Medicare Expansion of Outpatient Mental Health Services

For the first time, Medicare has expanded its outpatient mental health services. They’re allowing family therapists, marriage therapists and mental health advisors to get approved for Medicare coverage. Let’s get into the details of this expansion of coverage.

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  1. This is great news! My 31 yr old son is schitzoaffective and it’s already impossible to get him in for therapy and treatment. Family therapy is much needed to get him to possibly cooperate. Family therapy is crucial for Schitzo diagnosis. Sometimes we need to act like it’s a “family” issue just to appease him and get him to talk about his issues. Otherwise, he won’t admit he is mentally ill.

  2. This is great news! We'e spoken to many mental health professionals who don't take insurance because of the hassle. Expanding access via Medicare will be a great help

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