Mental health tips from 75 therapists

I asked my therapist friends for their best mental health tips. 75 responded. I’m sharing my favorites and helping you apply them to your life today!

Original Tweet:

Special thanks to Elizabeth S., Tyler D., Anna H., Arnt J., Collin P., Evan A., Imran M., Sam D., Ryan L., Sophie Y., Ahmed Y, Israel P., Neuro Transmissions, Eric E., Eve P., Lauren K., BrainCraft, Aaron F., Samuel H., and Marisa H. for making this episode possible! Learn how you can help me make The Psych Show and get exclusive behind the scenes access in return at

Topics Discussed:
* Mental health awareness
* Social support
* How to make friends
* Behavioral activation for depression
* Committing to values, meaning in life
* Understanding your emotions
* Deep breathing
* Mindfulness
* Grounding skills
* Self care routine
* Sleep hygiene and insomnia
* Cognitive therapy and acceptance
* Dialectical thinking
* Assertiveness
* Celebrating and sharing your passions
* Behavior change

Learn more:
* What is mental health:
* How to make friends:
* The simple way to treat depression:
* How to change your emotions:
* Learn deep breathing:
* A beginner’s guide to mindfulness:
* My self-care routine:
* Facing your fears:
* How I used to hide my passions:
* How to change your behavior:

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THE PSYCH SHOW! Creating mental health videos that educate, entertain, and empower! Produced, written, and edited by clinical psychologist Ali Mattu, Ph.D. All videos are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute clinical advice.

If you or someone you know needs help immediately, you should take one of the following actions:
– call 9-1-1 in the United States or your country’s emergency number:
– call the Lifeline at 1-800-273 TALK (8255) in the United States or a global crisis hotlines:
– text START to 741-741 in the United States or visit
– go to your nearest hospital emergency room


  1. These therapists can go to 'you know where!' No therapist I have ever met, truly gave a rip about my mental health. I am in pain, and every therapist I talk to, lectures me and makes me feel worse! There is no help!

  2. "connect with ppl" – Covid and the fact that everyone moved to a different country and Im the only left here and haven't made new friends because of covid IS an issue so that rly just makes me feel bad rip

  3. I have no family
    I have no friends
    I have no home
    I have no shower
    My bed is 4 inches of old memory foam on a peice of plywood.
    It’s been like this since my parents lost their house when I was 18 I’m 31 now

    Advice isn’t going to do anything for me if my best can’t even hold a minimum wage job
    To provide myself with a bed to sleep in & a running shower.

  4. I love this because it is realistic and human. So much in this area seems sterile and meaningles, like a set of photocopied rules, they maybe technically correct but they have no soul

  5. A healthy body is one that is in good physical, emotional and mental health. Our health is more valuable than anything else we have. It is a secret of a happy man🌷

  6. "one of the best antidepressants is to get your body moving" yes, but it's also important to not overwhelm yourself, i can't stand for very long without pain bc of physical disability so i do sit down low impact exercises and don't go for longer than i can handle. it's important to be careful and not overwhelm your body when trying to help your mind

  7. What if your not able to do these things, because you don't have any friends and family to care enough about you because your husband make sure of it? How do you get better at this?

  8. What do you when your husband constantly reminds you of your failures and mistakes every chance he gets or how he regrets ever meeting you after 19 years?

  9. Sir please help me whenever I start sleeping I start focusing on sleep coz I am very tried so want to get sleep fast but when I think I can't sleep plz help sir tips to stop focusing on sleep 😴🥺😔

  10. I’m realizing now that a lot of my mental health/imbalanced life came from not having a friend circle that I consistently turn to. And I tried to make up for that with some repetitive behaviors that really didn’t give me what I needed. I guess I’m just trying to figure out what I enjoy now and it’s been a cool process of self-discovery, even better having a Christian therapist!

  11. Hlo sir you are an inspiration and doing great job..
    Sir If you have pdf of the following then plz can you provide me plz
    Mental health and psychopathology
    Multicultural counseling
    Foundation of counseling
    Life span development
    Plz sir

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