Mental Health: How the Brain Works

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This 3D medical animation shows the parts of the brain associated with mental health and function. The process of neurons passing messages to each other via neurotransmitters is shown. A few examples of mental illnesses are listed, along with the neurotransmitters associated with them.

#MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Brain


  1. Gas Lighting And Environment or Mean Family Friends and Community can cause psychopaths sociopaths and narcissists…att. projects: Paper Clip, Constellation, Deep Throat… etc. Utilized Neural Program for Deuteronomy To Elliminate The 7 deadly sins to utilize hell bound people to serve as syndics to setup, kill, or utilize as more syndicates. I don't want to be a secs7oy

  2. You can only find the question of the universe within your mind , every individual can testify their experience or encounter… Who God is the answer is you hidden or locked in your spiritual mindset. 😘

  3. In a simple Google search, I ask what is the cure to schizophrenia or bipolar for example and it says in the medical websites that there's no cure for any mental illnesses at this time. I think the medical system especially in the U.S. is broken. Why is it understandable and acceptable and moral for psychiatrist or any other doctors to take money from "sick" clients to "treat" diseases they don't really understand? Then as society we're suppose to keep upholding these doctors and pay them a lot of money! It makes no sense. It's medical abuse and a cycle of violence to be expected to pay doctor's for services when they don't provide the answer. What is the solution, cure, remedy, answer to mental illness? Is it really to put a person in a psychiatric hospital, force them to "try" all these different medications and experimenting on them to an extent, and then having a life long relationship with your psychiatrist, pharmacist, and medication? I find the medical system in the U.S. to be a business model not designed to get people well again but to keep them in an abusive toxic relationship.

  4. The Venus Project is a non-profit organization, that seeks to solve problems like war,poverty,hunger,ilnesses by global resource managment

  5. Out of the humans senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch which ones can be relied on or are more accurate than the others. Sight I guess is the most heavily relied on and they do say don't believe it unless you have seen it. Smell and taste not really used or relied on other than for eating, smell has some elaborations. Touch the most relied on by the blind. Then there is sound, hearing, a sense that really should be ignored as it is the easiest to misinterpret. The experiments with the lyrebirds, birds that mimic sounds they have heard in nature, car alarms, chainsaws and so on. It is impossible to associate sound to an individual, other than the sound of their voice, but even that can be adapted and changed. You cannot identify an individual by a particular sound, as it is so easy to mimic that sound, if there are five people in a room and each one of them whistles the same note, it is impossible to distinguish between them and identify each individual by the whistle. If you hear a noise, and you determine it is has come from a human, how can you distinguish which human. Some people rely so heavily on audible associations it's funny. Like training a dog with a clicker, the dog associates with the click not the person, give the clicker to another person and the response is likely to be the same.

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