health doctor ,mandatory like shoots , "stop the shootings"

  6. The introduction of vehicles and noise pollution dramatically increased mental illness. Even worse than the noise of vehicles themselves is the reversing bleeping alarms which cause anxiety/stress/tension attacking the central nervous system leading to mental illness and physical illness. Until we reduce these NEEDLESS noise pollutants we will not have optimal mental health.

  7. 1. Nutrition: Eat beans. People who lived to be 100 had a mostly plant based diet and ate meat about 5 times a month.

    2. Exercise: Exercise alone helps diminish symptoms of depression & anxiety. Being active produces endorphins(happy chemicals) & serotonin in your body.

    3. Water. Our bodies are made of 70% water, 80% of our brain needs components found in water. Water helps those necessary nutrients travel to our brains.*Gets up to drink some water* Water clarifies your mind and makes you happier.

    4. Sunshine. Taking in sunshine helps you sleep, learn, memorize clearer, concentrate better, & decrease levels of pain in our bodies. Amazing.

    5. Temperance. Find a balance in your life that can set you up above the average. Introduce habits & behaviors to help mental health performance. Don't smoke tobacco or drink alcohol, nothing good comes from it. Avoid coffee because it increases symptoms of depression & anxiety. Learn to abstain from harmful things.

    6. Air. Spend time outdoors and let nature do what it was intended to do.

    7. Rest. Getting at least 8 hrs of sleep gives mental clarity, helps you memorize & remember things clearer,enhances creativity, & to think objectively and analytically.

    8. Trust. Keep your family/people you love close & invest in your relationships. Spend a good amount of time with like minded people. Trust in something that gives you a sense of purpose (God, The Universe, Etc.).

    Pick 3 and focus on improving those aspects of your life. He recommends Nutrition, Rest, & Trust.
    Did this on 3.5 edibles. lol

  8. I can tell you probiotics are not needed. Bio means life. life is good. fruits have biophotons. we don't need probiotics. its not that bad just unnecessary. the bacteria is in balance already on fruit based vegan diet (include some cooked sweet potatos, red peppers) avoid spices, garlic things that harm bacteria.

  9. Right, but how exactly do I start feeling the motivation to start doing all this? Most people know this, but most people don't feel the motivation to do any of this

  10. • Be the best you that you can be. Just be yourself. You are special. There is only one you like you.

    • The Word of God says those who call on The Name of The Lord shall be saved. I encourage you to buy a one subject notebook and write over and over on the pages: The Name of Jesus. And God will do something amazing in your life. Unexplainable peace will come into your life. The Word of God promises you peace which surpasseth all understanding.

    • You have to read the instruction to put things together. When you read the instructions The Word of God puts you together. Read The Word of God. The Word of God is your instruction manual to life.

    • Forgiveness is not mainly for the other person, but for you. Forgiveness is for you so that you can move on to better things and feel better and be better. Rise above it. Be the better person.

  11. Like being Christian and hanging with other Christians, what he’s talking about, in the trust category 14 times longer life, 7×2

  12. This book has done wonders for managing stress and my physical health too. It explains the best way to breathe and ways to use breathing practises to improve physical and mental health. A very useful book. It's called The Full Breath by James Francis

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