Psychologists Debunk 25 Mental-Health Myths

Business Insider asked three clinical psychologists to debunk 25 of the most common myths about mental health and therapy. They explain that schizophrenia is not about having multiple personalities and that obsessive-compulsive disorder is not just about being neat. They also delve into therapy — explaining that it’s not like having a paid friend and that it doesn’t last forever.

0:00 Intro
0:27 People with schizophrenia have multiple personalities
0:47 All “neat freaks” have OCD
1:23 Bipolar disorder is just mood swings
1:51 Anxiety is just getting stressed out
2:48 Being depressed is the same as being sad
3:27 Depression is not a real illness
4:12 Talking about depression just makes it worse
4:57 Depression is always tied to one event
5:22 Only women get depressed
5:53 Antidepressants and mood stabilizers change your personality
6:32 Antidepressants always cure depression
6:55 Bad parenting causes mental illness
7:27 Being gay or transgender is a mental illness
8:31 Gun violence in the US is a mental-health issue
9:06 All people exposed to trauma will have PTSD
10:01 Everyone who experiences loss is devastated
10:49 There are five stages of loss
11:31 Myers-Briggs personality tests are reliable
12:24 Therapy is about dredging up the past
13:20 Therapy is like having a paid friend
13:48 Therapy is for the weak
14:07 Therapists force you to discuss devastating events
14:59 Therapists encourage you to take medication
15:45 Therapy is for life
16:33 Only wealthy people can afford helpful therapy

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Psychologists Debunk 25 Mental Health Myths


  1. It's not that "bad" parenting causes mental illness but the fact that parents pass on their own particular brand of dysfunctional behaviors to their children. Examples of this are learned behaviors like racial prejudice, drug addiction(80% of addicts have a chemically dependent parent), borderline personality disorder, etc.. The parental dysfunction manifests itself in the child in varying degrees and form. It's the story of the human condition.

  2. It would be great if Therapists would be honest about how much we actually know about the mind/brain.

    Because it always sounds like they know what mental illnesses are, how they work, where they come from and how to treat them.

    But in reality, we are at the point in mental medicine, where general medicine was 300 years ago.

    We don't know much and every other year another hypothesis/theory that was believed by the whole field gets disproven, because almost all hypothesis/theories that we work with right now are shaky at best.

  3. 🙄 I find it super cute that these mental health myths? They wouldn’t have existed this long in the first place, to then be “conveniently” debunked. And by whom? The very institutional system itself. The institutionalized mental health system. There would be no myths to have been believed long enough in the first place. To then just be debunked. Not if the mental health system didn’t exist in the first place. It’s cute. The way that it’s designed to be this institution profiting off of the minds that believe it at all. To then come in after how long? And say. By the way? Everything that we fed to you guys? A lot of it isn’t true. And those DSM codes? In the now DSM-V? They’re over 450. Diagnosis and disorders.

    It makes you wonder. How sick a person actually be in their head? When most of the symptoms that might be even for 5 of those? Are relatively similar and synonymous.

    Nobody in or out of their right and left brain and mind can be that level of sick to then expect to escape that kind of psychological entrapment.

    Not when you have maybe 5 different cooccurring symptoms? And they’re synonymous to how many different disorders and diagnosis? To notice the pattern?

    You can’t escape that. It’s designed to make you sick. You cannot escape a sickness unless you don’t entertain sickness. Especially not your mind. Your mind is more vulnerable to belief than your body is. Don’t listen to people who will prey off of that. The difference between someone in psychiatry and that wolf? They will prey on your mind and how vulnerable it is if you let them in.The wolf will just eat you if it can get away with it. You’d just have to be in the wild. And either lucky and unlucky enough to encounter a wolf to be its meal. Not a psychiatrist’s office or on the psychologist’s couch.

    Who designed the myth in the first place.?

    Get out of here, trying to get people to buy into that. Get out of their heads.

    Like you actually have any business, trying to prey upon someone’s vulnerability in their head. Predatory much? Predation much? Super dangerous. Big red flag. Dangerous.

    Without the mental health system?

    There would be no myths for mental health “professionals“ to even come in and debunk.

    Let alone the mental health system. Leave it to that system to institutionalize people into their frame of mind set to fit their narrative. Narcissism much? Psychopathy much? Sociopathy much? Dark triad much? Dark tetrad much? Talk about Machiavellian. You wanna go there? Do you wanna go to Sadism? You’re already there. Right along with your psychiatrist and your psychologist. To have some form of narcissism. To have to project and displace that onto their patient. Because they don’t wanna do the work as a patient themselves. They don’t wanna be in that patient chair. As if they’re not susceptible to the same things.

    And that’s if they already weren’t in that chair of the psychiatrist’s office or on the couch of the psychologist themselves at one point .

    What is the real myth here?

    That DSM V handbook?
    It’s basically a Bible for any psychologist and psychiatrist. I almost pity anybody who allows themselves to be sucked into that swill. Long enough to pay someone to feed them poison in a bottle. And to maybe pay them to listen to their problems for 45 minutes to maybe an hour and a half at most if you pay really good money. With or without insurance to cover the cost and a co-pay without some kind of deductible afterwards.

