1. Where I live (Yorkshire) – the crisis resolution team is nothing like this. They're disorganised, overworked, stressed and have little time or resources to invest in people. They had one nurse allocated to the night shift to talk on the phone to people and she was called out to A&E for the the whole night so me and loads of other people were left without support till 5 am. Frankly the initial care I received whilst in hospital was much better than the crisis team.

  2. The Norfolk Crisis team is rubbish, they just pass you back and fourth and act like they don't know what to do with you, they will only help you when it's too late and your bleeding on the floor.

  3. my index offence took plachomelesse at the maudsley I was so drugged up that I went off my head because of years of strong and nasty drugs that made my condition worse I only went there for a place to stay as I was

  4. Its a joke they diagnose someone metay ill which mean they are not capable of thinking and behaving or functioning like a normal person due to their illness yet it is up to the same person to
    Make the right choices and keep appointment and be quiet and polite to the staff try that with someone who is diagnosed with psychosis

  5. i had an anxiety problem about the time this was made. Doctors just wanted to give me meds and i had 4 sessions with a psyche that did nt help at all. 1 a week for 4 weeks. i did nt know what to do and it seemed they did nt either. the crisis team just were the NO team. if i felt bad they would refer me to the psyche and they had no other treatments available. i had a melt down and i was allowed to be in a ward for a short stay.

  6. when it comes to health doctors are only intrested in creating a financial lucrative tie between the patient and the doctor
    they could give wo f*cks about your health its all about money other wise they would resolve your issues not treat it
    treatment is where the moneys at all you get from there workers is false concern duty of care but no real care

  7. there quick to draw false conclusion from information on a system i aint got no time for mental health services its all crap and corrupted
    a high ratio of those that work in the health profession have npd they take on these jobs to meet there own agenda and to make them self feel as if they are normal
    there doing more harm than good

  8. Psychosis is "created" by us living in a reality that is not real. We need to be in alignment with truth and we are not being allowed to be. Align to your truth, reclaim your mind!!!!! People don't always know when they have psychosis but you always know when you haven't and them in power do.

    Please don't thieve my life's work without my permission.

  9. I remember reaching out to a crisis team once and the man told me I was selfish, I think he was. You see people only get to these levels because everything has turned onto them….they are being crushed, it's not them!!!!! It's those around them who want them dead.

  10. Mental Health has been sidelined and marginalised by the NHS decision makers for years on end.

    What doesn't really help either is a CONSERVATIVE government.

    Without really wanting to get into a sniping match, the NHS has never really been a top priority with the Tory party.

    However who is in power at Westminster is just half the problem.

    Like everything in life the devil is in the detail.

    And the NHS hierarchy who's job it is to allocate the different parts of the NHS budget every year have been selling the MH services short for long, long time and I bet I can guess why.

    Mental Health in general, accounts for about a quarter (25%) of Everything the NHS does. But they only really see about a tenth (10%) of the annual budget.

    You don't really have to be Albert Einstein to see that something is seriously not right.

    But the most frustrating part is, that if you are a drug addict or an alcoholic you are far more likely to be offered help than if you have a MH condition or disability.

    The main problem is that there's nowhere near enough MH staff or suitable places within the NHS for the issue of MH.

    I personally think that Mental Health is such an important issue these days that it should probably have its own government department but I don't really know if it will happen.

  11. A woman shouts you ha e completely humilated mental health
    .I don't recognise you as mental health so I have no humilated mental health .what you you are is a group of lost souls who share an organisation that are delusional and have no ability to heal the human mind and cost the tax payer billions

  12. Wpc says police were going to get rid of mental health any way with Theresa may for this reason

    I have not worked a day with mentla health buy god my guide in life nakes me and understand your limitations and your failures as he does with police

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