Your Mental Health in College | How to College | Crash Course

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There is a lot of stress and anxiety around college, whether you’re fresh out of high school or you’ve decided to go back to school years later. It can be tough to navigate. But, one of the best ways to navigate keeping yourself focused so you can succeed is by being aware of the pitfalls. This way, you can head into your college experience with open eyes and the knowledge of the places and people you can turn to for help.

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0:00 – Introduction
3:37 – Physical Health
5:19 – Mindfulness and Meditation
6:11 – Special Interest Groups
8:00 – Conclusion

Resources used in this video:
Crisis Text Line (text HOME to 741741-free 24/7 support via text)
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (free 24/7 support over the phone)

What Is Mental Health? |
Active Minds’ Student Mental Health Survey – Active Minds:
Sleep problems in university students – an intervention (
How Long Should You Wait Between Caffeine and Bedtime? (
4 – 7 – 8 sleep – Arizona State University – updated 1-26-15 – YouTube:
Should You Take a Leave of Absence? | BestColleges:

Learn more about Federal Student Aid:

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  1. Nice note about sleep. My problem is that I sleep too much. I also become 'nocturnal' and spend my nights awake and days asleep. That might sound fine, but the nights just become unproductive.
    Cool video, I am struggling currently and in college. Wanting to make a change.

  2. My advice: Don't overthink your assignments if you can manage it. Our stress can cause us to see things more frantically and we start overassessing our work. It's a dangerous rabbit hole to fall into.

  3. Thank you so much for this series! I graduated from college years ago and now work in admissions for that same school. This series has helped me to remember a little bit better what it was like to be a new undergraduate student, including some of the challenges that I faced and the types of resources that I used (or didn't use, but maybe should have). Putting myself back in that mindset helps me to empathize better with our students and—I hope—to do a better job of supporting them so that they can have successful and happy college careers.

  4. Can’t tell you how much I would have appreciated these videos in college. I didn’t have a good support system, and struggled figuring college life out on my own. Y’all are doing a great thing with this series evening the playing field between people who came from “academic” families and the much larger portion of very talented people that haven’t- and struggle with college as a result.

  5. With that title and my personal experience I expected a five seconds video consisting of the words: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

  6. I had some serious mental health issues come up at the end of my undergrad, right when the pandemic started. I went to the counseling on campus, but they told me they could not help me. I ended up really spiraling and dropping for a semester.

    My advice to anyone out there struggling: don’t be afraid to look outside of campus for help! Campus is a great place to start, but sometimes they aren’t always the most helpful.

  7. I don't know if this has been asked before but… Please make a Nutrition course for beginners!

    (Does anyone know good free resources on nutrition for a very stubborn person?)

  8. My advice is to have places to go, to get away from stuff. Have a place where you work, a place where you relax, and a place where you party (whatever that means), maybe all separate from the place you sleep. At my college, most of the buildings were just left open all night, so I would go to the 8th floor of the math building, and just do my homework and studying there. It forced me to do my work, since there was nothing else to do there, and nobody to bother/distract me. And it helps mentally to have separate places for separate roles.

  9. I'm going back to school in my late twenties to finish my bachelor's and this series has been super encouraging! Thanks for much for all of the work you do, Crash Course team ❤️

  10. Thank you so much for these series and thank you crash course you provide education on YouTube online platform thankyou you make breat future in students thankyou

  11. These are good tips for college & all but what about how to adapt with life & balance with mental stress after college when you step into the career lifestyle its no better after school gets done! You just go from dealing one type of stress to another 😩 😪

  12. Have realistic expectations. A 4.0 would be great, but it’s simply not always possible. Sometimes taking a course Pass/Fail is a good way to take a little pressure off. And know in advance that you WILL run into that one professor who, with or without good reason, will not give you the credit you deserve. And you WILL run into a class that simply sucks. Maybe it’s poorly taught or disorganized. Sometimes you will find yourself stuck having to work on a project with classmates with whom you do not click. I tended to expect all of my professors and classes to be awesome and all of my grades A+, and that was unrealistic. The result was disillusionment and depression. You want to do your very best and succeed in school, but sometimes you have to cut yourself and everyone else a little slack.

  13. I’ll call out my university right now. Hearing the advice in this video about reaching out for food security and mental health support programs. I go to one of the wealthiest and best funded universities in Canada and they continue to cut their funding for food security programs and not increase the funding for mental health programs every year while continuing to raise fees each year. Do better University of British Columbia! You are located in one of the most expensive cities in the world and the number of your students going hungry and suffering is skyrocketing each year! We are protesting and you do nothing. Wishing everyone a safe safe school experience and that they get the support they need!

  14. My uni has some of the most subpar food options. But I always try to utilize the salad bar and places that sell healthy smoothie drinks as much as I can bc as an engineering major I NEED that joint 😭😭

  15. I went to college and I learned to NEVER LET THEM EVER FIND OUT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!! I got suspended for an entire semester twice before I learned to seek help from outside the college system.

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