Canada seeks to delay euthanasia for people with mental illness – BBC Newsnight

How much freedom governments give for people to end their own lives is a debate in the UK that won’t go away. In December, the health and social care committee announced another review into euthanasia policy in England and Wales.

Many of those engaged in the debate have increasingly looked with interest at events in Canada, whose government has been moving towards introducing some of the least restrictive laws in the world, with plans to broaden the remit of those who can end their lives to those whose sole medical condition is mental illness.

Those plans have now been delayed for at least a year amid significant controversy. So what does Canada’s faltering liberalisation on the issue tell us about the potential limits of assisted dying, and how might it inform the debate in Britain?

Newsnight’s Science and Technology Correspondent Kate Lamble reports.

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  1. What the fuck? I’ve been in favor of assisted suicide for as long as I remember but I’ve never even considered that it would be an option for people with mental illness. That is criminal.


  3. What’s crazy is, people that don’t wanna live that don’t want to suffer in this world shouldn’t have to if they don’t want to who is everybody else to tell them they have to find a way to pay their bills feed themselves and live their life when they are that fed up? Really what is with these people? they think “ NO YOU’RE GONNA LIVE. YOU’RE GONNA SUFFER AND YOU’RE GONNA MAKE SURE THERE’S TAXES ARE PAID!!!” Your job is to sit here and suffer on this planet for at least 70 years and pay these taxes!! Really like who are these people and why are they forcing other people to live? They don’t want to? Do they think they can help them? When you’re fed up, you don’t want anymore.! Help doesn’t come in a form of other people living your life for you. They just think they can help you to strip their ego and then once they think you’re cured they move onto the next person and leave you there to live your shitty life

  4. Have you seen the Fox News article about a depressed Dutch lady, age 28, with depression asking to be euthanized! Doctors told her that she will never get better and nothing they can do! Geez, wish carnivore community could contact her and say go carnivore, that will work! Her name is Zoraya ter Beek! Wishing someone would tell her carnivore cures that!!! Would be an epic story saving someone else with depression!

  5. So basically if you cannot afford to live the Govt will help you die. You Guy need to revolt, your Govt does not have your interest at heart, I suspect they are only looking at the bottom line.

  6. Canadas decision to end as many of their citizens as lives as possible, for profit and fun, will be seen as bad as the Holocaust one day. Trudeau may as well be a Nazi.

  7. The drug administered kills you by drowning your lungs as your body is paralysed. Can take up to 24 hours. Imagine being waterboarded to death, unable to scream for 24 hours. This is Canada's 'compassionate care'.

  8. Governments should not have the power to interfere with a family and their loved ones choice to end their own life. Leave it to context and family and not the law. "Comitting" suicide should not be a thing

  9. Death isn't the end, we are spirit beings. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Ask Him, and He'll help you with that mental illness.

  10. Brilliant strategy by the communist government make life unbearable, give them pharmaceutical drugs to cripple them make healthcare expensive, then offer a benevolent way out via deletion all while bring in complaint immigrants for cheap labor.

  11. This is why religion should not be mixed with politics. Not all of us believe the same as you. We don't get to choose the brain we are born with. We should have the personal choice to silence the brain. If you don't live with severe mental illness. You need to sit down and be quit. You are the selfish one if you want a love one to live in agony.

    Yes I do live it.
    Yes. I've lost love ones too suicide. Their deaths where bloody. Messing. And traumatic. They could have had other options. Btt the countries that DO allow it. Most people don't go through with it as the time gets closer.

  12. I wish they had this in the US. I am tired of suffering and of being expensive. I can see that all roads lead to me meeting a violent end and I don’t want that. I wish people understood how much it means to be able to die with some semblance of peace. I don’t want my family to have a mangled body to deal with. I don’t want them to have to find me. For me i have tried for years and every combo of pills, tms, ketamine therapy, ect, therapy of all kinds, hospitalizations just absolutely everything. When is it enough to finally say It’s not going to get better, when do I get to chose what I do with my life.

  13. This is evil at its finest. Life and time is the most valuable thing that we have. There’s always some activist or social Justice fighter making a name for themself-seeking fame. At the expense of others. Euthanasia should be abolished., condemned.

    I’ve watched some of the documentaries. They use words like: new journey, proper medical care, available to all, disabled rights, mental health rights. Just to make you think you’re being cheated out of something. At the end of it all that person who helped sway you over the edge is just going to keep going on to the next person, and the next person and so on.

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