New form of electroshock to treat depression

Our Chief Health Editor Dr. Partha Nandi looks at home ultra brief electroshock therapy is being used to treat depression.

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  1. Movies make everything look bad. People need to stop applying what they see in movies to real life. ECT has a 95% success rate whereas pills have a 35% success rate with a chance to cause addiction and worsen the same condition being treated. By far the most successful psychological therapy I've ever found is ECT, good to see them taking it and making modest benefits to the therapy by modernizing it. The brain for some reason responds well to electric currents when there is disorder in the brain. After all, our brains have enough electricity to light a light bulb when we think hard enough.

  2. ECT has destroyed my life. There are horrible side effects that no one wants to talk about. It is NOT safe, it is NOT effective, and most of all no one seems to care!!!

  3. Over the last five years I had started to have increasingly pull away into a downward spiral of depression. But now w ith this depression remedy “fetching kafon press” (Google it) I can completely focus my energy and .
    ideas into a definitive line on how to make my entire life better constantly. Right now, I can truly say that I`m free from depression..

  4. This guy knows nothing about what he is talking about. I had 16 ect sessions 10 years ago. Changed me negatively forever. It is severe brain trama, plain and simple.

  5. See and Law suits national around electroshock devices. See DK law group to join. No FDA testing of devices or procedure ever done. CA courts have proved brain injuries. Long term outcomes of electrical trauma are ongoing cardiac issues, dementia, ALS, CTE etc. Patients showing damages on MRI, VNG, SPECT, neuro/cog testing, EEG, EKG etc . Doctors own research describes actual structural brain changes that result from this to include damages to brain stem where autonomic functions reside. Consent basically describes temporary memory loss. 5 billion generated from this annually in US alone. See recent you tube videos by myself and Jane Rice. Medical malpractice firms interviewing around issues with consent. Suits filed against the FDA. These are NFL type head injuries just a different mechanism of trauma. Lies and cover ups for decades. Being used on our children, women in pregnancy, and our Veterans as well. Patients secondary to brain injury do not realize their damages right away. Inform and protect yourselves. Increase rate of suicide following ECT trying to find help and rehabilitation for TBI outcomes.A

  6. ECT/electroshock not just for depression nor used as a last resort. No FDA testing for safety or effectiveness. Brain injuries at minimum have been proved in the CA courts. There is a national class action product liability suit taking place in the US around this issue and in England as well. Electrical trauma and that is what this is, can evolve years out to include possible outcomes of ongoing cardiac issues, CTE, ALS, etc. Patients are showing damages on a variety of testing and some are slowly being entered into traumatic brain injury programs for testing and rehabilitation. See sites,,, book by Linda Andre called Doctors of Deception, and articles as it relates on Mad in America. There is an increase in suicide following this procedure. Please speak out in public forums so others are made aware of this harm taking place at leading facilities. This is also being used on our children and Veterans. Given Covid and the mental distress, many are at risk for being offered this and need the truth to make informed decisions. We are warned of temporary memory loss, yet their own research talks of brain structural changes that result. Damages have now been entered into patients' charts directly tied to this procedure.

  7. These videos tell the truth about a greatly increased practice that has no FDA testing for safety or even effectiveness and provide information and resources. CA courts have proved brain injury outcomes at minimum, yet it continues with a fallible consent. This generates billions annually in the US alone. Increase in suicide following. Inform yourselves, please as given Covid and the mental distress many are at risk for being offered this. No longer just for depression nor used as a last resort. Cover-ups of harm for decades. Once you have this information, my hope is you will share it or as they say "put it on blast." My gratitude.  Patient outcomes reported, finding help, and Providers addressed  Electroshock legal aspects and Providers addressed  Activism   Electroshock and the family Electroshock continued

  8. I have major depressive disorder and I can say for certain I would rather die than be tortured. This has no place at all in psychiatry especially if it can be given involuntarily.

  9. I’ve had ECT done and thankful my memory is intact. I did about 10-12 sessions. It’s trippy, I actually can remember things down to the finest detail. It depends on the person

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  11. i’m officially more terrified of mental health “professionals” then myself. and i’ve been told a lot of things by people like “if only labotomy still exists” in my ward… in mesa arizona

  12. and i am also epileptic….this will not help the brain waves at all. i’m actually crying in fear that this is still happening to mental health patients, and anyone w seizures.

  13. My fathers psychologist did 4 treatments and after 6 months he died a painful death. Thank goodness he is no longer suffering. please DO NOT GET THIS DONE. He isn't the only one I know of that this treatment FD the person up. Every nurse I pleaded with and asked if they would allow this to happen to their family members told me no effin way!

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