Bipolar Disorder Homeopathic Treatment | Depression & Maniac – Dr. Surekha Tiwari | Doctors’ Circle

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Dr. Surekha Tiwari |Phone 📞 : 088843 68700 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Homeopathic Consultant & Psychological Counsellor | Homeopathic Clinic AECS Layout , Bangalore, India
Bipolar disorders. Bipolar disorders as the name suggests it’s a depiction of two extreme behaviors in the same patient who is going through this. On one end of the spectrum is almost manic disorder and the other end of the spectrum is depression. Now if we look at the person in this manic phase there will be extreme amount of energy. You do not understand where the energy is coming into this person. The subject does not sleep, does not want to sleep at all, is very unrest less, is pacing around in the house all the time, keeps on eating and once its get into the process of eating keeps on eating. If he is exercising, you will keep seeing him exercising like absolutely nobody’s business and then would come the phase where depression comes in and this patient does not want to move. The same person who was so energetic may be a few hours before, may be a few days before suddenly goes into a phase where he doesn’t want to do the daily chores. Bathing is a big deal, eating food, getting up, talking to anybody, meeting people, having to do anything of this daily routine feels like a mammoth task. Bipolar disorder patients are very very difficult to identify in the beginning because we do not understand the extremes happening in the same person and that is why in a lot of disorders it gets very delayed and people of the family or those who are the immediate affected are very much confused to begin with and eventually they feel very helpless. I would like to tell all of you that please believe me there are lots and lots of things and methods and medicines which can help you. First of all the red flags in bipolar behaviors should be reasoned when you find that these episodes they take an extreme form to the extend that in the manic phase there will be abuse, there will be verbal abuse, there will be physical abuse, there will be absolutely no reasonableness or no logic to explain or stop their behavior. Then you find that same person again no logic, no reasoning gets to do things. Once you see this in any child or any adult then you must think about consulting a doctor. Talking to them before you take the patient in person so that you observe and you are able to narrate better what kind of behavior is happening. Number 2 in all these cases I have always seen that a little degree of psychoeducation given to the attendant and the family helps us greatly. Once you understand what is happening to the patient you start understanding the triggers which will bring on the mood and before the mood sets in A- you can protect yourself, insulate yourself B- you can definitely make sure that the medicines are given in place. The third thing is a routine. In a bipolar disorder patient if a routine is set that this is the time for breakfast, this is a time for bathing, this is a time for a little bit of pooja sitting down. It gives a structure to that otherwise erratic lifestyle and those routine can be adhered to even when they have the lucid intervals. See this is the term I use where they may not be maniac they may not be depressed, they appear just like absolutely normal individuals. And in homeopathy there are beautiful medicines to deal with this condition. There is a group of medicines in homeopathy which is known as bachflower remedies which are useful for emotional disorders and we have homeopathic medication like anacardium, like merc sol which work wonders in this kind of mercurial temperament which you see. But like any other disorder we can have a kidney problem, we can have a liver problem. Please understand it is as good as an organic problem of the brain and we can definitely deal with it in homeopathy.


  1. I am suffering from Bipolar disorder since 1970 years. Again I am suffering from Paralysis which doctors information that I was incurable disease. Today I knew Homeopathy Treatment will cured completely. Hence, I request to the Homeopathic Doctor who cure my disease.

  2. Hello Dr….My brother is having bipolar disorder…. He is taking some allopathic medication and bach flower Medicine but he is not taking anac…. We are from Malaysia, can you send the medicine through courier, if i get online consultation wif you.

  3. Hello ma'am, my father is suffering from bipolar disorder, he is treated by allopathy medicines from more then 3 years. He has no routine and it is very hard to make him regular. Is there any institute where he can be assisted to develop his routine and lifestyle nd help him come out of deugs.

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