Nearly 90% of Canadians want universal mental health care, survey shows

A new survey conducted by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) found 87 per cent of people living in Canada want universal mental health care.

Data suggests that out of the 35 per cent of Canadians who said they had a mental health concern in the past year, one-third did not seek help. Some of the reasons given were the cost of treatment and not knowing where to go.

Experts say if you don’t have an employer plan, or live in a major urban centre, accessing support is more challenging and access to existing programs isn’t equal.

Global News’ Kat Ward has more.

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  1. Drugs is the he caoude noy having a good home no income bully pay a role in depression they will laugh at the person im not joking this way most don't expres also to mich medications not good for anyone .

  2. The following is generated by AI:
    "Did you know that over 90% of Chinese citizens under the repressive government regime suffer from serious mental health issues? Yet, the country doesn't even have universal healthcare in place to address these pressing issues. This is yet another example of the government failing to prioritize the well-being of its own people."

  3. Maybe that would be good thing? People are depressed bc life is terrible rn; a terrible govt here, a train explosion here and there, a war over there, natural disasters and inflation everywhere. And on top of all that, people have their own personal problems too, whether it's financial or familial or health, so it's hard to stay optimistic when it looks dark everywhere. All that negativity just piles up and it's a lot. Maybe a bit of help is needed.

  4. That’s a lot of disturbed Canadians. 90% that means nearly all the population of Canada feel they are in need of Mental Health Care.
    Trudeau alone is enough to drive you nuts.

  5. Encourage all to workout regularly. It has been my medicine & therapy of choice…..a few years in my fitness journey and never going back…. advocate mass financing regular fitness activity

  6. Health care should already include mental health care. It's the most important part of health and impacts whether people do drugs, go on disability income supports, are obese.

  7. leave politics outside medical care; you've done enough damage already. Plus David Eby wants to destroy client doctor confidentiality and expel doctors who won't be compelled. He's a lawyer; what does he care what I put in my body? Get out of Canada, Eby, Canadian medical info is not a commodity to bargain with. Good thing we have access to other kinds of healthcare like Chinese or Vedic or naturopaths and chiropractors; healthcare has always been a case by case basis; since the pandemic it's now one size fits all. Since when do you got to see humans as livestock ? just to steal our treasury and make a buck? Get a job if you want money.

  8. Yeah, let's do that and if we get the Government to just take care of us, we could be like Venezuela.
    Just ask all of South America what happens when you elect a socialist savior.
    Bankrupts you every time.

  9. To people who don't understand the subject: medication is already covered. This is about psychotherapy and related mental health services

  10. like MAID? piss off….. Our government, our media, THEY are the enemy… Multinational Corporations, Crown corporation included, are the enemy of the common man.

  11. Just fix the school fire the teachers that are only looking for a paycheck and have 0 concerned with actually doing their job

  12. A lot of gun deaths are a result of mental health issues. We could do some real good if we focus our attention and resources on mental health.

  13. O Cana-duh. A country with mainly low paying jobs & high paying jobs often needing a University degree that nobody can afford b/c any money you have is needed to pay your over priced rent. A country where you need to be rich to own a house. The highest taxed, highest internet & cell phone costs in the western world. Yeah were depressed.

  14. I am a retired social worker. Canadian life and the mass media themselves are major causes of mental illness. Doctors will prescribe chemical straitjackets, but it only treats the symptoms. Nothing is done to address the causes. We also have to watch for extremist doctors indoctrinating our citizens. any treatment must be psychologically and spiritually based and client centred.

  15. Dont trust health authorities…they are governed by big pharma who could care less about you..they want you messed up so they can take your money…just be healthy and healthy.

  16. Maybe because services, teachers and society grooms the idea of Mental Health, but never focuses on ones Mental Fitness.

    Like seriously, it's like giving someone that's trying to lose weight more sugar and food, but never advising them to change their diet or suggesting a slow and gradual work out routine.

    The approach to mental health is such a lack luster and lazy approach. And unfortunately, people buy into it too quickly.

  17. we need to have mandatory proof of mental health status to keep our community safe. this is not discrimination, this is about protecting our loved one from minority dangerous one

  18. They say a stupid person is already mentally ill. They can't focus to read and be up to date, they can't attain qualifications for vital tasks, they can't support themselves.But what makes them mentally ill is they can't play by the laws of wealth and as one disrupts poverty one gets entangled with mafia. So the market, by government and private, it's created a meat market for delusional escorts that can't raise their own children properly.

  19. stop talking in the name of Canadians
    Despite high spending, Canada’s health-care system is failing badly: op-ed In the pandemic’s wake, with mounting surgical backlogs, and nurses, Canada’s health-care system is teetering. While some hope we can spend our way out of this problem, a new report finds that Canada is already the most expensive health-care system in the world but has little to show for it.

  20. Drugs is the he caoude noy having a good home no income bully pay a role in depression they will laugh at the person im not joking this way most don't expres also to mich medications not good for anyone .

  21. Ontario Works only covers 8 sessions (free) after that you're on your own. Right now its 2 months or more waiting for kids to get it and they only get 8 sessions…..need a change!!!

  22. Canadian mental health care has always been a failure that’s nothing new. All you get is brain damaging drugs no psychology care. They keep you dependent on the system and a slave to the system

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