Church & life update 🤍 Not proud of this, but onwards & upwards 🙏🏼 #SingleMom | Mental Health


  1. Change churches the one u attended is the antichrist system… God and Jesus did not make a religion, I believe 7th day is Saturday…and I hope you know that they are real keeping the faith in him, and trust him to guide you, just surrender all of yourself ❤🎉

  2. Your honestly in your journey is part of what makes you such a force. Praying for you abbey. God is within you and all around you. You are protected and cherished and exactly where you need to be right now. You’re on your journey and girl I believe truly that you are an angel here on earth- I think you make a much bigger impact on other women than you realize. We love you girl.

  3. I went down when my dad did and started to hate god for it I Didn’t realize I needed god more than anything But even if I hated him he was with me all that time. He never left my side. He saved me he brought me back to Christianity. I blamed god for something I did I made my choice to follow my dad in that down spot but the most important thing is I got up and walked to god for help. Honestly just ask god for help

  4. Go back! Get in the word! Do bible studies on your own and with a womens group…that will help you more than you could dream! ❤❤ Proud of you all around!! ALSO…You look so much like Myla in this video 😊❤

  5. I church bounce because I genuinely struggle to find my faithful community. I'm taking a break because I need community but the people I attract do not align with who I am now, it's very much attracting my old self's friends rather than moving with the growth and faith I have under my belt now. You're not alone. Good luck ❤

  6. worship music is my go to! sometimes life can get so busy and hectic. when i feel distant from him i turn on some worship music while driving and praise him for all he’s done. you’re just going to listen to music anyways in the car so why not make it something beneficial!

  7. It's very difficult to be strong all the time and not care what people think
    Life WILL bring you down, it's getting back up that's important.

  8. Remember that faith doesnt exist in a specifc building. Faith is also not a one size fits all nor is it about doing it the 'right' way. Do the things that add to you and don't be disappointed in yourself for not meeting some random standard of success. Success is flexible. Today your success might be just making it through today. Tomorrow it might be changing the world. The day after that might be just hanging out on the couch. What matters most is you remind yourself that you are you and no body else and doing the right thing for yourself is the number one most important thing. Doing the right things for ourselves is what allows us to be us, and what the people around us need most is us as ourselves.

  9. Okay I just want to say sometimes people think that having a relationship with God is all about going to church or being happy all the time I want to say that it is not and sometimes God is closest when we feel furthest from him we learn to trust him through our pain or discomfort think about it your greatest testimonies have probably came from a place of pain. In our lows when we feel we can not take another step or we hit the ground crying we learn that this world doesn't have everything to offer us and could never be our forever home. I have been at a point where I've questioned why God would allow me to go through such hard things and I've skipped church for months I even stopped listening to Christian music and worship music for a whole year but it taught me God's faithfulness through my pain he was right there with me and he brought me to a better place now where I can say I am stronger because of the things I went through. I work a job where I see a lot of suffering and I've learned that we can comfort others who are going through hard things when we too have been through them. I am a single mom also and my ex doesn't co parent with me although I wish he was doing better. I get so tired going to work everyday taking the kids to school doing it all on my own and my body hurts I wish it would be easier I pray for a solution but then I think about all God has allowed me to do the people he's allowed me to help and I know it is serving a purpose 🫶 so if you feel like pain means you are far from God that's not true! I believe he really is closest when we are suffering because he is teaching us how to depend on him ❤️ David in the Bible poured out his heart to God asking him why he felt abandoned and david was honest about his feelings with god and I think we can be too it is what makes our relationship with God real.

    Psalm 13:1-2 ESV

    [1] How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? [2] How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?

    2 Corinthians 1:4

    [3] Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, [4] who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

  10. Please, LETS KEEP IT REAL….I truly hope you understand that God is not in a "building "… he's with us everywhere….yes, even the toilet…😂😂

    What I'm saying is, don't be hard on yourself for not going to A church. You can Zoom from anywhere, as long as u make the time for him, anywhere is fine.

    Just don't stop doing Godlly things. Keep serving ur self & family & media family. Keep up the good job. Speak to him at all times, any aportunity u have. 😉Whitch to be fair to your self, YOU'RE ALREADY DOING A LOT OF GOOD. Don't ever let people get to you. YOU'RE already deserving & doing your best.

    So don't let ANYONE guilt you for not going to "church".

    Church us in your own heart, your own home, your car, a park, a lake, take your bible, open it, pray…… ZOOM girl!!

    Much love to you & your progress. 🫶🙏👍

  11. The first step was telling us well done 👍 i know its shit its so hard but ul never be motivated babe just get ti the gym work the restlessness away and help your head . Much love ❤

  12. Everyone goes through rough seasons, and it happens to everyone.Not just you, so you should know that you're not alone. Especially during those rough seasons, you should try to be close to the Lord because he's the one that can help you through all of your troubles in life. Okay, coming from experience when you're going through something hard, all you want to do is lay in your bed. I don't want to talk to anybody that.Trust me talking to god. Is it easy? You don't have to go to church to be connected with that. You don't have to go anywhere. No matter where you are, you can always talk to him. Even though yes, we should try to go to church, god is always with you. Romans 8:37-39 tak a look at it. All of this is easier said than done, but try.

  13. You don't have to stay in church to stay saved. Its not about religion and tradition. God wants a personal relationship with you. Much love to you and Myla and everyone else here.

  14. You aren't alone. When I'm struggling with my mental health the last thing I want to do are the things that will help me or be good for me. Why are we this way? I don't know. But things always get better. They have no other choice.

  15. Praying for you ❤ Jesus is always waiting to talk to you so even if you don’t feel up to attending a church service, talk to Him. Spending even a few minutes a day reading scripture and praying it as well can help you to grow.

  16. If you're close to Youngstown there's a Unitarian Church on Elm Street. I've known the Reverend since 2006, his name is Joseph. It's a recovery friendly church. You may want to check them out… unless it's the church you're talking about… then maybe not.

  17. I’m so proud of you abbey ❤ I look up to you in every possible way and I really hope that when you go back to church you have a message from God ❤️‍🩹 I pray that whatever happened to you mentally and physically that you can grow and learn from it ❤ you are a great momma and a great person 💗

  18. In case you haven’t heard The Good News:

    We are all sinners deserving of God’s wrath. Jesus Christ lived the sinless life we couldn’t and was crucified on the cross enduring the wrath of God we rightfully deserved so that through our faith in Him we may be saved from the wrath of God. Repent. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

  19. I totally understand abbey I was going through some things with my mom and I questiong if god still loves me?Then I realized that he loves me but he is letting me fight i know he is right beside me at all cost even for you.I am starting to go to church and I still have to get baptized but I love you mama and I am giving hopes and prayers for you 💕💕

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