Depression | Treatment Options

Discover how to cope with depression in this discussion with clinical psychiatrist, Dr. Sue Varma, and MedCircle host, Kyle Kittleson. This powerful mental health interview can help you better understand how to cope with depression and loneliness, how the signs of depression can indicate what therapy or medication may be best,

00:00 Intro
00:31 Can depression be cured?
01:48 Likeliness of recurrence
03:26 Medications: you need to know this
05:47 How to cope without medication
07:18 How to find the right therapist for you
11:20 Fad treatments to avoid
13:03 Distress tolerance toolkit
16:06 “I rolled my eyes at that coping strategy”
18:17 When anxiety co-occurs with depression
19:37 Kyle’s view on social media
20:52 “Wherever you go, here you are”
22:23 Why “treating depression is knowing yourself”
23:00 Why “we compare our insides to other people’s outsides”
24:28 Kyle’s life changing perspective
26:47 How to watch this full series

#mentalhealthawareness #MedCircle #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealth #psychology #depression #depressionrelief #therapy


  1. Hi . Iv been suffering from depression for most of my adult life. I’m now 74 years old. I’m on 150mg of setraline for 3-4 years but I’m still not feeling good. Can you please help me. Thank you.

  2. what about if you have legit worrys about your future because im unemployed 38 and living at my parents its ok now but what happens if one of them dies im going to probably be next to homeless and i have real anxiety about that and dont know what to do and the government here hasnt currently run outta housing options for homeless people.

  3. I think therapy won’t work for me because I’m extremely private and don’t feel comfortable discussing personal problems so I just won’t speak

  4. I think mindfulness is a fad that needs to take a huge step back in therapy. Don't get me wrong, it has its place and works for some people in various areas. But it seems to have become a catch-all in therapy and it frustrates me. Thinking about a tree doesn't fix everything. I've suffered from a ton of childhood psychological abuse and deal with agitated depression. There are days where I have such a mix of sadness and this bizarre internal energy which makes me feel like I want to cut all of the skin off my body and blow my head off with a shotgun. Thinking about trees doesn't help me in these moments. I'm so sick of mindfulness being thrown around for everything. I wish I could find a more psychoanalytic therapist. It blows my mind that some people have masters degrees and all they teach clients is how to slowly eat a raisin.

  5. Psychedelics helped me deal with my addiction. Having suffered anxiety and depression as well. I must say taking them turned my life around. I started micro dosing and just in a couple days I noticed major changes in my stress levels, depression, and everything else. It’s been really great. After battling with these for years little did I know that shrooms will save me.

  6. There is no cure for depression. And so the question must be asked: When we are NOT depressed, are we just trying to trick our brains? Also, we know Persistant Depressive Disorder (PDD) leads to heart disease and it accelerates dimentia and alzhiemer's. So we are doing all this just to die without dignity?

  7. This is the most helpful and resourceful contents for me in person. Thank you so much Doctor.
    I hope I can get out of this long, dark tunnel that I stuck in. I haven't been severly depressed in my opinion, but suffered from anorexia for 7 years.
    Even though I reached out for theraphy recently, I feel guilty as I might use depression for doing nothing productive. I am scared that med makes me feel better but I might not be able to fully recovered.

  8. VIRUS's cause Depression!!! , like they say Now, that virus's cause Alzheimer's… Virus don't just cause Brain Damage and Headache's… Why do you feel bad, when you have the Flu, it's just a Virus??? Why do Virus's not cause Depression??? they use to say, viruses didn't cause Cancer… And the one's that did, i remember them being laughed at…now they have a vaccine for a virus that cause's cancer on TV… wake up Probiotics is one answer, up your immune system…

  9. VIRUS's cause Depression!!! , like they say Now, that virus's cause Alzheimer's… Virus don't just cause Brain Damage and Headache's… Why do you feel bad, when you have the Flu, it's just a Virus??? Why do Virus's not cause Depression??? they use to say, viruses didn't cause Cancer… And the one's that did, i remember them being laughed at…now they have a vaccine for a virus that cause's cancer on TV… wake up!!! Probiotics is one answer, up your immune system.

  10. I really like when you touch on the topic of coping with medication – I think this will resonate with so many and help them understand the options they have to manage their depression.

  11. What this woman who loves promoting medication fails to acknowledge is that a lot of depression is circumstantial and not chemical. For example the cost of living is making a lot of people depressed but I'm afraid a pill ain't going to pay the heating bill or make you feel any better about shivering your ass off next Winter because you can't afford it.

  12. Well hello young man from California . What a fantastic interview If I could I would move to New York just to see and get an appointment with this fabulous Dr I'm in California going threw the darkness. I'm a bit lost but I know and have the tools. Right now I'm in the process and doing my homework in finding the right therapist joing a gym and getting back my relationship with God and went back to church and praying. I'm thrilled to finally comeback I truly missed me because I have so much to give and I ready to be the best I can be for my heavenly father myself and my family. Thank you for starting and giving direction. This is a AHA moment and I'm running with it. LET THE GAMES BEGAN. You Both have just giving the JOY and a purpose. LOVE YOLi from California. AMEN!

  13. Yes… depression can be cured… but not by any doctor.

    I've certainly never met anyone that used to be depressed but got cured by a doctor. Not even in NYC where everyone has a therapist. A psychiatrist's treatment plan is always endless… because it doesn't work. It goes on as long as you allow it. A course of antibiotics lasts 7 days with clear results at the end. Things that work are never endless.

    The drugs they use are barely more effective than tic tacs and most doctors are entirely ignorant of the long term side effects. Use extreme caution before trusting anyone with your brain.

  14. Love the video, thank you. I do have a request that the host wears a mic. The reverb in the room is a bit distracting from what he’s trying to say.

  15. I totally understand when she said she loves her patients. I’ve been working with the same therapist for the better part of 30 years. We have absolutely no romantic interest in each other. But I know that he loves me in his own therapeutic kind of way and I love him for all he’s done for me. I never thought a therapist would be a major person in my life, but he is and I’m glad. But again we have no inappropriate relationship. Only therapeutic relationship.

  16. I love getting my hands massaged. When they do that little massage when you get a manicure, I always feel like saying oh my God do it more!!

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