Post-COVID syndrome: Mental health

Now that we’re a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re beginning to have an understanding of the lasting long-term effects the disease has. While we continue to learn more about the physical long-term complications of COVID-19 on patients, we’re also learning about the psychological toll of the disease on patients, healthcare providers, and the general public.

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  1. Even if I were to work for a company that pays me lots of money and become famous around the world, it doesn’t change the fact that COVID-19 is deadly and contagious to everyone of all kind.

  2. I was 9 before we went into quarantine, i just came back from winter break i remember hearing my classmates talking about a bat virus called corola in china or something i didn't really care because already had too much to worry about, a few weeks later we got an announcement on the PA i remember that it was march 12th 2020, the principle said we would go into quarantine for 2 weeks, which then turned into a month to 2 months to 3,5 and eventually a year i missed out on so many opportunitys like getting my first commercial, becoming a competetive gymnist, becoming a competetive dancer, going on my first show singing. I already had started these things and 2020 was my peak year I lost so many chances and having trouble at home and school was another struggle, my friends were now distant and the one place i felt good was now gone i hd nobody to talk to and my emotions got bottled up, i started paying attention to myself and realized how many insecurities i have and till this day i still try bottle up my feelings and am really insecure.

  3. It has been well known for a while now that viruses probably are actually the cause of serious neuropsychiatric disorders through complex interactions with the immune system. EBV is hypothesized to actually cause bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. It's ridiculous that so many people just can't stop pointing to the air and psycho babbling about stress instead of taking the cause and effect relationship between the immune system and neuropsychiatric disorders seriously.

  4. I had no problems during the lockdowns or even fears of covid until I got covid, spent two months in the hospital with a collapsed lung two times and horrible pneumonia among other issues. Now I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from PTSD. I'm full of fear, anxiety and I cry at least once or two times a day. I'm terrified of another lung collapse and think about it constantly.

  5. Covid causes b12, D and magnesium deficiency. You need those for a lot of things, but they affect your nervous system wellness. JUST magnesium deficiency, or JUST vitamin D deficiency can cause depression. Low magnesium and B12, long term, can actually cause dementia; according to my research. They cause brain fog too- covid brain? I had it, and I can’t keep my levels up. BTW, magnesium and vitamin D are important for glucose metabolism also…

  6. I’m afraid of everything and lay in bed all day. Dropped out of grad school, lost 2 jobs, had a very serious suicide attempt and went to psych ward 3 times in the last 2 years. I can’t think straight whatsoever. It’s really fucked up. How did I go from being successful working on a 2nd master to facing homelessness in January? I really don’t know if I can function any longer.

  7. I was a perfect student before the pandemic. I never missed any homework, had all A's, all advanced and AP classes, always studied. After a whole year online to coming back for 11th grade in person I still don't have any motivation left in me to do any homework. I can't focus and I can't retain any information. For the first time I started failing multiple tests and classes.

  8. Before the pandemic, I had the urge to do anything. But then I saw people were meeting up even tho we were in lockdown and that's when I went downhill. Now I get therapy and basically fear things that are out of my control

  9. my father had covid and he recovered after that but he is continuosly tension when he is eating



    and shaking his legs

    and closing his eyes

    he have some problems

    writing letters/numbers in dinning table / wall etc..sometimes

    he always seem to be frustrated

    and when i told him i will find what his problem and he should say his problem early but

    he wont say one thing

    and laughs maniacally

    pls tell me what is the reason behind this

    i cant live each day seeing his pain

    im 16 yearsold and i already had more than enough problems

    i am scared what will happen to my father

    i dont know his aims , his intentions

    he is making me stressed out to extreme

    just whyy..:(


    please someone help me find answer

    dont just ignore me

    life is at stake

    i been looking for answers since last april 2021 , the more tragedy begins from 2021 , my father recovered from covid and he showed some different body language but then he wasnt too much tension, now he is too much tensed and writing letters , closing his eyes and supressing some sort of anger

    and not saying anything about those

    and i asked him 100 times about what his problem

    is but he wont say one word

    he says its none of my buissness

    he cant say that , im living with him so i want to know what his issues are so that i can help him and can prevent further danger but he is a professional liar and he wont say one single fucking word.

    what might be his problem ? can anyone tell me whats my father"S mental issue from the above symptoms?

