How The U.S. Healthcare System Is Failing Mental Health Patients

Medical gaslighting is a real thing that many Americans have experienced. Mostly due to the broken system that rushes patients and keeps doctors from focusing on what matters, it can be frustrating.

That’s why physicians like Dr Wertz have moved into the direct primary care model. Medical gaslighting is a real thing—mostly due to the broken system that rushes patients and keeps doctors from focusing on what matters.




  1. I know a fellow who I grew up with in the same tiny town in Oregon with serious mental health problems and he seems to get little to no support. Serious problems as in I saw him walking down a sidewalk a few months ago having an intense shouted argument with someone who wasn’t there. Every so often he goes off and ends up in either a jail or mental hospital for awhile, is given meds every day, and presumably improves enough that he gets sent home but then he either doesn’t get or forgets to take his meds and something else happens. He is actually a pretty good guy when he regularly is taking his meds and he and I have always got on fairly well. However, just a few weeks ago he saw my family and I and started cussing us out at the top of his lungs, spitting f-bombs the way a welders torch spits sparks. I called the police non-emergency number but they did nothing. I feel it’s only a matter of time before he hurts himself or others, and nobody will step in and do anything.

  2. You looked at once aspect but you failed to mention the harms and risks of psychiatric medications and why so many people also don’t benefit, pharma pulls the strings, they create iatrogenic illnesses like akathisia, PSSD, tardive dyskinesia… They have no moral compass, the only compass they have is for what direction to go to make money

  3. The biggest problem is even if you have access to MH services they don't listen or care. It's been proven that serotonin imbalance is not the cause for depression, yet they keep pushing SSRIs. Benzos is the only thing that works and guess what? They refuse to prescribe them because of a ridiculously low percentage abused them. Talk therapy just does not work for men, that why we commit suicide at a much higher rate. Women love to complain with no solution. Ment complain and want a solution, talk therapy doesn't fix anything so it's great for women and horrible for men. Benzo would cut the men suicide rate drastically, but no one wants to explore that avenue.

  4. I have treatment resistant depression took traditional psychiatric drugs for years. Suffered liver damage and was taken off them permanently and those meds didn’t even help anyways. Then was referred to ketamine therapy for my depression. Suffered permanent damage to my bladder and wasn’t told until it was too late. Now psychiatrists here in the USA deem me untreatable and a hopeless case. Hospitals will deny me care for psychiatric emergencies because they see me as a liability because they don’t want to be responsible for making me take medication and causing further damage to my organs so I get sent home. Hospitals are more concerned about me filing a malpractice case against them due the laws saying medication can be forced for emergencies when I can go into organ failure.I am forced to move to another country to get help:

  5. While Dr. Wentz clearly mentions insurance companies'influence as being part of the problem, I think she doesn't pay enough attention to the whole question of how health and mental health are dealt with under conditions of capitalist austerity politics and policies.
    Mental health is first and foremost a business in the US. Business models have changed pretty drastically within the last forty years or so.

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  7. Dr. Wertz talks about how the First Primary Care model improves mental health access. But FPS does not have psychiatrists or psychologists.

  8. We really don't have adequate infrastructure in this country. I have a friend who is a counselor, and she has over three hundred patients. Think about that. It is also cost prohibitive for millions of people without the financial resources to get help. Between forty five and fifty million people unalive themselves every year in the U.S. and there is absolutely no plan to change those numbers.

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