Behavioral Health Billing & Coding 101: How to Get Paid

► View the AMA’s Behavioral Health Integration webinar series:
In this installment of the BHI Overcoming Obstacles series, physician experts discuss how to bill and get paid for behavioral health care services. This webinar highlights how the provision of these services is a valuable use of physician time and effort and will provide broad introduction to behavioral health billing and coding. Physicians are provided with both accurate and actionable information and real-world examples.

• Leslie Prellwitz–Director, CPT Content Management & Development, American Medical Association
• Jacob Atlas–Senior practice manager, department of psychiatry, Northwestern Medicine

0:00 Introduction
3:21 CPT Codes for Integrating Behavioral Health Into Practice
8:21 CPT Codes for Co-Located Model
10:46 CPT Codes for Psychotherapy & Developmental / Behavioral Screening
13:39 CPT Codes With a Clear Focus on Behavioral Health
16:15 Care Management CPT Codes
20:30 CPT Codes for Telemedicine
22:08 CPT Codes for Virtual Visits
24:21 Collaborative Care Management Implementation
28:11 Achieving Operational & Financial Goals
35:13 Northwestern Medicine Takeaways
37:21 Building EHR Solutions (Integration with EPIC)
39:05 Can you clarify what you mean by the payers paying for medical, but not the carve-out behavioral health coverage?
40:57 Can CPT Codes 99406 and 99407 be used for vaping and other substances that are inhaled like marijuana?
42:22 If someone is conducting telehealth from home, do they document it in the note as a point of service, and is there a difference in reimbursement for phone versus video versus in office?
47:52 Suggestions on how to contract with insurance companies for small groups to get their mental health clinicians to provide integrated care in the practice without joining the mental health IPA’s like Beacon or Magellan?
49:37 How does 99452 differ from other digital evaluation codes, 99421 to 99423?
51:38 How do you make the billing and coding work for collaborative care in a small practice setting?
52:20 At what rate does a collaborative psychiatrist get paid?
54:50 Parting thoughts
57:03 If a physician provides smoking cessation counseling for e-cigarette vaping for eight minutes, may CPT code 99406 be reported?

Presented by the Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Collaborative, this webinar series will enable physicians to sustain a collaborative, integrated, whole-person, and equitable approach to physical and behavioral health care in their practices during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

► Full transcript:

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  1. Dios bendiga a Todos los que estan leyendo esto! Deseo que tengan un hermoso dia! Buscad a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado! Jesus es el camino y el unico camino y regresa pronto! Recuerda cuando te sientas que no eres amado… el mayor sacrificio se hizo por amor! EL SUICIDIO NUNCA ES LA RESPUESTA!

    Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
    S. Juan 3:16 RVR1960

    La paga del pecado es muerte (infierno) pero Cristo pagó nuestra deuda en la cruz para nuestra salvacion! Debemos volvernos a Dios y apartarnos de nuestros caminos pecaminosos, confesar que Jesús es el Señor y creer con nuestro corazón que fue resucitado de entre los muertos por Dios, y  debemos de ser bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo y vivir por Su palabra y mandamientos! Confia que Dios ayudara con el resto!

    Busca a Dios, antes de que sea muy tarde! Hoy podria ser tu ultimo dia en la tierra!

    Que tengas un hermoso dia!

  2. 0:00 Introduction
    3:21 CPT Codes for Integrating Behavioral Health Into Practice
    8:21 CPT Codes for Co-Located Model
    10:46 CPT Codes for Psychotherapy & Developmental / Behavioral Screening
    13:39 CPT Codes With a Clear Focus on Behavioral Health
    16:15 Care Management CPT Codes
    20:30 CPT Codes for Telemedicine
    22:08 CPT Codes for Virtual Visits
    24:21 Collaborative Care Management Implementation
    28:11 Achieving Operational & Financial Goals
    35:13 Northwestern Medicine Takeaways
    37:21 Building EHR Solutions (Integration with EPIC)
    39:05 Can you clarify what you mean by the payers paying for medical, but not the carve-out behavioral health coverage?
    40:57 Can CPT Codes 99406 and 99407 be used for vaping and other substances that are inhaled like marijuana?
    42:22 If someone is conducting telehealth from home, do they document it in the note as a point of service, and is there a difference in reimbursement for phone versus video versus in office?
    47:52 Suggestions on how to contract with insurance companies for small groups to get their mental health clinicians to provide integrated care in the practice without joining the mental health IPA's like Beacon or Magellan?
    49:37 How does 99452 differ from other digital evaluation codes, 99421 to 99423?
    51:38 How do you make the billing and coding work for collaborative care in a small practice setting?
    52:20 At what rate does a collaborative psychiatrist get paid?
    54:50 Parting thoughts
    57:03 If a physician provides smoking cessation counseling for e-cigarette vaping for eight minutes, may CPT code 99406 be reported?

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