How to FIX DEPRESSION on your own

Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, it is estimated that 5% of adults suffer from the disorder. It is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. It can also disturb sleep and appetite. Tiredness and poor concentration are common.
#depression #mentalhealth #health

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  1. My respiratory therapist shared that they are finding a very high (40%) of women with depression that have an untreated/undiagnosed sleep apnea condition. Many (over half) of those that pursued testing and treatment where in time coming off the depression meds. They weren’t depressed at all, they were not getting good sleep.

    I’d encourage any female particularly, to make sure to rule out sleep disorders. Not sleeping well would make anyone feel unwell.

    The men had similar outcomes in numbers but their cases correlated stronger with heart conditions and impotence, but still had strong correlations to depression as well, just not as high as the women’s.

    Get tested. Sleep disorders are significantly under diagnosed in the USA.

    Some alternative methods believe it has to do with our oral cavities not expanding to a proper size during development. Our ancestors apparently ate foods that needed more chewing than our softer diets of today. The chewing (nuts, seeds, grains, whole raw foods) created resistance which during the developing years rounded out the mandibles. Faces were fuller in structure and had effect on a more open airway. If you look at pictures of indigenous tribes in the Amazon for example. Their children have these more normal formations and orthodontics is not an industry that would thrive if serving their populations. The teeth come in straight and moth breathing is rare if at all.

    Mouth breathing is a huge indicator your child needs tested. It’s not cute. It’s a indicator they are at risk of developing a handful of conditions as they mature, depression is very common as well as cavities among mouth breathers.

  2. Thank you Dr. Mike for educating me on mental health. I am very sorry about your sister. She is with you forever.
    You have covered various mental illnesses. I am blessed to have you as my online doctor. I wish to listen to you speak about Schizophrenia. Please share your valuable thoughts.
    I think God is someone who helps others like YOU Dr. Mike. Thank you tons for your selfless and dedicated medical service to the world.
    Best wishes

  3. Guys remember that its not a bad life. Its a bad day, week, month, or year. The life is NEVER bad. Whatever you're going will go away before you know it. Just dont focus on it.

  4. Wow so he talked about how the standard way isnt good enough and then didn't offer any insight on HOW TO ACTUALLY TREAT IT ON YOUR OWN as the title says and makes an ad for himself 😒

  5. Good doctors are scarce these days. I am trying with everything I can. I have to learn to be “indifferent “ to half of society’s value system….I have to learn how to not care. It’s a hard lesson….not sure where to begin

  6. I think I have come to the realization that I am depressed all I do is come home and sit in my room, I always look up videos of stuff I want to do and then when it comes time to do it i bale on myself and just SIT IN MY ROOM couped away, emotional, I want to change but I just don't have motivation and I don't like talking about it with people idk what to do "(

  7. This isn’t real depression, it’s a normal response to a loss and betrayal. Real depression is when everything is fine, no major loss or issues and you feel like you can’t go on living anyways.

  8. It took me a month to get an appointment. Saw therapist who took history and typed constantly into computer. Told me her appointment person would call me with an appointment scheduled in about 5 weeks. I called the office after waiting a month for an appointment. The appointment person said, "Oh, I forgot". I''d have to wait another 4-5 weeks for an appointment. FU !!!! is what I said. getting help is a joke, just like out justice system. I guess if I had better health insurance, more money and wasn't a senior, I'd be worthy of getting some help.

  9. I've been really depressed recently. I can't find anything to make me happy. I've had barely any motivation to do anything. And ive had a short wick recently. It doesn't take much to piss me off recently.

  10. I first got really chronic depression after a girlfriend cheated on me with a former friend. I was battling with overthinking subconscious thoughts bombarding me when I said "I didn't feel like living" at the moment of pain.
    Which I didn't mean it in the literal sense.
    But I was dealing with retrusive thoughts from over thinking that gave me anxiety. Most of that came from childhood trauma from being yelled at for not doing things right.

  11. Man, he is so right! I took care of my mom who had depression, anxiety, bipolar and epilepsy. It was very hard, but we had some good times. Now I'm dealing with the depression since she died. It's hard. Changing diet, exercise and other factors do help to make me feel better. New experiences as simple as going for a drive and walking around the track in the park helped my mom also.

  12. 🦋 I have suffered for many years and depression from not understanding how to get through the day. One thing I realized was that I had to understand why I felt this way. I took all sorts of supplements, vitamins and changed my diet a million times. After years of prayer I realized that I was depressed because I had a lot of trauma and my body had accumulated unresolved stress and heavy metals. I started detoxing and slowly working towards healing. there are a lot of things that can be done.

    1 Journaling: helps you reflect and understand that you need to forgive yourself and let go of the past. 2: Walking: Helps you relax your nervous system and get some fresh air and sunshine. 3 Supplements: I have found that vitamin D, magnesium and zinc really help a lot. I recommend cod liver oil every day. 4. Reading: it helped me understand my traumas thanks to the experiences of others. A read that changed my life is "Everything will be fine I promise" by Faouzi Zouhair. It's a beautiful read of thoughts and reflections that help heal. 5: Sauna for sweating. Sweating helps get rid of heavy metals. I recommend it together with binders such as zeolite or activated carbon. 6. Sleeping well is a key point to reset your body and feel good. 7. Move away from toxic people. 8. meditate or pray. 9. Have faith that everything will go well.

    Whoever is reading I wish you well and know that you are enough.🦋🦋

  13. How lovely… she took antidepressants and sleep medication and a miracle pill… how lucky some people are… they go to psychiatrists, and they get well all of a sudden…

  14. I do not believe the story about the female patient. In fact, anyone who has major depression would know it isn't true. The only way it could be true is if she was just depressed but not really suffering from cliniical depresssion. You don't want to do all those things. You want to die. You described someone who slowly but surely experienced joy from various activities. True sufferers of major clinical depression know what would make them feel better but they dont want to feel better by doing those things because there is a deeper problem. We dont find interest or joy in anything.
    My eyes opened today about this whole subject of depression in my situation. I realized all the good times i experience involve the loss of memory. Drinking, benzos, cannabis,…every time in my life i have enjoyed involves my memory being destroyed or weakened. It doesn't take a genius to figure out i had been abused multiple times by different ppl before i was even 6 and that wasnt a new discovery…but the commonality of memory loss that threads through all my good times is sad. It is pathetic.

  15. Traumatic unwanted life change….. retirement.
    Full stress, bad anxiety,.. and horrible depression/anhedonia., ….. and insomnia.
    Every moment in life is uncomfortable. My friends family neighbors are hurting from my condition.
    I struggle now… just to go outside and walk. Panic attacks… I've never experienced until now…
    Almost gave up… but,…. im trying.. pls 🙏4me…thank you

  16. What do you do when the therapy and medication doesn’t work? 29-year-old marine veteran who has been absolutely suffering with PTSD the last eight years.. The VA has been less than helpful.

  17. All this things don’t help, Dwayne Johnson and Andrew tate suffered depression too.
    It’s a mental disorder the connections are not right you only connect it back by going to gym and listening to Andrew tate insult you that you’re a loser, it’ll make you angry to do more exercise. You’re welcome.

  18. Sorry..but I'm not buyin' it. The situation described would not be chronic , debilitating depression. This is more a situational sadness. Unless you are seriously depressed and are considering self harm..don't take drugs to resolve a condition that can be resolved other, less dangerous ways!

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