Capacity to consent assessment for Persons with Mental illness under Mental Healthcare Act, 2017

Capacity to consent assessment for Persons with Mental illness under Mental Healthcare Act, 2017

Capacity to Consent – Mental capacity refers to the ability of an individual to make one’s own decisions. Decision-making capacity has been described as the “key to autonomy” and an important ingredient of informed consent. Limited or impaired mental capacity embarks on a minefield of ethical and legal issues, which doctors need to be aware of while dealing with a particular patient.

Persons with mental illness may have to take treatment (as prophylaxis to avoid relapse) for many years even after improving from the illness. Now, the main issue arises is how much leverage needs to be given on, “right to autonomy” (mental capacity) with regard to consent for the treatment or admission versus keeping the “larger interest of the society” from dangerousness of the persons with mental illness if he refuses treatment and relapses. There should be some balance between the “individual rights” (autonomy) versus the “safety of the society” (larger interest of the society). In developed countries, right to autonomy has been coupled with the casting of obligation with compulsory community treatment order on patients, who is refusing to take much-needed treatment (prophylaxis) while in the community. In India, the family plays an important role in providing care for persons with mental illness and the community care order will be a boon providing an additional tool for the care giver. The inclusion of compulsory community treatment orders may play a significant role in providing care for the chronically ill patients and also better lives of the family members and care givers while in the community. Hence, there is a need to have a place for community treatment orders in the legislative process.

There are issues related to capacity to make decisions related to mental healthcare and treatment, and this may have serious consequences because. Section 4 of MHCA 2017, capacity to make mental health care and treatment decisions, is flawed and can have dangerous consequences. In a nutshell, this section dictates capacity in relation to the ability of the patient to (a) comprehend the information or (b) assess risk or (c) communicate his/her decision. If he/she has any one of the above components, a PMI can refuse treatment. That means a psychiatrist will only be able to provide treatment for the minority of the PMI, with difficulty. Hence, there is an urgent need for clarification and for a guidance document to be released for the assessment of the mental capacity, and amendments need to occur for the Section 4. The Section 4 needs to be amended by deleting “or” and introducing “and” between 4 a, b, and c

A PMI may refuse treatment due to (a) absent insight, (b) severe symptoms, or (c) his/her symptoms coming in the way of decision-making. Family members usually find it difficult to manage individuals with serious mental illness who have no insight, and usually, such patients refuse admission and treatment. Chapter 2, Section 4, by default, considers everyone to have capacity, and before initiating involuntary treatment, one has to prove that a PMI lacks capacity. In such context, act gives a provision to treat the patients through a valid advance directive (AD) or in its absence, a NR. Where there is no AD or NR appointed by a person, the law assumes relative or caregiver as NR for the admission and treatment-related decision.

MHCA of 2017 focuses mainly on the human rights of PMI. It is prudent for the lawmaker to account for the culture of the land, newer scientific developments in the mental health field, analyze the met-unmet needs of the patients and families, and make provisions to bridge the treatment gap. There is also a need to make provisions to enhance the resources and skill building among professionals/workers in the field of mental health, to provide comprehensive healthcare services, to promote mental health and well-being, and to make provisions for adequate financial support/budget (for plan and nonplan expenditures).

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  1. Thankyou listening and hearing what information that you have provided has led me on the right track and a huge sigh of relief just knowing and been informed can save lives and your seminar was very beneficial in ways that i have been anchored out of a deep hole. nga mihi kia koe from Aotearoa New Zealand.

  2. Amazing guy and very caring and mindful all showed in his videos i was really grateful to learn of the knowledge prof Suresh Bada Math has shared with the world .

  3. I'm a 35 year old now and have no mental illness. I am an engineering graduate with good grades in school and university. I found a job in a bank as an assistant manager in a reputed private bank with a government payscale in 2011.

    I achieved all this grewing up in narcissistic dysfunctional family.
    My father right from my conception says I'm not his biological son suspecting my mom. My mom denies it and refused to support me as a mother using the victim hood of the suspect of my father.

    After taking abuse after abuse at home for 21 years completing graduation, I clearly told my parents stop complaining about each other to me by
    either file divorce, or
    Go for dna test or
    Give me seperation

    They refused everything and told we must live like this. Then I started seeking help by telling story to relative, friends and father's colleague.

    Then they both together started provoking everyday and started spreading lies I am mentally unstable and there is no problem at home to hide. This happened for a month, and my father spreading lies I m asking property and my mom saying I mentally unstable agressive beating her. I was not aware of what was going on my back.

    Then they went to psychiatrist and told him there is no problem at home. They are loving dedicated parents loving me and made me school topper and I scored only 75% due to mental issues in graduation.
    Now suddenly agressive as he is not knowing what to in future as he didnot get job. Also they told he is agressive thinking we are harmful to him because father suspected her in intial stage of marriage. But today he is not so they are ideal couples and ideal loving parents and hence boy is delusional

    Real scenario I refused software job in campus interview as they refused hard ware department and I was working as part time lecturer in government polytechnic , for which I don't have papers and I was writing government exams. Then got a job in bank as officer in 2011. But was in fear to join. Later hearing story wanted to help,

    Because I wanted to seperate them and live independent, if not allowed is exposing family dysfunctional secrets, they made a prescription bribing doctor I m taking treatment of pills for mental illness. I was never presented or examined by doctor.

    Then they started threatening me like they will lock me in mental hospital if I don't obey them. When I went to job they came to work place and spread lies I m mentally unstable and missing. Every one laughed at me and started to revictimizing me and hence I left job and never worked again.

    Fighting ten years with help of relative I got affidavit from mother that I was never presented or examined by any psychiatrist.

    When I went to psychatrist to document abuse of my parents and life threating situation they want my parents to confess their mistake or asking me to do assessment to prove I m stable.

    When I went to lawyer they said that prescription is illegal , none can call me mad.

    Doctor I feel insecured to live because the doctormes whom I visited to document the abuse when my mom herself gave affidavit for her mistake, asks me to run away and live in fear or prove am stable.

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