“They’re Too Young to Notice” #wait

Children are highly perceptive of their emotional surroundings and can be deeply affected by the emotions and behaviors of those around them. Even at a young age, they are sensitive to tension, conflict, and negative emotions such as anger or sadness. When exposed to frequent arguments or a negative emotional environment, children often react, even if they don’t fully understand what is happening. They might exhibit signs of stress, anxiety, or behavioral changes, as they absorb the emotional tone in their surroundings.

Negative emotions and ongoing conflicts can impact their emotional development, potentially leading to issues with self-esteem, difficulty regulating their own emotions, or trouble forming secure relationships later in life. Inconsistent or hostile environments can also disrupt a child’s sense of safety, which is crucial for healthy emotional growth. Children thrive in emotionally supportive and stable settings, where they feel secure, valued, and understood. Being mindful of this sensitivity is important for nurturing their well-being and overall development.

#children #development


  1. It’s survival. Don’t got time to do pointless shit and it’s not worth being distracted at the risk of getting hurt.

    Lovely experiments. Wish more parents paid attention.

    This kind of environment has pros and cons.

  2. The only problem I have with things like this being brought up randomly through shorts is that it has no context and this is something people can project their own biases on to what the "moral of the story" is essentially.

    And most people are more anti-conflict than they are anti-abuse.

    The actual best takeaway from this isn't that you should never be negative around children, it's that you should cut out unnecessary negativity.

    You shouldn't stay and take the abuse or never fight back, rather you should try your best to make the first time the LAST time.

    This is NOT anti-adults having emotions or expressing themselves, this is anti-abusive atmospheres where there's an unnecessary undertone of violence and aggression.

    You can have healthy conflict and you should infact display that for your child from a young age so that they know that conflict doesn't have to be a bad or violent thing.

    People can disagree and talk it out peacefully.

    Your child will have more confidence if they're given a good example to follow.

    But they will also adversely have less if given a bad one.

    Which can cause them to continue the cycle of violence as either a victim or an abuser, or BOTH even.

    Edit: I will say also that you should set an example of resilience as well.

    Them seeing you stand up for yourself as their parent(s), regardless of gender or situation, will show them that they can handle that as well as how to.

  3. Emotional maturity requires social groups to reflect and grow with. People who are emotionally immature or raised by those who are, will be ostracized and isolated. So they often don't have a way of really knowing they are emotionally immature. Yet they will find ways to become parents (you only have to fool one person).

  4. ugh I can relate, I cannot stand hearing people argue or fight even if it doesn't involve me at all, just sends off my fight or flight response every time

  5. I've always felt that couples who "stay together for the kids" are doing more harm to the kids in the long run. While kids may not understand things the way adults do, they absolutely pick up on the negativity, arguing, etc. They are definitely able to recognise that mam and dad aren't happy. The same applies to those couples who have custody battles or when one parent uses the kids against the other parent. So many adults get wrapped up in their own arguments and often petty squabbles that they forget about the effect it has on the children, who often end up repeating the cycle when they grow up.

  6. I used to hide in small spaces when my guardians were fighting when I was young. Its a habit I still have to this day. When somebody is arguing in front of me I tend to try to make myself small and unnoticeable.

  7. There's a reason I've chosen not to be a parent… My temper gets away from me, and I never want to let a child suffer because of me…

  8. Lol, as if you knew that you are immature when having a child, since you are immature you don't realize it. Moreover, you are very often likely to remain immature all your life. I like the explanation of this experiment but please ditch the "lesson teaching"…

  9. I pick up every emotions around me and I hate when people are fighting or bullying someone. That's the reason I don't want to work with people anymore, although I'm good at it.

  10. Sex is fun and babies happen. Sadly this doesn't result in those who had the fun being better people. They just keep trying to have fun and treat the kid like a burden.

    Grew up around a lot of those types. Sex was fun and then babies happened. They got $ from the government and sometimes the father but the kids just sort of raised themselves.

    Very very sad.

    You can't reach people who are too far gone.

  11. My parents did 10x worse things my whole life and they think its normal behaviour. Used to get terrorized psychologically getting woke up by drunk people every night as a child to fight with fists against grown ups. As a 10 year old……. yeah right normal behaviour not even 4000 years ago was that considered normal

  12. Everyone's talking about how they're withdrawn & cautious, but not about the aggression.
    I am so irritable, and it's worse when I'm on my monthly. If someone says one thing out of turn, I start yelling or calling names.
    It happens to whoever gets close enough to me, and it's how it's so hard for me to keep a relationship.

    My flight or fight response is always fight, though "fight" can just be verbal, people don't understand that.

  13. That’s it is why children are not part of the plans. I argue and fight a lot of so, I will not be a good example of a mother. I don’t have patients to deal with others. I love science.

  14. This feels like a messed up experiment?? Like mhm yes this is very valuable information but like. .. I'm pretty sure we had evidence of this without having to do this to an innocent kid.

  15. That's me. I hate it… and I hate how my niece will grow up the same. I get aggressive defensive easily, because that's how my parents reacted all the time arguing over the smallest thing. My mom accidentally spilled something, my dad yelled at her. My niece spills something, the tone gets aggressive, even if my parents are at fault because why put the water so damn near her, she's 2 what do you expect. It's just horrible and I see the same reaction in her.

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