How following the keto diet improved this man’s mental health

When people hear the word keto, some think about the fad diet that’s used for weight loss but there is scientific evidence that it can help Type 2 diabetes and epilepsy. Now, some doctors suggest it can even be used as a tool to treat mental health. Kate Snow reports for TODAY on how a keto-friendly food regimen has been a game changer for one man struggling with bipolar disorder.

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#keto #mentalhealth #diet


  1. Probably has something to do with how much thiamine it takes to process carbs, (among other vitamins)…as Vitamin B1 facilitates the uptake of GABA (γ-butyric acid).

  2. So great to see this being show on the Today show. I stumbled on keto to help with weight gain caused by medication for my bipolar and somehow had never heard of the research being done in this field. I have heard of epilepsy meds also being used for bipolar for years but never knew of the connection with the keto diet and epilepsy. After just a few days on keto I was absolutely amazed by the positive effect it had on my mood, my sleep and my energy! I'm so incredibly greatful for this and it's truly life changing for me as well.

  3. How does one find a practitioner? If i look up psychiatrist near me it isn't bringing up anything to indicate whether they would be knowledgeable about any of this.
    Thank you.

  4. ☺ OMG… the real snake oil salesman are the ones working in the FDA and food industry, the "diet" and "fitness" industry and the Pharmaceutical-Medical crime syndicate. Pharma-Bros aren't just limited to the Martin Shkrelis of the world. Some of them are even government regulators that really work for the industries instead of working for the taxpaying public.

  5. I feel like "treatment resistant" would probably be related to a failure to address the root cause of the problem. They try to "overpower" the problem with powerful medications and then call it "treatment resistant" when they hit a stone wall. Obviously I'm talking from a laymen's perspective and I have no degree in anything, but everyone is capable of doing their own research into diet options.

  6. I noticed when i was doing KETO, I seemed happy. And 4 months after I stopped the KETO diet, I feel anxious and depressed. I will be using the keto method once again. I'm curious.

  7. There's nothing wrong with mixing it all together – exercise, water, good nutrition, and medication. I used to know a lady who was schizophrenic. She took meds, exercised, drank water the right way, intermittent fasted (this was in the late 1990s!), and ate good nutrition, like plenty of fish. She had ZERO symptoms.
    This is the answer.

  8. It's all about what you are not eating. A keto diet is just a natural ancestral diet. The opposition to keto is the industrial food corporations who are feeding the world rubbish.

  9. I am off all psychiatric medications for depression and panic disorder after being keto for only 7 months and now full carnivore. I was on these medications for more than 10 years, and never felt 100% and still needed Xanax, as needed. I am not looking back… It really is healing and powerful stuff. "Lack of research?" Well, look who funds most nutritional science research? They have nothing to gain from finding out that keto is a valid treatment option. "Restrictive diet?" Not at all… Low fat is also restrictive because you are restricting one macronutrient as well. The difference is the low-fat health craze of the 80s and 90s made processed foods manufacturers create a ton of low-fat junk. In that way, it's easier because you just grab some low-fat cookies off the a shelf and say, "Look! Low-fat!" But, it's still junk. Some manufacturers are now trying to do the same with keto, and it's disheartening to see because we don't need more junk, low-fat or keto. Keto isn't a fad to capitalize on. It is a medicine in my mind. Keto allows you to eat a plethora of whole, natural foods. "Possible link to heart disease?" Again, these studies were epidemiological studies which shows some correlation, but no causation, done using surveys of what people ate, which is highly inaccurate. Ancel Keys' lipid-heart HYPOTHESIS (yes, hypothesis, not theory) has been pretty much debunked and he had a history of manipulating his data to suite his needs.

    The takeaway here is if you have mental health challenges, give it a shot. You will feel crummy for a few days switching (Think how a smoker feels quitting smoking. When they start to feel bad, you don't say, "Well, just got back to smoking." You are essentially overcoming a sugar/carb addiction, so expect it will get a bit worse before it gets better). I am not a doctor, but I am someone who benefitted greatly from doing keto. I recommend looking into Dr. Georgia Ede and her practice regarding metabolic health and mental health. Not only that, you might even lose a ton of unnecessary body fat while you are at it. I sure did. I lost over 30 kilos in 6 months!

  10. Wait what, TODAY is promoting the truth? How unusual…. Now pharma will pay TODAY millions to promote fake science medication and grains for health

  11. I'm on carnivore diet now, it started as ketogenic GAPS. After 3 weeks in I started smiling again. After 3 months in I started managing anxiety. Keto is a powerful mental health tool

  12. I believe the study at Mclain was suddenly and inexplicably terminated. It was self funded. No explaination given but we can assume big pharma had a role!!!

  13. Having a teenager with bipolar I/ possibly schizoaffective vitamin therapy and a ketogenic diet have finally helped stabilize her. Its not easy, her behavior gets worse when she eats anything that’s not on her diet.

  14. I wouldn't say it's a replacement for psychiatric care but I've definitely had improvement in my bipolar type too since going keto and now that I've lost a bunch of weight I'm not even in strict medical ketosis but more of a low carb high protein medium fat diet but the less carbs I eat the better my mental health but then everybody's system is different so it probably won't work for everyone

  15. I’m so glad to see this coverage! I’m two weeks in after over a decade of serious mental illness. I feel great! It’s early yet to speak to my own success with mental health, but the improvement in sleep alone is worth the change in diet. I’m sleeping through the night for the first time in years.

  16. Until we accept that food is medicine we will lack accountability for nourishing our own souls and eachother. I love The Metabolic Mind, it's saving my life one day at a time. Thank you.

  17. I was such an unbeliever for so long. I researched outside of mainstream media a few years ago and though at first it was very beneficial, people said that they were craving carbs and started to feel sick without them. The conclusion I came to when I tried Keto for a several days, was that it really works and I need to just be cautious of how it impacts me long term.

  18. those "critics" aka big pharma mouthpieces care more about their bottom line than curing people's illnesses. I am happy for this family. Its interesting how this diet necessities ditching GMO foods like white flour, which often have so much chemicals

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