Sadhguru explains how our mental wellbeing and the health of soil we walk on are inextricably linked


  1. I don't know about soil but I know from personal experience that diet has a huge effect on how you are gonna be feeling.

    The better your diet the more fun life becomes. My diet isn't ultra healthy but it's a million times better than it used to be

  2. Весь ужас того, что лежит в основе, практически, всех нынешних проблем, наконец-то доходит до сознания – и это уже огромный результат усилий Садхгуру! Вот та Проблема №1, равно значимая для всех людей планеты, которая не решается без консолидации всех конструктивных сил всего человеческого сообщества.

  3. High time to SaveSoil! 🌱
    With mental and physical health disorders rising in the world, it is imminent to take action now!!
    Cant imagine what will happen to the next generation if this doesn't get resolved!! 😰

  4. You're right Sadhguruji! But we must stop using chemical fertilizers and replace them with natural ones; like cow dung, horse dung, and other materials unknown to me at present. We must plant "Heritage Seeds" not GMO or other anti-natural substitutes. Peace and Blessings! Namasté! 🕉️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🕉️❤️❤️❤️💐🕉️

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