Mental health: young people say care system is ‘failing’

A survey of hundreds of young people with severe mental health issues has found that most had to deal with very poor levels of care in NHS hospitals.


Fewer than one in ten said that they’d had a positive experience.

Those are the findings from the charity Mind, which have been shared exclusively with this programme.

Many talk of dealing with problems such as untrained staff, being sent far away from their families and the overuse of physical restraints.

20-year-old Freya is one such example. She has been treated in six mental health inpatient units and described her experiences to us.
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  1. If mental health “specialists” didn’t say it was okay to we weak not this many people would be suffering from it. Take a look at your own grandparents, I’m pretty sure they didn’t have all the toys that grownups play now days.

  2. This world is a very cold place.

    If you dont take care of your mental health no one will.

    I was in a hospital a bunch of times but i received NO help from them.

    In fact,they only made my situation WORSE.

    It was my OWN EFFORTS that healed my problems and my own self care.

  3. Mental health problems do exist but it’s completely exasperated. Institutionalised is the perfect word for the problem caused by the current brutish push of the mental health sector.
    Before you would hit hard times and find grace, now people are treated like something is wrong with the individual for recognising problems in life and being a mood about it which locks them in a cycle of despair and dependancy instead. Any honest person will admit that psychiatry is a theoretical field, you’re essentially a case study for further development of the field.
    They’re grooming young people.
    What should have been a development for ill people has become a way to control the general public and inflate a new market.

  4. What job would be good and not make people's mental health worse? I thought of becoming a mental health nurse but the reviews of the job is conflicting. Can anyone share with me of their experience as someone with poor mental health that have went through any care/health assistance or someone that does a similar job?

  5. As much as I respect her… you’re in these places for a purpose for you to stabilise. Talking to someone calmly in that situation ain’t going to work 95% of the time. She’s there because she’s ill… you don’t go into a&e and tell them how to operate on ur heart

  6. The bigwigs of the NHS, the ones who's decision it is to split the money that they receive from the government are largely to blame.

    Every year the NHS receives it's budget from the UK government.

    Let's just say for argument's sake that figure is £400 billion.

    Now Mental Health covers about a quarter of everything that the NHS does or is responsible for.

    1 quarter of anything is obviously 25%, so therefore using the figure i suggested it would be a total of £100 billion required every year.

    But in reality the Mental Health Services of the NHS only really receive about 10% of the annual budget. So, instead of being given the £100 billion that they so badly needed they are actually receiving less than half that amount.

    In fact only about £40 billion.

    And remember that this is just an example of how much Mental Health services under the NHS are being starved of the vitally important cash.

    How do we go about changing this?

    Well I am not really sure but I certainly think that we are better off with a Labour government that another 5 years of the Conservatives.

  7. Yes, and it’s mainly the older generation that are going to be paying the price. Because being busy seems to be an excuse not to take life seriously anymore.

  8. This isnt meant to be said with the intention of gaining sympathy or pity, but this video and many other videos of a similiar nature is literally the reason why I will minimize the state of my anxiety/mental health conditions when im asked if im okay by other people, because even if im in crisis point ive heard enough stories of people having horrific inpatient mh experiences which left them feeling even more upset/traumatized than before they went into a mental health care unit etc

  9. I didn’t even get the option to go away, my boyfriend was having an asthma attack, first off the lady on the phone. Told me to be quiet. Was being passive aggressive. And she hung up without any warning!!!! WHILST HE WAS TRYING TO BREATHE! he has autism, the way he copes with more than one person speaking, he couldn’t do it! When we got to the hospital nhs the only one nearby… they told him that he was just having an allergy attack!?!? What?! He couldn’t breathe! just because he’s ok at dealing with himself with pain… doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look into it, and thirdly, guess what! We had to wait 5 hours for an inhaler! And if he had an attack… then they’d give him one and direct oxygen. Ironic isn’t it why can’t they just grab one ??? useless 😃🙌 additionally. I had mental health issues I c*t myself with a st*nley kn*fe and they helped for week after being told I was millimetres away from dy*ing 😊 “oh how I love the nhs they do so much”

  10. Imagine trying to do everything right in life, work hard pay your taxes obey the law and then you can be homeless at any point, that's what is thought of us citizens in the uk. You'd think we'd deserve better in return, its not alot to ask for everybody deserves a roof, the british public first!

  11. When I was 26 I experienced severe trauma.
    I'm 31 now and I've never received help on the NHS. I went private for two years. And lost everything
    After 4 years on that list I got a referral for talk therapy…..
    Damage was done

  12. I'm so glad that I am able to pay for mental health care and thia has made wonders for me. But it's not the reality of most people in most countries. This is something that should be addressed

  13. The mental health system is not fit for purpose, and it’s not just limited to young adults. I am 56 and recently served four months in prison as a result of holding a knife to my own throat, in my own home, whilst having an episode. I was Tasered by the police, held at the police station for over 48 hours and taken to court. During this time, I asked repeatedly to see a doctor who could prescribe the nine medications that I take daily for my mental health. When I arrived in prison I was put in isolation on the medical wing and again I asked repeatedly for a doctor to prescribe my med’s, I subsequently went in to withdrawal. It took ten days from the time of my arrest until I received my med’s, putting my physical and mental health in jeopardy. Whilst incarcerated I had regular sessions with a forensic phycologist and actually felt that I was finally getting some much-needed help and was assured that upon my release my psychiatrist and mental health team would “pick up where they left off”, that was FIVE MONTHS ago and guess what!

  14. I am aged 45. There was no mental health services as a child .
    As a result I have been failed . I had a nervous breakdown to get my ADHD detected February 2020, having had diagnoses of dyspraxia and Aspergers traits. I received a diagnosis of ADHD, in August 2020, 100 miles away , privately , NHS waiting time 4.5 years +, many psychiatrists would not assess me because of my dyspraxia and Aspergers traits diagnoses.
    A speech therapist, thought I had dyspraxia, early 2002, I thought it was just being clumsy , there were symptoms of ADHD.
    A psychologist was quite sure in Summer 2003, I thought I had mild / moderate Asperger’s syndrome ( I have mild / moderate ADHD & Aspergers traits).
    I had a non – standard NHS diagnosis of Aspergers traits , correct result , badly done over 20 years ago , one GP, thought would not allow me to have an assessment citing cost , another GP, found a loophole closed in 2005.
    Having learned about adult dyspraxia, I had to have a private diagnosis aged 33 in May 2012, my GP would not accept the report . If I had the diagnosis later , my ADHD would have been flagged up .
    I counselling for severe generalised anxiety disorder and depression in Spring 2014, given horrible medication, did not take it.
    I got a degree aged 20, 1999, pgdip 2000.

  15. Well it's June 2024 and as someone who has worked in our NHS mh services for 12 years, nothing imo has changed in a meaningful way. Thank goodness for the charities and community services doing out reach work. I have an interview tomorrow with a youth charity and Im genuinely excited of the prospect of working for an organisation that aligns with my values. Freya you did sich an amazing job articulating your experience. I hope you are well and life is treating you good 🙂

  16. in my case they just get you arrested, charge you for 30k worth of damages to 2 S136 cells, the NHS is a joke and someone really should do something about it before more people get hurt

  17. Where are her parents? and what have they been doing. What has created this nonsense situation. It is only three generations ago that the same age group, like my father and FIL were literally fighting a war at 18. I think a lot of this comes own to smart phones and the internet, we would help people, especially young people to restrict their access to these.

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