Recovering from Trump Contagion and the Restoration of Our Collective Mental Health (Session 6)

What is ‘Trump Contagion,’ and What is ‘Shared Psychosis’?

Dr. Lee is a forensic psychiatrist, social psychiatrist, and expert on violence. She warned against much of what has unfolded since her 2017 book, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.” Now, the individual dangers have spread into Trump Contagion, collective psychosis, collective criminality, and a third presidential candidacy! She explains the dynamics in her new book, “The Psychology of Trump Contagion: An Existential Danger to American Democracy and All Humankind.” She announces a major National Press Club conference that is to take place before the election, with a short book and an outline of a path for healing.

Please help us to make the conference have impact:

Please visit Dr. Lee’s website:



  1. "An unfit President is more likely to appoint unfit candidates…" – Trump has more than proven this theory correct recent weeks. He's now either fired or is outright ignoring his professional advisors and surrounded himself with racist nutjobs and criminals like Laura Loomer, Cory Lewandowski, Stephen Miller, Boris Epshteyn and Jason Miller. And of course, the MSM is still acting like Trump is just another average political candidate.

  2. I understand this whole issue on the psych as a main part of Freudian psychology. He got much incorrect but some very correct. I see this being played out by everyone to a degree.

  3. Shared Psychosis : It means as a collective they are detached from reality, cling to fixed false beliefs and double down on beliefs that are challenged. Conscience decision making . It’s natural destination and destruction. House holds where people have gone un treated for long period There is an unconscious . You only need emotional bonds for symptoms to spreads. Remove the primary individual and the rest will go back to normal .
    No more debates he cannot be allowed to spread this hateful facial regime
    1. agent
    2 weakened host
    3.facilitating environment , news network (profitable)

    Unfit President leads to people to make in rational decisions and u fit a cabinet and unfit supreme court .

    2. predisposed
    3. Normal individuals

    4. Normal to start but give in

    Sounds like the Stephord wives

  4. Dr. Bandy Lee is doing a great service in alerting the public about the dangers of the Trump contagion. I especially appreciate how she clarifies the reasons why it can so easily be spread because we're all social creatures, especially through our emotional bonds and social media. It will take a concerted effort to stop this, not only through defeating Trump and MAGA politicians in the 2024 election, but also through denying Trump any coverage through social media, which only reinforces his influence upon vulnerable Americans. Unfortunately, as Dr. Lee indicated, there still are radical media platforms that continue to exert their conspiracy theories, disinformation, and lies. How can we ever hope to address this without creating stricter regulations of social media to hold them to account? Thank you once again, Dr. Lee, for your courage and perseverance and all of your good works.

  5. Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

  6. Trump is proof of just how easy it is to corrupt institutions.. even prominent organizations folded like cheap suits when Trump became President.

  7. Dr. Bandy invite Meidas Touch youtube network to attend and report on the conference – this type of professional opinion is in their political wheelhouse. they are watched by over 3 million subscribers who will need a summary of your analysis 📺🔮🧐 📹👀

  8. I've donated! Get this info out there! I've been calling it mass psychosis since 2020 but I got it wrong. Shared psychosis is the correct term.

  9. I wonder if Trump's cognitive decline will become so pronounced that he will no longer be able to exert the kind of influence he does now because he's no longer able to spellbind others as effectively? I'm not a mental health expert, but he appears to suffer from FTD (Frontotemporal Dementia) due to his inability to find the right words, complete a thought, aphasias, etc. Also it seems that his increased cognitive decline has only increased his malignant narcissism, rage, paranoia, and crazy delusions this past year.

  10. A powerful, penetrating explanation of shared psychosis & what we face through the coming election cycle. I respect & commend Dr. Lee for her courage & dedication to illuminating the public. I truly hope that this conference will have a widespread audience.

  11. This idea of the contagion of Donald Trump's poisonous psychopathy explains so much that I didn't understand and couldn't explain. In spiritual terms we could call it 'the contagion of evil' which spreads from a single source – The Adversary of God. The word Satan means adversary of God. I became a Christian via a cult which the Lord's Truth, the gospel, finally drew me away from. Jesus said, "And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Bandy Lee's talk is so revelatory about the spiritual side human nature itself.

  12. Dr Lee, thank you for explaining not just the phenomenon of Trump, but the reason why the world has not stopped climate change. I now believe the world, especially the United States, has this shared psychosis — "As a collective, they act as if they are detached from reality." Yes, detached indeed. As we blow through one tipping point after another, our collective reaction is "Meh."

  13. Interesting that the right wing pundits in the Trump-osphere started calling concerns about Trump's behavior 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' ahead of actual clinical discussion of Trump Contagion. It's a pattern you see in coercive control abuse, to accuse others of the symptoms the abuser is exhibiting.

