Are People Becoming More Narcissistic? @TheDiaryOfACEO

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  1. I find myself disagreeing with Dr. K this time.

    A society based on extrinsic value has been a problem for millennia, and social network have only expanded the community. Not the narcissistic tendencies.

    Social media are a double-cut blade, guilty of showing a fake reality and fake expectations, but with the merit of exposing and raising awareness about mental health, including those who cannot afford it.

    Else said: it enforces the narcissistic tendencies that were already there. It empowers a choice of healing that was already there. And, in mental health as well as in many other media, it creates more division.

  2. This is why i stay away from social media. I use youtube and discord and at best do discord for video games. I dont want to end up being wiers to people.

  3. I feel like people need narcissism nowadays more than ever before, something to solidify them to natural existence, attention on you and you alone. Atleast for a minute

  4. I don’t think people are becoming more narcissistic. We’re just becoming more aware of narcissism. Just look at history. Narcissism has always been with us.

  5. I've noticed myself having more narcissistic traits to the point where I have to ask people like my coworkers that I see on a near daily basis if they struggle with me in that regard. It's a serious problem even on an individual level as well as the rest of society

  6. I think the way he's talking about self-esteem and narcissism is short sighted. Insecurity is the real problem, and learning to love yourself (narcissism) is an important tool to fall in love with yourself. That doesn't mean you need other people to tell you they love you, but you need to find what about you makes you fall in love with yourself. There is so much online media and content to compare yourself to, and there are plenty much better than you online and others way worse off than you. So, once you've learned to love yourself a bit, then you need to put the media down and go out to talk to real people, without the media "bridging" any interactions, and just be in-person humans. Then rinse and repeat. Build up yourself by finding out who you want to be online (online persona equivelant) and then go experience how you really are in the real world. Trust me, it works.

  7. This is just a long winded way to give the advice "Just be more confident" and i love it.

    But seriously though, there isn't really a line betwen inside and outside. Shit doesnt exist dawg

  8. Without a doubt. We're seeing each other as numbers on social media. Empathy is gone nowadays and it blows my mind how people say the cruelest stuff to each other unwarranted. I feel like there was shame before, so people didn't say these things to each other in decades past. People don't have any shame anymore to say the things they do. I'm glad I left twitter two years ago, even though life is a bit more disconnected and lonely for me.

  9. I’ve known for a while I’m a narcissist it’s not diagnosed but it’s pretty damn obvious and I have no idea how to fix it, so far I’ve just been telling my friends to call me out on any narcissistic behavior and I think that’s been working.

  10. Could the affects of social media further cause women, more than men, to become more narcissistic? Due to the appraisal they get more often than men? Also due to the competitiveness of women, in terms of beauty. Which causes insecurity in women who believe they're less attractive, and insecurity in women who believe they're never good enough

  11. No, actually being a lazy pos is still true whether you think about it or not and no amount of cope or self boosting is gonna change one's situation this is the shit physiologist tell you so you keep going to them it's a never ending process to get money

  12. doing research into historical accounts, journals, general works of unedited fiction…
    People are just as narcissistic as they were 100 years ago. It's only today that they get open validation from it, enabling them.

  13. Everyone is becoming more self-centered as a defense mechanism against everyone else being so self-centered. No one wants to get used by someone who only cares about themselves, and everyone is teaching everyone else to "put themselves first," without always explaining what exactly that entails, and most of all, WHEN to actually do it

    This is something that i've been noticing too, and i didnt realize it was a changing trend, i just figured i was growing older and mature enough to actually notice it.

    Social media is making everyone insecure about themselves, and the existing narcissists are just creating more narcissists by making even more insecure, so much so that they need to defend themselves to valid their existence.

    Like my explanation isnt perfect, and some of it is just restating what was already said but in a slightly different way, but this is a really interesting phenomenon that I actually think will lead to even more drastic drops in the population in the near future as relationships become harder and harder to form, and as other remedies become more and more effective and advanced (AI, sex technologies, etc.)

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