God’s #1 Remedy For Depression and Anxiety | Pastor Gregory Dickow

God can heal us of depression, mental illness, sickness, and anxiety through one thing!

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Fast From Wrong Thinking 2021:

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  1. Yeah, they focused on not even knowing the difference between good and evil. They were so ignorant they didn’t even know that they were naked so it’s a good thing that they paid attention to that or we would be in a world of mess right now I’m not knowing good from evil and not even knowing if you’re naked or not, the serpent was good. That GOD is the demiurge.

  2. My thoughts to use drugs again are daily because of depression and unable to feel pleasure. Why does God take SO LONG?!?
    I lost a lot and regret and disappointment in my bad decisions keeps me down. Wish there was a quick magic pill remedy

  3. Cast out the spirit of depression, anxiouty, fear and hopelessness.
    God has good plans for us. Fear not because he is with us. Lord give us new confidence and revive us through your word.

  4. Ok that is PSYCHOPHOBIC BULLSHIT advice to give to someone who has A MENTAL CONDITION called depression that literally SUCKS the life out of you. I pray, I try to just even be able to think, to be able to talk, to drink. That is also a battle. Don't treat depression like a cold please

  5. I sort of agree… I mean yes! ALWAYS be grateful to God, no matter the circumstances. But thts also easier said than done; we live in a fallen world where it can take a toll on you emotionally. And the confusion of life and trying to figure out how to deal w it all (w the LORD’S help, of course.. but it doesnt the change the fact tht we still are going to experience hardships and feelings tht result from it in the flesh).. I say that to say this: while yes turning your life to Christ and being grateful is a huge factor in finding true happiness.. it doesn’t mean it’s always gonna be smooth sailing and free from the challenges in life! God will always work in your favor, but you may not always like the process. His ways are higher and better, no doubt! Eventually you understand why, but it might take a lil while to get to tht place. I just don’t want ppl who are walking w Jesus, esp new believers, to get it twisted! A lot of ppl think if they obey God and read the Bible and pray, do HIS work when he calls, you get it.. tht God will not let you go thru pain and suffering.. nonono! The storms don’t become mild.. actually, sometimes, they are more crazy. HES always there to help you get thru it (as he promised to never forsake us), but it’s just as painful experiencing it tho.. you just have to set out time for HIM everyday and obey HIM when HE is calling you.. and get closer to HIM in order to know wht tht is when he’s doing so.. it’ll be so rewarding and the best choice you could ever make, but let’s be real. It’s not rainbows and sunshine from there, so don’t let your circumstances discourage you growing in your faith.. there’s mountains and valleys and deserts and storms of all kinds, but our HEAVENLY FATHER is the creator of the universe and all is in HIS hands.. HE never changes and will always come thru.. just not in our timing or on our understanding. Thts why you also need faith, not just gratitude. Bc life can still get you down! We may not always like wht happens and thts okay. God never said you can’t be upset/angry w HIM.. just BE RESPECTFUL and know HE has a plan evn when it doesn’t seem so.. HES light years ahead and we can’t always comprehend where it’s going but at least I know who holds my hand.. expect the worst but hope for the best, trust in the LORD

  6. 一大堆人聯合起來攻擊我,
    詩篇:109:27 使他們知道這是你的手,是你耶和華所行的事。

  7. Some things just need a miracle – for example depression. If you tried all things and feel you haven't progresssed one inch then maybe it's time to go to God and ask Him for help. Don't try to understand it.. God can still set you free even without your understanding. Seek God diligently and some thing will happen! Also try fasting
    .. just draw near to God. Submit to Him..He will do what you can't do yourself.

  8. Please pray for me, my name is Serli and I have been struggling with severe depression, anxiety and ptsd. Every day feels like I am losing myself more and more.

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