  14. Your efforts are starting to pay off with trump's psychosis in the news. America owes you a huge debt of gratitude. Dr. Lee is a deserving recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  15. "…today, … half the population does not subscribe to the same facts, evidence, notions of truth, or even expertise, because truth is actually threatening for those who are afflicted with mental pathology. Reality is threatening and needs to be overturned, and suppressed, if not replaced, with a new kind of reality that meets their emotional needs."
    — Dr Bandy Lee

  16. Such eloquence and intelligence. I just don't get the USA that it would silence such a person and instead claim to believe an ignorant, racist, narcissistic, perverted criminal bigot. The only conclusion is that your public life and national standards have been profoundly corrupted. Instead of enlightened political discussion, the mainstream media, the oligarchy and above all the MAGA Republicans spout manifest lies and nonsense. The cowardice and self-interest of such people is astounding in the nation that claims to be the greatest that has ever been. Sadly history demonstrates that such a belief always ends in implosion and collapse. If Trump wins again, Americans will only have themselves to blame.

  17. Thank you so much Dr Lee for your continued education of the collective around Trump’s psychopathy and the related paradigm of social contagion … especially with our country’s PTSD from the pandemic and corrupt politics. I relay your information to all I know, and am so hopeful this can help our recovery…

  18. The contagion has already spread to politics, economics and law. Truth and education, reason and reality have become relegated to subservience. They desire to mandate their self-serving delusions by any means necessary. We live in truly frightening times and I fear for the future, a future where democracy is merely an inconvenience and where anarchistic authoritarians define reality regardless of health, safety and what is actually real.

  19. Dr. Lee: how do you protect yourself not only from the Trump contagion but also to the various ones you've encountered in your work as a forensic psychiatrist? What advice can you provide to us so we know how best to protect ourselves?

  20. Although it's super clear that Americans are suffering ever higher rates of mental illness, it's just laughable that a psychologist (or psychiatrist) could affect any useful change. Seriously. We're talking about a real epidemic of a real illness. What can these "professionals" do? Their very best tools and methodologies offer nothing more effective than placeboes. That the medical community doesn't treat them like grotesque charlatans speaks volumes about how sad the AMA and it's brethren have become.

  21. Early on I began to see what was going on re: trump's ultra-dedicated followers was a kind of MOB BEHAVIOR, a kind of unreasoned, raw and "community-mind" bond that can get—and has gotten—=out of rational control. Something of a slow panic inspired and influenced by very shrewd fear-makers seeking ultimate power and control over the broadest swath of the population as possible. MOB MENTALITY…which those experiencing it see utterly blind to recognizing.

  22. Thank you Dr. Lee. I think throughout history there have been similar situations. I hope we make it through this with the least amount of damage. It seems to me that there are many things going on in life that have made us vulnerable to mental illness–the climate crisis and the pandemic, the speeding up of how we make decisions & "multi-task"–new ways of thinking to solve problems, the we interact with technology, changing expectations around roles in families and society (especially the changes in women's opportunities. It's a lot.

    I hope he disappears soon–he looks like he is falling apart rapidly.

  23. I truly appreciate your hard work and continuing the fight for mental health in these trying times. That having been said, there is a crucial point that nobody talks about. Why do you look at Trump and see a psychotic but a maga rally goer sees their solution? The answer is education. You are well educated, a critical thinker and possess the clarity of thought to see Trump not through your personal grievances, regrets and feelings of hopelessness but as a man standing in front of you presenting multiple DMS 5 symptoms. Maga is historically undereducated, live at or below the poverty line, pray to an unknowable entity to somehow improve their lives and make the pain go away. To let them enjoy some measure of meaning in their lives. Failing that result they begin to search for exterior targets to explain what is happening to them. They become amenable to racism, the deep state undermining their constitutional freedoms, internet propaganda and hate speech. Enter patient zero, Donald Trump who tells them all of these thing are true and he's going to protect them and give them a voice where he tells them they've had none. He becomes their flesh and blood God on earth. Christians will gladly give up their life long religious values for "Trump revenge" and an end to their pain. I hate to use generalizations and view a large swath of our society through such a crass lens but an uneducated population can be gaslit into believing anything as long as it's not their fault and they're given a target, any target will do. What about the Yale educated Steve Bannons of maga? Money, power and psychologically deep seeded sadism. We are number 13 in the world in education with the average American adult reading at a 7th to 8th grade level (Trump's target audience). A well educated society would never follow a madman. If higher education were made available to every American and grades K through 12 were administered with any true concern for knowledge and ethics for the students in their charge, the name Trump wouldn't mean anything to anybody. It would just be a term used when playing the card game bridge.

  24. Dr. Bandy X Lee, is beyond her age and beauty ‼️ We love her in the BLACK COMMUNITY !!! THE BIGGEST THREAT IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY IS THE ORANGE JESUS 😡😈☠️🔥💀‼️ He is a " INSANE FOOL🤡😡😈 ". running for president of the United States of America 🇺🇸‼️ This dangerous criminals, who is running for president, said three (3) times on national television : " BLACK PEOPLE in the state of Ohio are eating WHITE PEOPLE PETS (🐕😺🦆) !!! " Not only is he putting black people lives in Jeopardy but white people as well!!! Where is America DOJ/ FBI/ and Congress ??? Thank You Dr. Lee !! 🕊️✌🏿✊🏿👍🏿⭐❤️🖤💚

  25. How big a jump is it to literally believe in Noah’s Ark and to think Trump was chosen by God. How hard is it for a racist to believe Haitians are eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. These people believe because they want to. Trump reinforces their idiosyncrasies.

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