My Mission: Mental Health Resources

Do you want to learn How to Process Emotions and improve your Mental Health? Sign up for a Therapy in a Nutshell Membership, you’ll get access to all of Emma’s courses, workbooks, and a Live Q and A with 100’s of exclusive videos:

Hi everyone, and welcome to my passion project, Therapy in a Nutshell.
I’m Emma McAdam, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and my mission is to make mental health resources easier to access.
So I’m taking therapy skills and psychological research and condensing them down into bite-sized nuggets of help.
As a licensed therapist, one thing I’ve noticed is that so many people have little to no idea what they can do to help things like depression, anxiety, or other mental illness. Or lots of people believe that there’s nothing they can do to make things better, that they are just stuck feeling anxious and hopeless for the rest of their lives. Well, I’m here to spread the message that while mental illness is real, it’s common, it’s debilitating – it’s also treatable. There are dozens of research-backed approaches to treating depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. Most people just don’t know how to find that information.
Change, growth, and healing are possible. Please keep courage! Try one little thing every day to improve your life and health, and things can get better. Five minutes a day can make a big difference.
Check out my playlists on anxiety, PTSD, depression, and grounding techniques.
And please share these videos – you never know who could benefit from them today.

Looking for affordable online therapy? My sponsor, BetterHelp, connects you to a licensed professional from the comfort of your own home. Try it now for 10% off:

Learn more in one of my in-depth mental health courses:
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Check out my podcast, Therapy in a Nutshell:

Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC, and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.

About Me:
I’m Emma McAdam. I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and I have worked in various settings of change and growth since 2004. My experience includes juvenile corrections, adventure therapy programs, wilderness therapy programs, an eating disorder treatment center, a residential treatment center, and I currently work in an outpatient therapy clinic.

In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life’s direction.
And deeper than all of that, the Gospel of Jesus Christ orients my personal worldview and sense of security, peace, hope, and love

If you are in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services.
Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
Music licensed from or
Images from (premium license), Pixabay, or Wikimedia commons


  1. Thank you Emma.
    So happy I ‘bumped’ into your channel.
    You are awesome!
    Between the feelings/ issues description to the tools you provide us with.
    You ROCK.
    One more thing- your vibe, positive energy, soft pleasant voice and beauty. They are all a great bonus that make the learning process of getting over PTST a process I am willing to put time and effort into. And not rely solely on prescribed medications.
    Not today, not tomorrow- but with you, I know the times of medication free life is getting closer and closer. 🙏🏽💪🏽

  2. Hi emma bing bang boff into clinic so no tappin off pay drugs…sorting fiancial matters with sick pay..The nhs social payments are intdruced at 152.ok weeky. Covid 19 safe..tell me Emma things calm down now.X

  3. Thank you Emma for dedicating your time for someone like myself who cannot afford therapy at this moment and dealing with issues and would like to be come my best self! I want everyone to know that it is ok to seek therapy. Anyone who is reading this….. this is a step to wellness and you are doing great! Keep going! You got this!!!!

  4. Thank you so much for your time and energy you've put into this channel.

    As someone who's tried to advocate myself for so long, my light bulb moment gave a shift in perceptive and bought the power of healing back to where it should be. Within me. Ultimately everyone is responsible for their own well being. Yes those around us can support and understand but, they can only do so if its not detrimental to their own well being.

    Society run with a business mind make us believe we need support from those who try to fix us with temporary solutions . Targeting the effects rather than examine all possible causes is not working and only causing more suffering, stigma and strain on other services.

    I'd love to include you and your amazing work in a project I'm currently working on to address these mentioned issues.

    Its been said "if you are not part of the solution you are the problem" mental health is so complex , everyone one of us is an individual to which our traumas are personally experienced, requiring personal empowerment and a strong foundation for your identity and belief systems to thrive.

    Anxiety and depression for example come from imbalance between mind body and soul. Finding that balance comes in many forms, so finding and sharing resources driven towards personal independence and recovery is my current goal.

    Again thank you and Happy Tuesday to all reading this 💛

  5. Precious channel, you will help so many with this. A video is something one can visit again and again, a real solution! I needed this so desperately 30 years ago. It makes me wonder how my life could have looked different with this kind of real and timely help. Thankful, somehow through the bad, things have worked out for me but this is in part a product of stoicism and of good fortune. I would have more grounded pride and confidence had I constructively carved my path 💚

  6. I love your channel so much! Your positive attitude when talking through these issues is really helpful. <3 Can you do a video on dealing with anxiety caused by bodily sensations? I have chronic pain and I get anxious with the slightest "bad" sensation in my body. Thanks

  7. Hey Emma, I’ve been really enjoying your videos. I find them very easy to stick to and follow along. My mom suffers from central sensitization, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. I’m wondering if you would recommend any of your online courses for her to help manage her pain. Or, if you know of any other therapists that specialize in these syndromes that offer something similar. Thanks 🙂

  8. Hi Emma I have suffered with depression and anxiety all of my life and it has been a roller coaster ride for me. I am so glad I found your channel. I think you provide hope for so many people

  9. All businesses of making money.
    Stay away from toxic people in life

    Sacristic peopke ppl who are intrested to bullying based on past

    Stay away from toxicity ppl

    Rest all will get in good shape

  10. Most of these things are signs of sexual abuse and children like bedwetting but you know what in society nobody really gives a d*** about children and neither do you.

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