1. You know out there in the world somebody loves you if you were even considering ending it all please don’t, find help first whatever it is just don’t do that no matter how bad it gets

  2. bullshit fucking gold digger its pointless if women were never a thing the world be happier but moms would stay but it would be happier suicides would go down payments cheating most of it would be gone it would all be guys living the best life they ever could bc theu wouldnt have to deal with bs

  3. ​ she doesnt go to a real church on sunday, wasnt raised to play baseball. that right there is just gross to watch, and proves she doesnt bring anything to the table. having a job that makes more then your man, means nothing, haveing options and likes? and a personality? from the devil knows where!? is also absolutely nothing. shes not out saving the dna! and genetics! and having kids with autistic? or cerebral Pasley people? right? if she doesnt believe in god!? not helping! out the future! of humans! and the importance of dna!.. shes doing absolutely nothing in life!, she would have had a better argument saying men should go date 13 year olds… who are "equal" to her!????? if your not brain dead like her, your not okay? and she doesnt like you? its kind of like a 3rd world country, kid or parent, nothing they say or do or think really matters, or effects anyone or musters up of anything important. basically nothing you said matters, because if lifes not about baseball and church, then she should be finding people with autism and having there kids to continue the importance of dna, " loyalty, nurturing, respect, caring, friendliness " is a complete joke to consider when some one with disabilities can barely communicate. im watching someones likes? who they would like to have kids with? someone posted this content not having any logic or reason or emotion or self-identifying reflective anything. Then driving the car that pollutes to work everyday.

  4. If you want to cheat it’s not just “you ain’t marrying him”, it’s “this relationship will not last because I do not desire it’s continuation, and the best move would be to respectfully break things off before pursuing anything else”. Cheating is not okay, it’s a cowards way of trying to have everything at once with no regards to the feelings of those closest to you

  5. We know some morals are lacked but we don’t have to confirm it by asking random strangers questions. In my younger days we called it a social experiment. Now days it’s the greatest self-exposure. 🤦🏾‍♂️

  6. Yeah, they’ll say they’ll cheat for $100 but when they ask you the same question and you say you’ll cheat for $100 they’ll be all over you saying how bad of a person you are

  7. There is a good reason why i fear dating : )

    I don’t wanna experience the pain of a breakup or cheating.

    I wanna say is rather live alone for the rest of my life cause then I will never have to experience that horrible pain but….

    That just feels wrong….

    For how long I really can handle this that I don’t know.

  8. Well yes come on she won't get married to him, if she cheats on her boyfriend with 5 men a day she will become richer and obviously she will become Batman's new secret base but they are small details

  9. If you don't wanna marry him and he thinks the relationship is serious then please break up with him, don't waste his time and ruin his life

  10. So there’s women who actually like me I didn’t think that exist it’s not like I’m gonna see anybody like that, though the more you know

  11. My Life As a Teenager is Almost getting to That…
    i just want prayers and motivation.
    Im just feeling down. And people mock and unmotivate me.

    It feels like i wanna do something drastic…which i dont want to but felt to…

    all i want is peace and be a good human being like i am. i treat everyone nice they treat me horribly.

    It aint fair.

  12. When I’m grown I would never cheat for any amount of money even if I needed it but it probably wouldn’t be cheating cause I probably would be completely alone and ugly and fat and stupid and poor and a loser cause I suck so bad and I don’t think that will ever change cause I’m a piece of shit and nothing more like always

  13. $100 is nothing for me but for her it is because all she does is hang out with her friends while I’m over here working my ass off before I even have my license it’s sad how lazy my generation is

  14. If your partner in a relation ship is worth less than a hundred dollars why are you still playing along. its a waste of time for that person, and the more they bond with you the more you will break them and that is just loss of dignity. sad reality tho.

  15. 100$ is worth much less then a broken heart because now you’ve ruined someone else’s heart well yours is still full. So don’t try to break something that is hard to fix. Try to make it stronger than it was before

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