Understanding and Managing Chronic Pain & its Relationship with Mental Health

Approximately 1 in 5 people in the U.S. will experience chronic pain which can impact your mental health as well. Learn about chronic pain’s relationship to anxiety and depression and the treatments available.

If you or a loved one is seeking more information on treatment:
– Visit the ADAA website: https://adaa.org/#
– Subscribe to ADAA’s free public newsletter: https://adaa.informz.net/adaa/pages/Triumph_Subscribe_page

If you or a loved one is experiencing a crisis, please call or text 988, available 24/7

– The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), a non-profit organization, leads in education, training, and research for anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, OCD, and co-occurring disorders. ADAA also provides free evidence-based mental health information and resources to the public.


  1. How many people just died from a lab-made bioweapon in the last two years?? And how many from the Jab🤫🤐. How many people have die in car crashes every year?? Why dont we ban the automobile

  2. Okay, I can tell this is gonna just infuriate me from the comments alone. I hear you all. They don’t get us. I can’t bear to watch another video that blames me or people who misuse OUR needed pain meds for opioid abuse.

  3. I went from being the happiest I ever been w/ a great career and always loved life as a independent woman.I've been severely depressed with chronic pain & anxiety for 14 years due to many surgeries and radiation for a very rare & aggressive stage 4 Head and neck cancer @ only 22, which escalated PTSD especially w/ hospitals & new doctors after experiencing terrible bedside manner including unknowingly fracturing my jaw to the point of a staff infection n the ICU. Led to a picc line and surgery, while my last "reconstruction surgery" I woke up in the OR, couldn't move or talk but heard the nurses bashing me. Told doctors as soon as I woke up n nothing was done. I've been on high amounts of opiates that only sometimes take the edge off from a very high tolerance to all meds or some don't work how they're supposed to but by no way am addicted to or abuse. I also use MM and essential oils to try to help. My life has changed drastically and been bedridden with some daily activities. Numerous doctors say I'll have my pain everywhere for the rest of my life and only in my 30s, rarely have good days in a year. But I understand completely how I do what I need to and then feeling worse a few days after. N I tried acupuncture n massage with no success as well and at the point Idk what else to do and accept I'm never gonna live my life again. Also NEVER even seen street drugs and have always been against it. Just get POed bcuz I have no teeth or dentures from the cancer, n a lot of people assume I'm an addict or once was. No reason to try em when my meds are stronger, cheaper n legal. Can't speak well, so if u know any therapists I can type to that are free since betterhelp is great but can't afford it & copay is too high for providers' options. 🙏🥺

  4. Cart before the horse. No understanding of pain, chronic or otherwise. Treat the pain, not the depression. SMH Psychiatry thinks they have the answer to everything, but psychiatry at its roots has always been fraud. So it is here. Treating with CBT does nothing for pain. Again, treat the pain and other issues – sleeplessness, depression, etc., will resolve. She's got the cart before the horse. Treat the pain

  5. Well, I think chronic pain doesn’t have a solution. I have chronic pain for the last three years and I get confused whether is a result of an injury which I had very severe and I have also had severe trauma within those years. So it’s probably a combination of both. I do not believe that , specially oxycodone are an effective medication for my pain. However, I think for me what works are. Diazepam which is like a form of Valium. I take a small dose every day around four or 5 o’clock. That is when the pain gets worse as the day had passed and a lot of action has accumulated. Those are the times when I’m in more pain so I have found it helps. However, there is no medication that will eliminate, or eradicate the problem rather than learning to live with it. Accepting the pain is not easy. It’s like fighting every day against it or losing the faith completely that you’re ever gonna get better. I think acceptance is the solution as waiting for it to get better, it’s not gonna help.

  6. Dr Weisberg, I only Hope That You get this message. I have been in chronic pain for over 30 years severed spinal cord now it's points it's peak of attacking my cervical neck area with ferminial issues of c 345 I believe not sure about location? My apologies for not knowing that.. I have been through several physicians for I would like to say medical doctors from primary Care. To specialty physicians And I mean from one end of the spectrum of medical doctors to the other end of the spectrum. And I hope this doesn't bother you too awful bad but most medical doctors do not have very nice things to say about mental doctors. And my message is to you personally and I mean this from the bottom of my heart and I mean it very sincerely. If it wasn't for the wonderful mental doctors that I have had the pleasure of working with I would not be here I would have left this planet a long time ago and yes by choice certainly by choice. That's why I have another thing to say you will not agree with and no one will agree with me on this but sometimes we people decide to check out and you know what I mean by that death by suicide, well they may feel it's the only choice I felt that way all right many years ago I don't anymore and the reason why because of the mental assistance that I've had for wonderful doctors like yourself so I didn't mean to say anything to discourage you because certainly in my eyes as a patient who has been in and out of the medical pain control system and the medical doctors that you could only imagine that I have seen and the cost is staggering unbelievably so sta-tagering of what I paid over 30 years, and my insurance company has paid for for over 30 years. No don't get me wrong my pain is very legitimate! Due to a severed spinal cord! And I have carried this pain around for over 30 years just like not my best friend my worst enemy very worse enemy!!! So thanks to all of the mental doctors who have helped me along the way. Please don't think that I'm saying I think you have helped me I'm saying I know you have helped me so anyone out there who's reading this and has not subjected themselves to some type of mental support and you're going through chronic pain do yourself a favor get a good mental health clinician you'll be glad you did Peace out warriors all the pain warriors Peace out!!!

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