Michigan kids in mental crisis still wait weeks in ERs. Lansing’s in no rush to stop it.

For 23 days, 7-year-old Manny Griffith has languished in a small room just off the ER at Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit.


  1. That’s insane. In Georgia, they got my child into a children’s behavioral hospital within 24 hours. It was in the next state, but she was admitted. Not cool!❤❤❤😢

  2. Manny's mother is one of the most compassionate people I have ever seen….It makes me very angry when woman drink when pregnant..I hope that woman was held accountable to the highest degree for what she did to that poor child.. Even though I'm sure she was messed up in her own mind.

  3. I mean, our government is making 10 year Olds carry a rapist's baby to term, so. I don't think any government has actually cared about minors lol


  5. Right
    Prison system take distorted
    Millons of people
    Build and build and build
    Housing and feeding clothing aminities council teach skills and
    What is the delay
    When it's children
    SO many need help
    Not sure why

  6. As someone who has gone to the hospital because of mental health issues I was sitting in the hospital waiting to finally get some treatment and remind you I couldn't take a shower for about 5 days and I was in there for almost 2 weeks. The doctor looked at my cuts and said it's not that bad and so did the other doctor. Everyone thought I just wanted to get attention or go to the psych ward for fun when all I wanted was to be heard. This is the shit I talk about all the time. It's all about money. My uncle had to beg my mom and stepdad not to take me. If people wanted to help us, they would. I was so young and told my cuts werent “that bad“ by a doctor. Which caused me to think they werent good enough. I'm sorry if I vented too much but I wanted to tell you the shit that happened to me. I never got into a psych ward thank god. But when a child comes in wanting to end their lives it's just for attention. I was in the 6th grade. Do better.

  7. As a previous patient at hawthorn and many psych wards for 9 years. You’re so much better leaving your kids at home with on you. Get them a trained behavioral therapist not a social worker or talk therapist. Look up DBT, more effective than CBT. The psych wards will make your kids worse. Trust me. A lot of the kids there come from abusive homes or foster care and are safer at the hospitals than at home.

  8. If she gets 500 signatures she can approach her legislator to have a community meeting about a topic. This sounds like a good one. I wish them well.

  9. Well, the whole health industry is one big sh_t show. Just like housing and education. This isn't surprising. Too much but not enough – very sad. Sounds like my student loan issue. Too rich to get aid and too poor to be able to pay full, ridiciously high prices. What's wrong with Lansing? Too many chiefs not enough Indians in healthcare, schools, government, etc. It's always about money. At least they (officials) should be honest about it.

  10. This is so true the state fails those who have children and adults with disability… my daughter has autisum nd The Lenoir County Health Department in Kinston, NC, and Pitt Memorial Hospital caused my daughter to become disabled, and they tried to hide it. I found out 23 years later. I filed a complaint with the DHHS a year later and they said that my daughter has a medical malpractice lawsuit, showing that they caused my daughter to have a stroke on the table after her surgery, resulting in a brain injury. I've taken her to several hospitals and psychiatric facilities. The medications at psychiatric facilities work for a while, but then she's back to hitting, etc.

  11. This is further proof that mental health is considered as part of the criminal justice system (not the medical system). Hence; y there's the Dept Of Corrections.

  12. 1:52 what type of security guards? You need seven security guards to hold down one child. They should’ve only needed maybe two or three at the most or the mom is straight up lying.

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