A look at Electroconvulsive Therapy, a new form of mental illness treatment

Experts say there’s another treatment for depression and other mental illnesses that is far more effective and efficient with a remission rate as high as 90%, but outdated stereotypes keep patients from considering it: Electroconvulsive Therapy or ECT.


  1. I have suffered from severe treatment resistant depression for over 25 years, and I am currently undergoing ECT. So far I have only received four treatments, but I can honestly say that I feel like it is starting to help my mood. No major improvements yet, but some improvement none the less.

  2. The mind is a faculty of the soul. We are connected as souls in heaven. Those people who torture people know this and they hate that people think and know what they have done throughout history. People with voices in their head are telepathic. People who believe people can hear their thoughts are not delusional. This connection is god, it is heaven. It is more powerful than their political systems built by violence and coated in a pretence of protecting the people from what is ultimately the behaviour of those who allege to be protectors. Its pure terrorism, incarceration without trial, electocution torture amongst other crime against humanity these people know they are indicted on and are at large running cults built on institutionalised deception and violence. The bible records that hearing voices and praying to the heavenly realm is normal then as now. These people with their "we can fix your brain" have you indoctinated into a false state of mind (possibly from childhood through television) telling you that drugs or old age can cause the mental illness which is mental clarity they need to keep suppressed so the people these actual telepaths themselves enslave dont linch them for what are and always have been crimes against humanity. Read the system of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether by Mark Twain which is a short story comedy which relates how historic it is that these people have always been regarded as cranks. Lunatics, dangerous lunatics today. Stay far from them.

  3. Disgusting ,so sad they had to do the research on poor little kids and adults in phyc hospitals. Sometimes without there knowledge. So sad.

  4. NEW? We used to call this Shock treatment and it was condemned after the inhumane asylums of the 1900s.
    Shall we try lobotomies again? Waterboarding? Bloodletting?

    Just call it "electroconvulsive therapy!" Those dumb humans wont know the difference!
    Another success from the failure of "mental health professionals." ECT will erase YOU. So theres nothing left to cause depression.

  5. It causes permanent brain damage !!! Some use it on farm animals to disable them.
    Francis Farmer the famous actress had about 30 of those forced on her by the court system. It says in her book that the devil was at those facilities.
    That it ruined her memory and she was not able to control her behavior after that. She writes in her book about what was done to her
    in those facilities. It had no beneficial effect but she told them that their treatments helped her so she could get out.
    Otherwise they would keep her in there permanently.
    Like many people in those facilities go along just so they can get out, even do these treatments are hurting them.
    You can not cure depression with chemicals or brain electricutions.

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