  10. I'm just two weeks post covid. Though I didn't have any serious conditions physically , now I feel like I'm a bit confused and disappointed with day to day life 🥺

  11. To everyone who's struggling right now, please know that GOD LOVES YOU. He wants to help you and give you peace. Please surrender your burdens to Him and allow Him to move in your life.

  12. First half of the video is great and I agree mental health is going to be the next pandemic, however the way you want to fix it is wrong!!!! You don't make it better by doing the same things you've been doing, YOU GO BACK TO NORMAL!!!! If you vaccinated great, if your unvaccinated by choice fine. We can't just sit and be scared of this anymore. If world War 3 starts, covid is going to seem like a walk in the park…

  13. I didn’t get covid until this week (Sunday, July 10th.) and I’m used to being able to go up to my boyfriend and hug him. Now I’m not able to do that. The only person I can touch is my cat. I haven’t had human touch in some days now and I’ve been trying to get better with my own mental health and eating stuff. I hate this Covid. I hate how I feel. I hate that I can’t hang out with my boyfriend. I can’t leave.

  14. Yes, this severe isolation due to the pandemic has real and harmful affects on the mind. As a teenager, it feels like I'm wasting my youth, I barely get to experience anything new at all. I desperately want to feel alive, I am so desperate to do everything but after the pandemic the world feels so limiting. I will never be able to get those wasted years back, I will never be 14-15-16 ever again.

  15. I'm suffering PTSD from the coercive persuasion aspect of this campaign. As a frontline RN, I never saw Covid ( saw a few sick coughing patients but it looked like the flu and we were told the flu disappeared). It was disturbing to watch the news declaring dead bodies and go to work see nothing and live in the "grey zone". I don't think the virus disliked my state or hospital. I think there were a lot of lies and pushing for a vaccine that I observed hurt people.

  16. The Bible is written by God through men.
    God created EVERYTHING
    Male and Female
    We are told about sin.
    The garden of Eden. Adam and Eve…
    Our fallen state: why the world is the way it is.
    Satan through our fallen state has dominion over the earth.
    Hence, why we have been lied to about everything. Why the truth is hard to see.
    Satan is the father of lies.
    We are under his spell, if we are not believers.
    If you do not believe in the God of the Bible, I assure you are worshipping Satan.
    There is only one God.
    In short…
    God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that whosever BELIEVES in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16
    As we know the wages of sin is death and eternal separation from. God in hell for eternity.
    But there is good news!
    God loved us all while we were yet sinners.
    He offered the gift of salvation equally to all sinners, as we all fall short of the glory of God.
    God offered this gift, however, he never forced anyone to take it.
    How does one obtain the free gift of salvation?
    By believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ (the messiah)
    Jesus last words on the cross were “it is finished.”
    What was finished?
    It was paid in full. Our debt, by Jesus death, by the shedding of his perfect blood.
    Our sins are paid in full.
    But you must BELIEVE.
    And you have to BELIEVE the gospel of Jesus Christ to get the gift of salvation.
    Jesus lived a perfect life, as man and God. He ministered, healed and delivered people.
    But his purpose was to die on that cross.
    So if you confess that you are a sinner. And believe in your heart ( put your trust in Christ, knowing you need to be saved, knowing you cannot save yourself)
    Jesus is the saviour.
    He paid for all your sins on that cross.
    And if you believe that he rose again 3 days later you are saved, sealed and given the Holy Spirit.
    It is a free gift of grace ( unmerited favour) through faith from God.
    For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God -Ephesians 2:8
    You can do nothing to earn it or lose it.
    You can add nothing or take anything away from it.
    Pretty easy.
    Jesus did it all. It’s all Him.
    That’s how much God loves you!
    Jesus was tortured, mocked, spit on, and not to mention took on the entirety of the world’s sins.
    Most choose not to believe.

  17. I already have been having horrible mental health, got hit with a bad fever from COVID, and now I feel like I have no energy and dizzy and my brain fog is worse. I lost most of my support system. Everyday is just bleeding into the next and I feel like I’m in a never ending grey nightmare. My whole 20s hasn’t been a youth, and now I slowly am approaching my 20s feeling like I have nothing to look forward to, nothing set up for the future, and no truly good memories to hold on to.

  18. The effects of isolation affected me after 60 days and made me burnt out. After a year of isolation, I got OCD blowing up my brain with crazy thoughts in March of 2021. I still have it to this day

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