Setting Goals » CBT Behavioral Activation #CounselingSkills #Counseling #MentalHealth #Wellness

Hello July ☼

▷ Since we are already three days into July; Here are some thoughts to reflect on…

What does a live worth living mean to you?

The idea of behavioral activation originates from cognitive behavior therapy principles (CBT), which states that our mood & quality of life can be improved by aligning our behaviors with things that we find enjoyable or important to us.

I encourage you to engage in some self-reflection & explore what values, pleasures, & mastery activities make your life worth living?

▷ “Values” are the things we find meaningful & important in life.

▷ “Pleasure” includes activities & hobbies that bring us joy.

▷ “Mastery” includes activities that involve the development of skills & a sense of achievement.

▷ “Goals” outline steps for us to experience more pleasure, mastery, & value-driven behaviors.

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