    The mental health system is not in the business of helping people get better. They’re not in the business of wellness. They are in the business of the illusion of that. The illusion of wellness. The illusion of feeling well enough. Just long enough before you need to go back in to the psychiatrist and a psychologist for that prescription and therapy session.

    They are about as in the business of wellness is Starbucks is in the business of coffee. Coffee? Or the illusion of coffee? Wellness and getting better? Or the illusion of wellness and getting better. Right before you have to go back and get your caffeine and your therapy session right after your psychiatric poison prescription in a bottle appointment .

    Don’t allow an idea to go onto your head. To think that you need it in the first place. And then maybe?

    There would be nothing to be so rampantly believed that the very people from these institutions had to come in to say, what’s being said here.

    You try going on the medication that is prescribed to people by psychiatrist’s and through recommendation of the psychologist, they are probably sleeping with. If not literally. Metaphorically. Being in the same field, line of work, or bed to mutually benefit. That’s a symbiotic relationship if I’ve heard one. Not a natural one. Still symbiotic..

    But go on those pills psychiatrist. Go on those pills psychologist. You take them.

    You tell me.
    Tell your patience after taking them .

    Just long enough.
    And then tell me how you feel afterwards.

    You tell me if that doesn’t dull your personality.

    As if it doesn’t affect your personality. You are lying to yourself. I would say that if you believe that before you even try it yourself? You’re not a psychologist. You’re just a psycho. Pretending to be psychic. And doing a really poor job about it. I would rather go to a medium or even a Gypsy. With or without a crystal ball to get a tarot reading.

    My deck does me better than prescriptions. That’s for sure.

    That’s better than the illusion of getting well.

    Do mental health professionals truly want people to get well? Because if they do? Suddenly?

    You’re out of patients.
    Then you’re out of a paycheck.
    You have to be some level of mental illness yourself to buy into whatever you’re trying to sell to people.

    Maybe those people just need the people that claim they care about them to actually listen to them so they can actually show they care.

    Maybe the people that say they love someone and that tell people they care about them?

    But never show up to mean it?

    Maybe they just need to be the people to sit down and listen rather than tell their loved ones to go to a psychologist and a psychiatrist because what?

    They are not qualified?

    As if you need to be a qualified individual to be a decent human being. To really care about someone and not just pass them off and dismiss them as a problem to go to a professional.

    This is a joke. It’s not even a funny one. I could’ve done better. If this is the part where I’m supposed to believe this beyond passé lackluster logic?

    It makes it too easy to want to go to Wondeland. The thought of going into a psychotherapist’s office as a patient in need of therapy to then cross examine them rather than being cross-examined myself?

    That’s entertainment.

    They wouldn’t want someone like myself as a patient. I promise you that. Keep believing whatever you’re going to believe people. Just don’t be surprised when 20 years down the line you’re told.

    Yeah sorry about that. Most of what we might as well have perpetuated and made up in the first place is a myth.

    You are dismissed now.

    Cute 🥱

  4. Some women who are conscious of how they effect their environment or struggles are more likely to look for help, – Men are equally effected but more pressure is put on men to be "macho" which disguises outbursts or wont allow to accept/acknowledge they're issues. Woman gets manic or too extra, they have no 'macho' to hide behind ya just look crazy lol

  5. Soft White Underbelly did an interview with a clown that has OCD and if you watch what he has to go through every single day, you will realize that calling someone who is clean an OCD is as ignorant as calling a horse a donkey.

  6. Something that I think should be addressed is that therapy before meds isn't always realistic. If you can't even peel yourself out of bed in the morning, going to therapy (which is incredibly emotionally taxing, and takes phone calls, research, calender management, and social energy to even begin) can feel, and very much be, impossible for many people, myself included. This won't pertain to everyone, since not everyone needs medication, but for me, mental health was a mountain: therapy, meditation, better eating, going outside, etc were all on that mountain with the goal of better mental health. Medication, to me, was hiking boots. Proper medication enabled me to "climb" the mountain, and do all of the other tasks that contribute to better health, like therapy. I was no longer looking at rocky terrain and trying to climb it barefoot, which felt and truly was unreasonable and impossible. It still took work to "climb" but I had the tools (meds) necessary to at least make it possible. To anyone who felt like I did: don't be afraid to talk to your PCP or psychiatrist about how impossible therapy feels and how you would like some meds to make it a little more doable, even just temporarily. Use the mountain metaphor if it helps them understand.

  7. i think comparing mbti with astrology is a huge mistake, and she doesn´t even know about the letters, she is judging without having a deep notion of mbti. Yeah maybe it is not empiric science, but doesn't mean that is useless.

  8. Causality can be related to past, in the present, and, in relation to the future, in fact, entities interfering against this fact affect feasibility studies in relation to it, and, how they affect communication from analysis, and what their interpretations of facts are.
    When an entity attacks me, I don't hide it because they associate with classified systems.
    They can go to hell and stay there.

  9. 00:27 People with schizophrenia have multiple personalities.

    00:47 All “neat freaks” have OCD.

