Your Job Doesn’t Care About Your Mental Health

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▼ Timestamps ▼
00:00 – Reddit post
01:07 – The problem surrounding burnout
04:35 – The origins of burnout
13:06 – Employee wellness
17:08 – Employers who take burnout seriously
22:53 – Questions
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  1. 8:19 beautifully said, as a physician who is recently out of the workforce secondary to middle management bullying and ensuing mobbing via various psychological manipulative strategies including influencing social cognition. During my time at the university I aimed for excellence and quality and this reflected by the patient demand and press ganey scores but it burned me out and I was open with leadership about this, paradoxically the answer was to not to help by respecting my requests for a different nurse as mine was consistently inconsistent, disorganized (if you have adhd and your counterpart is disorganized it’s a disaster), and communication difficulties (not language but lacked close loop communication) which lead to increase time in office but decreased productivity which means I couldn’t help as many people as I did with a good fit nurse. And even bringing up the non-fit and encouragement to transfer the nurse refused so you’re in your dream job, nothings perfect, accept learned helplessness.
    The organization was proud to offer “yoga at work” zoom sessions in the early evening and I figured it’d be great to do something other than work 10-15 hrs a day, the kicker—I literally was the only person literally in their office with work clothes everyone else was in the comforts of their home.
    Oh, they also gave us this chat. Therapist app called woebot. It was the worst, if I wanted to talk to something and it respond with something completely non sequitur, I would call my dad.
    And to sweeten the burnout I guess a middle manager found it to be a weak spot and became one of his long line of targets traumatically ousted.

  2. This is really bad. You can't talk/present information in a productive manner. There is very little information in this video. And please stop using "like" every other word. And calling doctor notes "stupid crap" is ridiculous.

  3. “We’re not going to give you a chair because we don’t want people to think you’re lazy”… I had a manager at Wells Fargo in Seattle that wouldn’t let the tellers have chairs because of this. It’s kind of sadistic if you ask me lol.

  4. I don’t really care what an employer thinks about my mental health. I go to work to make just to get paid for the amount of time I set for myself. If they got a problem with me , then I’ll just leave .

  5. This is currently happening at my hospital. Number one in the nation my @$$!!! We are ALLLLL BURNT the FCK OuT!!! && Ima getting sick && tired of the patient mortality rates and mental health of my fellow coworkers deteriorating all while receiving the hospital's stoopid newsletters about the positivity they are doing in the community && expansion && braggin rights of what they accomplished for the year all while talking about how we should get 8 hours of sleep, eat a wellbalanced diet, talk to EAP if ur having a mental crisis or burn out!! Fyi on TWO occasions i was escorted to the ER because I was suffering from suicidal ideations for a shit load of issues i was experiencing during my shifts, with management && just personal life. Its now even WORSE after the pandemic cuz the hospital has blown up in new AI technology && expansion in their building networks. I worked for about a decade at the hospital && honestly the amount of improvements the hospital has done to their interior and updated the decor and even upgraded technology is ASTRONOMICAL….but WHY, why do I feel so demoralized and exploited…i feel so numb, I just mask my feelings but at the same time I feel physically sick EVERY single time i clock in for my shift….if anyone considers joining the medical field, please, if u value ur sanity, dont.

    I just feel trapped cuz the hospital offers good 401K package with matching, and other unique perks within the company.. I fear no matter which hospital i try to go in this corrupt city its all the same.

    Like bruh. I have had LIKE 4 OR 5 PCPs in their internal medine dept known me for less than three office visits before they dip && either change careers or move outta state….the health care field && system is a nightmare….fyi ima currently dx with depression, anxiety, and bpd, possibly on the spectrum on the "higher functioning" end.

  6. A scribe does not seem like a win win. It seems like a way for the hospital to continue the practice of billing insurance companies at a higher rate, which takes an already burdensome healthcare system and puts the cost on those seeking medical insurance. That money for all those excess billing’s come from somewhere, likely resulting in higher costs for health insurance from those who need it most. Could burnout not derive from being in a system which continues to add burdens to people to profit?

  7. In the company where I'm working wirght now, I had the same discussion with a couch. i told her, that what she does (send's reminders for meditation, relaxation and bla-bla) is not enough if the company's environment doesnt change. Most of the people have low motivation due to low salaries and stupid projects with nasty tasks. Nothing motivating at all… Aaaaand..she told me like this: "why ar u still here if this is a toxic environment? why don;t you leave?"

  8. People have to stop believing they can get meaning in life from a job, or that it can make the world better. A job is for making money, that’s all. If you need meaning or have an itch to ‘make a difference’ then volunteer or go on a mission trip with a church or something.

  9. Omg thank you for validating my desire to work from home. I always thought I was just being a lazy overly sensitive person! Deep down I knew that there was nothing wrong with wanting to work in the comfort of my own house. There's nothing wrong with not wearing down my car as much, avoiding traveling in dangerous weather, and not needing to get up early. There's nothing wrong with eating food as it suits me. There's nothing wrong with wanting a PRIVATE ON DEMAND BATHROOM. There's so many other benefits I could list. And you're right, there is no company culture lol. Sure I miss seeing people sometimes, but I can just stop by and visit then. Beats the "culture" of falling asleep in a boring, grey, dark, windowless room with tired people.

  10. Reason why I left my job this week. I was so depressed and suffering from burnout that I had used my lunch time to walk outside on a -30 Celsius just so I would not be there for 1 hour.

  11. I work for Aetna as a clinician and I can totally relate to what you are saying. Personally, most of the time we do want to approve your requests for procedures but our hands are bond to company policies.

  12. I like how insurance companies argue against doctors as if they know more about medicine and the health of the patient than the doctor treating him.

  13. The way doctors have to chart makes me so glad I'm a dietitian. For inpatient care there is precisely one diagnosis that admin gives a shit about- severe protein calorie malnutrition. Otherwise none of my diagnoses are billable to insurance so I don't have to make sure I hit the key words and do the magic dance to make it fit an insurance companies criteria for coverage.

  14. Thank you

    Can you please address this point further – can doctors decisions only be challenged by a doctor? The denigration of people with business degrees and conflation of their expertise with barriers making doctors jobs harder needs further discussion. The doctors are gods and cannot be questioned is our lament.

  15. No amount of meditation or at work group activities can help keep lights on or pay rent. Just give me a damned living wage. That's what burns me out, working for wages that in 6 months when rents go up again, will remain the same and do even less in helping me. The stress and worry of not being able to survive is what burns me out, not the work itself.

  16. Spent almost 60 hrs a week and all I get from my supervisor is "oh no you cant produce the output without overtime, how about the deadline? You cant be late or in leave due to work fatigue".

    It is my first job. Really shocked on his response. Fully decided to quiet quit now and find new work.

  17. Lately my depression has been brutal and it has been hard hiding it at work and coworkers are noticing. They're acting different around me now so yeah, no one at work gives a shit about your mental health.

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