Workplace Mental Health – all you need to know (for now) | Tom Oxley | TEDxNorwichED

Is Mental Health important​ in the workplace? Tom explores all things related to workplace mental health, including mental health in school workplaces, in this insightful video. Tom helps employers figure out mental health at work. He reviews workplaces, trains managers and writes plans.
Since 2012 he has interviewed more than 130 people, surveyed thousands and worked across the UK with corporations, civil service, charities, the public sector, schools and small business. Tom has worked with national mental health charities Mind and Time to Change and consults widely across the UK. He lives in Norfolk and is mildly obsessed with cricket and camping.

He runs Bamboo Mental Health, an organisation dedicated to improving how employers support their people on mental health. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


  1. I work in a place where sarcasm is the universal language. As someone who doesn't speak sarcasm, (thank God) it becomes an extremely stressful, toxic environment. As an empathic person the "comedic jabs" hurt me more than the person who was the intended target of the comment. I'm having to leave a job and supervisor I love because I get a panic attack dealing with my coworkers and leads when the supervisor isn't around.

  2. Thank you so much, I desired to be a perfect manager in my workplace. But still learning when to shut up, and when to speak.❤

  3. Communicating your mental health to your employer isn’t a field of flowers that you skip through to a solution. Telus Health pitches themselves to employers by the amount of data they can process about an employee (quizzes that the employee takes as part of free online Telus health support, or fills out at a workshop or their medical records if you sign off on that- Telus will get them, data from your phone, etc. Then they identify whose health is at risk and report it to the employer. You can’t get a report, you are the data “subject”. The employer is the customer and owner of your data. Telus can them suggest support for you, and REPORT to your employer if you do not follow the recommendations. Let’s say things get worse and you need to take off work. The employer already had data that they tried to help you but YOU didn’t come through, to support firing you. Telus has another service that can offer up a new PRE SCREENED employee who has to consent to a bunch of invasive Telus health stuff to make sure they won’t cost the company money any time soon, like that employee who took off work for a heart condition but didn’t follow the low salt diet, or the one who was a recovering alcoholic and got injured at work in an unrelated incident. Maybe they fell off the wagon and the company isn’t liable.. The quizzes on the Telus Health app my employer sent out, right off the bat, were about your personal finances, your personal life and stress levels, your use of substances, your eating habits. It’s a drag net of anything they can use to become big brother in aspects of your life that have nothing to do with work, and its fundamental goal is NOT your well being.
    In an organization big enough to have an HR department, people should assume that anything personal or that may negatively affect their job performance can and will be used against them the moment it saves the company any money to do so.

  4. What this guy doesn't get is your bosses don't give af what's going on with you. They have their own problems or have their own responsibilities to worry about.

  5. My family and I need the cash, so I cant leave. I am so tired of this whole thing. I am also so ashamed of feeling this way. And this is why I have been anxious, stressed, depressed because of all this. I get in, clench my fists, hold my breath, and leave at exactly when I need to leave.

  6. What me must now all thing about – we no longer have a "career", we have short/medium term "tours of duty". Never forget that our "employers" fundamentally do not care about you. Anything they say about "your health" is their risk mitigation

  7. I hate my current job. And the previous job that I loved, my employer was abusive to the point he ruined my mental health which led me to quitting. Where do you go from here? What is the solution?

  8. My job has taken a mental toll on me really bad. I found myself working all day without breaks and on the weekends and it seriously got me to a breaking point.
    When i started not enjoying the weekends with my family, couldnt concentrate on things I love because work was always on my mind, i hit that tipping point. I said to myself you live life only once, turn work off on the weekends and enjoy the time you have. It's harder said than done, but i stuck to it. Money isnt worth degrading your health, your hobbies, and more than all your family.

  9. i got a theory that bad job makes you aggressive then as if you didnt had the job in the first place
    cause imagine working for 12 hours every day and your purpose in life is work and sleep and it would make anyone want to nuke humanity

  10. I too feel stressed at my job. I’ve worked very hard to get where I am at my job. But yet the lack of discipline for others not doing their job is killing me. I always have disliked the person at work who acts like a “boss” when they’re really not. But now I feel like I’m becoming one of those. Today I was so stressed because before I left work I had to help out the next shift. One of the other people don’t help out like they should. I overstepped and started giving them tasks to do and obviously she was becoming irritated with me. But in order for me to leave on time they have to be set up in time. My bosses don’t really do much to help this situation although I have said many times that I feel like this certain person isn’t helping. I feel bad for being that person telling others what to do. I hate it! But I don’t know what to do. It’s ruining the relationships with my coworkers but I don’t want to be constantly behind anymore because people aren’t doing their job.

  11. Your employer don’t care about your mental health. Like our company, they create environment of great stress and then they hire and pay for company shrink, only so they feel absolved from the blame of inflicting mental distress. It’s like saying: I will make you sick, but I pay for the doctor, so you should think I am a good person. It’s perversely sick. 🤢

  12. Too many managers and corporations just throw around the words 'mental health' and act as they care but its far from sincere and total rubbish. Lack of sincerity is the next obsicle.

  13. dealing with these issues and honestly am getting hopeless. i keep having mental breakdowns at work which are causing me to have to leave early on my shifts.😢it’s like no matter what i do they keep

  14. I am in a so much toxic job that i have call with the manager regarding my last day she asked to dropped an email and after that she is not responding my teams neither my email what i do 😢

  15. Your work place is deathly afraid of workers compensation or any claim
    They will abuse you and do everything in their power to make the abuse your own fault
    When in reality you held on as long as you could expecting your efforts to be appreciated
    They are not
    Do not by any means put the needs of work in front of your own

  16. Using Telepathy and developing your psychic abilities, but also your capacity to fight and delete your blockages can be a great way for your Mental Health too…

  17. What he says is correct but I don't think it will ever change

    In the corporate world it's about deadlines / profits and blaming other people and nothing else.

    They just aren't receptive to these things that's why it's normally narcissistic people who are managers or in higher up positions.

    How to change that I don't think you can.

    l only noticed it as I got older and it's everywhere.

  18. Im here because my manager is an a** hole two staff were absent and i was made to do my own work plus their work without delegating duty to other staffs when i told my coworkers to help they made faces at me like another bunch of a**holes

  19. watching this because i had a mental breakdown this morning and called out of work and i can’t stop beating myself up about the fact that i’m a failure and can’t get myself to do the simple tasks that people do in every day life 🙃

  20. Everyone acts in their own self-interest and people only care about you insofar as your ability to help them get what they want. You can't re-write the basic rules of human nature just because it's uncomfortable or you wish things were different.

  21. Starting to work it all out – I don’t like my job and I feel obliged to go. I will make an exit plan from now. One job is not worth impacting every other part of your life.

  22. a while ago i put up my resignation.
    administration had been bullying me since last 2 years.
    i suffered from stress, anxiety, depression. first it affected my Mental Health and then it started affecting my physical health. so i resigned. health is more precious than monney.
    if u see red flag or minor sign "in niddle of night waking up n thinking abt work-place" thats exactly a time to quit.
    managers are biggest manipulators and harrassers at work-place.

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