    01:23 Bipolar disorders are just mood swings.

    01:51 Anxiety is just getting stressed out.

    02:48 Being depressed is the same as being sad.

    03:27 Depression is not a real illness.

    04:12 Talking about depression just makes it worse.

    04:57 Depression is always tied to an event.

    05:53 Antidepressants and mood stabilizers change your personality.

    06:32 Antidepressants always cure depression.

    06:55 Bad parenting causes mental illness.

    08:31 Gun violence in the U.S. is a mental health-issue.

    09:06 All people exposed to trauma will have PTSD.

    10:01 Everyone who experiences loss is devastated.

    10:49 There are 5 stages of loss.

    11:31 Myers-Brigs personality test are reliable

    12:24 Therapy is about dragging up the past.

    13:20 Therapy is like a paid friend

    13:48 Therapy is for the weak

    14:07 Therapist force you to discuss devastating events.

    14:59 therapist encourage you to take medication

    15:45 Therapy is for life 16:33 Only the wealthy can afford helpful therapy.

  10. on the topic of therapy being expensive, I've seen 3 therapists at a clinic near me who accept my government insurance and they are the best therapists I have/had the pleasure of working with. Mental health doesn't discriminate by tax bracket and neither should therapists

  11. I’m shocked that only women becoming depressed is a myth. As they said, that could not be farther from the truth. Anyone can experience these strong and sometimes devastating emotions for long periods of time. For example, my favorite band had to go through the loss of one of their members, and the lead singer said he didn’t understand what depression truly was until that happened. Same with being gay or transgender is a mental illness.

  12. I'm so depressed that I don't have a trillion dollars in my bank account! 😂

    Mental health is over hyped BS! Most people need a kick on their back, walk 2-3 km, exercise, eat a healthy diet, listen to music, have good friends, and enjoy life in general. They will be okay!

    As per the mental health definitions, I would have killed myself a long, long time ago. I'm alive, happy, and content without a fat bank account, but with more peace, good health, and a happy family. 🎉😊🎉

  13. Can someone pleeease help me!…. I'm trying to understand people responding differently to "when in rome" for instance do as the Romans or that's why it's eternal? Like it's a physiatrist test to see your response…. Thank you ❤

  14. The first woman is wrong.
    The term "neat freaks" refers to people who are not just neat, or tidy, they are freakishly neat, or abnormally neat, which would classify it as an obsessive trait.
    There is no sense watching a "debunk" video when the first case was not debunked.

  15. As someone who suffers severly from a chronic mental illness and very active in self harm and suicide attempts this vid is aload of bs. They are basically trying yo say oh well be fine we arent that bad we arent ill well be cured blah blah is such aload of rubbish. They clearly never suffered mental illness and especially bo nothing about what i am diagnosed with that have a 70% higher suicide rate yhan any other mental illness is extremely highly triggered and reactive and never is cured is live long til you die. Its known as a destroyer for a reason

  16. THIS. I WISH you had them touch more on Eating Disorders. Wanna know my current diagnosis? Depression & Anxiety (childhood sexual abuse and during pregnancy my son and I died almost twice) Body Dysmorphia, Anorexia, oh and recently found out I have a crippling chronic nerve pain to top off everything else. I’m so tired of people being to naive when it comes to hearing these terms in pop culture because I’m seeing the changes it makes in people when you try to open up about your struggles your told to, “Just be happy, and it’s not the end of the world.” Or “You’re not physically incapable of walking, how can you possibly have serve nerve pain?”

    The stigmas around Mental Health needs to stop, I’m looking at ALL generations it’s society’s fault that we are view as less important.

  17. So it turns out that mental illness distinguishes from “i feel so” only because of ethics fashion and pressure from influential social groups

  18. Sorry. Have to disagree with the gent that said we shouldn't "traumatize" bad parents for being bad parents. Of course it scales from mildly abusive to overtly abusive, as well as willing to change which also will scale similarely. There are more than a small novellas list of reasons children, and adult survivors, will readily give for why their lives could've been better if even 1 person called their parents on their bs. Parents that refuse to admit fault and work to change their behaviour(s), shouldn't be parents. Let's use narcissists as an example. If you're unlucky to have a parent on the narcissism spectrum, good luck growing up without mental damage. Physical damage as well if they're an overt narcissist.
    Parents should always be held to task if anyone witnesses abuse, whether mental or physical, be it a stranger or someone they know. Given the echo chamber ideologies that are rather popular in modern society, that rarely happens. The saying that a "village raises a child", although seemingly trite, is true to some extents.

  19. No, the five stages of grief are not based in science and do not accurately describe how most people experience grief:

    No scientific foundation
    There is no scientific evidence that the five stages of grief exist.

    Doesn't apply to most people
    Most people don't grieve in stages, and the five stages don't accurately describe their experiences.

    Doesn't account for individual differences
    There are no typical responses to loss, and people don't all experience grief in the same order.

    Can cause harm
    Using the five stages of grief as a guide can be harmful to people who are grieving.

    Other feelings are normal
    It's normal to experience other feelings during grief, such as shock, anxiety, exhaustion, or guilt.😮😮😮

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