1. Just want to give a shoutout to my awesome childhood that was filled with wild imaginations, grass-stained pants, scrapped knees/elbows and bruises from PLAYING OUTSIDE, instead of apps to see how many likes I get from a photo. 👎🏽📵

  2. Hi. This was very insightful. I've been trying to search for a YouTube video that really explains the stuff in this YouTube vid. 👩‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️ That description at 1:01 is smart. Your breakdown for sure is like the vids of this awesome med student Doctor Ethan! Doctor Ethan's videos are actually useful and he helped me on my studies! He is a helpful health enthusiast in Nottingham!

    You should check out his channel out and give Doctor Ethan a like! 👉 #DrEthanYouTube

  3. Thanks for making this, this is very helpful and maybe I should try to follow these tips. I think it is important to take a break from social media sometimes. There are so many time that I think that do I actually use it for connecting or escaping. Also, I should think more about going outside and meeting my friends 🙂

  4. I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and spoken word performer, and I love this so much. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my YouTube channel, so I get excited when I see other advocates. 💙❤

  5. Thank you for this video. I really needed this. I have joined a group chat on social media to keep in touch with my class friends in November 2020. From then, my mental health just kept going down. I never actually thought I would say Lockdown 1 and Summer 2020 were the best times from April 2020 – April 2021. I was even fine with starting a new school in September-October 2020. My mental health was still the same as ever. But on March 10th 2021, I have decided to leave that. I have made the best decision of my life. Thank you. Keep up the good work and I hope you become what you want one day.

  6. Why is everyone saying that school brought them here? Are they teaching about how social media is bad? If they are that’s amazing. When I was younger and Snapchat and Instagram took over, I knew that this was going to go down a path that wasn’t good. Thank god there bringing this to light. Not everyone will agree but hey that’s for everything. I feel bad for kids no a days that don’t know what it is to just go outside and simply enjoy.

  7. I think this is only Youtube video that actually have rather accurate interpretation of lasted research on social media and well-being. However, I would add that there are counter example research on all benefits, and on all disadvantages. It is all about how you use it. Just like TV, video games, or even reading a book.

  8. The science is now in. There is something that will impede your advancement as I told my own subscribers. Addiction to social media. Now social media can be a good thing for advertising your business, YT channel or the like. But having your entire existence based on it is not. First there is the unhealthy aspect of comparing yourself to other profiles which usually aren't nearly as stellar in real life as they are on the front page. Then there is the aspect where your validation is being sought from people you rarely talk to in real life–if ever. Not to mention the constant quest of follows and likes also drops minute amounts of dopamine in your system literally physically making you addicted to social media. Which leads to later anxiety increase and depression. But also–if you are spending all your time on your iPhone then you aren't advancing yourself. Think about how much more you could learn about stock trading if you cut social media 90% down? That's my end point. It should be a very small part of your life not the center of it. Hope that helps someone out there—Charles

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  10. I deleted my Facebook account in April of 2022 because I got sick of posts of everybody else's good stuff and feeling like Charlie Brown afterwards. I feel at one with my own thoughts and have been doing more reading than I used to. I don't regret my decision to leave FB at all!

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