COVID-19: Mental health services under intense pressure

Services which provide support for peoples mental health have come under intense strain during the pandemic according to providers.

Children who have overdosed or self-harmed are being treated in some London hospitals, with doctors warning of a ‘surge’ in mental health cases in the young.

One child and adolescent psychiatrist has claimed the number of young people seeking help with their mental health has ‘sky rocketed’.

Sky News’ Health Correspondent Ashish Joshi reports.

Anyone feeling emotionally distressed or suicidal can call Samaritans for help on 116 123 or email or talk to CALM on 0800 58 58 58 or via webchat on

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  1. now we know why zoo animals live shorter lives than those in the wild ( clue , continually walking figures of 8 in a confined space is enough to drive ANYTHING bonkers )

  2. The mental health system has been in crisis for years. Now this damn covid has made it even worse. Lockdown's, expecting people to cope, leaving them with nowhere to turn. Just WRONG!

  3. Mental Health services were already inadequate before COVID. It's just made a situation that was bad into a catastrophe. Yet still the amount of ignorance, lack of understanding & awareness and stigmatism/stereotyping of mental health & people who suffer with it are rife. When it comes to MH people are still in the dark ages and don't see things like Depression the way people see cancer.

  4. It's not a Covid legacy, it's a Covid-reaction/lockdown legacy. We've sacrificed an entire young generation's future, and I don't know any elderly people who think we have adopted the right policy. It will sound brutal to put it like this, but we have ripped out the kidney of a healthy 20-something-year-old in order to try and give people 80+ years old a few extra years (which in any event have so far been spent in absolute misery and loneliness), when I can't believe we couldn't have found another way to keep elderly and vulnerable people safe without destroying an entire generation's life chances (and, of course, RIP to everyone who has lost their life over the past year, whether due to Covid, Covid combined with other causes, suicide or any other lockdown-related consequence…).

  5. Acute hospital services are under intense pressure caused by Covid-19 – thousand are not able to be treated for
    serious conditions because of that pressure. Lockdowns do work, and are doing, regardless of what the sceptics
    say, so how in heaven's name would it be possible for mental health services to continue as if all was normal?
    What is abnormal is the way in which msm agencies stir the pot wherever they can in their endless search for
    things to criticise. They are irresponsible for doing so and any retrospective review in years to come will find them
    guilty of serious failings. It is one thing to report problems it is another to dramatise them and in doing so do achieve
    nothing useful for anyone – but themselves!

  6. Thats they want. Medical and media been scamming more than year. NO ONE STILL HASN'T SEEN THIS VIRUS YET. Andrews, Morrison, other puppets are destroying au nation's everything. This lockdown goes to 26th Feb at least. Not 5 days.

  7. We dont HAVE to follow lockdown rules, if the general masses just ignore these laws and have common sense when out and about; its not possible for the police or gov to enforce it without drawing negative attention they do not want

  8. "A mental health crisis triggered by Covid 19" 0:20 NO. A mental health crisis triggered by an illogical, idiotic and diabolical overreaction from the world's governments.

  9. 😈😈😈 Covid-19 is the secret terrorist in this 21th century. The world has to join its solidarity to combat this fierce enemy.
    WHO & WPA should play the important role in fighting with Covid-19 & its complications such as : mental trauma, PTSD, melancholic depression etc.

    – Covid-19 is the biggest lesson between Science & Religion.
    – Covid-19 is the greatest lesson between humanity & profit.

  10. I was one of those who suffered mental health issues during the lockdown for reasons directly attributable to the lockdown. I am not among those who believe covid is a hoax, but lockdown is no realistic way to deal with covid. I maintain that "social distancing" is an unnatural human state. Humans require social contact.

  11. I've been on a mental health waiting list for 2 years 2 months. This is for PTSD. And I'm seeing "just ask for help" posters around my town. it's made me want to just stop.

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