Minimum Standards for Registration of Mental Health Establishment under Mental Healthcare Act, 2017

Minimum Standards for Registration of Mental Health Establishment under Mental Healthcare Act 2017

Minimum Standards for Mental Health Establishments

Standard 1. The premises shall be well maintained and kept in good livable condition.

Standard 2. The living conditions shall be comfortable.

Standard 3. Hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation shall be maintained

Standard 4. Wholesome, sumptuous and nutritive food and potable drinking water shall be provided in comfortable settings

Standard 5. Facilities shall be provided for social, cultural, leisure and recreational activities

Standard 6. Adequate Health Professionals shall be employed to provide proper treatment.
Standard 7. Other Medical and Para-Medical Staff shall be engaged as per specified requirements

Standard 8. The premises shall have adequate floor space available.

Standard 9. Equipment and articles shall be procured and used for inpatients as per requirements

Standard 10. OPD facilities shall be provided for the treatment of persons with mental illness as out-patients

Standard 11. There shall be no torture, cruelty, inhuman and degrading treatment, punishment, exploitation, violence, negligence and abuse of patients.

Standard 12. Alternate methods shall be used in place of seclusion and restraint to de-escalate crises situations

Standard 13. Privacy, dignity, safety and security of patients especially of women and their confidentiality shall be protected


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