7 Signs You’re Not Lazy, But Depressed

Are you feeling tired, struggling with concentration and withdrawing from social activities? Don’t just dismiss it as laziness, it could be a symptom of depression. Watch this video to learn the 7 psychology-backed signs to differentiate between laziness and depression. With this knowledge, you can better understand your feelings and seek the necessary help if needed. Remember, depression is a treatable condition, and seeking professional help is a brave step towards recovery. Don’t hesitate to seek help if you suspect you may be experiencing depression. Watch this video now to learn the signs.

Full video link: https://youtu.be/kTD9zWQKCsg

Researcher/Writer: Issie
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice Over: Amanda Silvera (www.youtube.com/amandasilvera)
Animator: Sun Biscuit
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong



  1. I lost motivation to live okay im going to vent. My dad is awful he forces me not to cry because "men" dont cry he is the super masculine type hes also extremly homophobic. One time it was a normal day and I made a simple mistake and he threw a crutch at me from the liveing room to the kitchen like a spear

  2. Hey, Listen. I know life is tough right now, but I promise it will get better. I don’t know who you are, or what exactly you are going through, but I love you. You matter. You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are perfect.

  3. This is me right now, ever since my parents divorced, and I’ve lost all my friends and now I have no one, I just hate myself and feel the need to just jump off a bridge, I hate how I look and what I don’t have, I hate when people say “ you should be more like **** or **** “…. ❤️ you are my favourite YouTuber and you’ve helped me a lot thank you ❤️

  4. Trigger warning mentions of depression, ED, and sewer slide thoughts: I’ve been depressed since I was 6. I used to go to this small church as a kid. I still remember the day I was standing next to one of the pillars that holds up the shaded part of the concrete patio in front of the church. I looked out at all of the kids standing by the bus in the parking lot that my dad drove as he was about to take them home. I thought to myself “is this it, is this all there is to life?” It felt like every possibility flashed in my mind and I wasn’t interested, I didn’t care or want any of it. Then as I got older things got harder and harder and I started to feel like I did not want to be here. All of my life I never slept well. I don’t remember ever being rested, I always have been fatigued and had insomnia since I was a child. My eating was disordered as I got older. I didn’t always have access to food for one, but when I got to be a teenager I started starving myself on purpose. It wasn’t to be skinny, I’ve always had body dysmorphia but that’s not why I did it. I did it because I hated myself and wanted to punish myself for being alive. I’ve always had a hard time getting out of bed but as a teenager part of it was because everyday I hoped and wished I wouldn’t wake up. Anyways, I’m still kicking. Surprisingly. People have looked at me like I was lazy when I was younger, but that’s because there was never really a before. No time to look back on where I had interest in life or energy or anything. Well if anyone reading this has lived a similar existence, honestly I’m not gonna say it gets better like everyone else says it does. But I hope it at least makes you feel less alone. We are like this because the world is truly cruel, but we can’t let it win. We will prevail. And don’t let anyone say sh*t to you because they don’t know what you’ve been through and they should probably watch their mouth before they see how lazy you actually AREN’T. Look how far you’ve come. You’ve beat the odds and you will continue to. The fact that you exist under all of this pressure and darkness and fight that giant heavy shadow of darkness everyday like a badass is something worth living for. Depression will drag you down and hold you on the ground at times but you’re not lazy, you’re just using your energy to fight something some people have too much privilege to understand.

  5. To anyone reading this who has ever felt disheartened and confused, hurt or lost…you are not alone. You are surrounded by countless multitudes of people everywhere who are just like you. Just like us. But you don't have to stay confused or lost or in pain. We might forget this sometimes – or may not know it at all. But there is nothing in your life, no matter how difficult or painful, that cannot be turned into something very beautiful. So please, have lots of hope

  6. I am always alone. I never was, and never planned to be. Everyone left me, I tell all my secrets and problems to my “best best friend” then she goes off and tells someone because she’s “worried” about me, even after she swore, she promised. She lied, I don’t trust ANYONE anymore, I ahve trust issues now and did b4 but my secret accidentally slipped out of my mouth. It’s school that is draining me. I ALWAYS used to play soccer, now, I’m not even interested, I can even get up to run or to walk anymore, I have to sit down for some reason. Now I sit on the benches at school, watching them play. It hurts, I listen to music and drink something because it’s my coping mechanism. I have lost all interest in physical stuff. I always have trouble paying attention, now I am failing my grades, and end up getting yelled at by my teacher. I love to be alone now, but I hate the feeling. And it’s hard for me to keep up with everything. I did some research, and I think I do have depression. I write in a diary now since I have nobody who want to talk to, and I don’t want to talk to anyone. So I just keep it in my diary. I have trouble saying nice things to myself, and I am also kinda hurt from everything. If I’m in a crowd of people, I still feel alone. And idk why I do, idk why I am sad all the time, I used to be so happy…. Thank you for reading, if you did…

  7. I used to be rly happy and the clown of the group. I still am. The difference was I hides to enjoy it. Now I just feel hollow almost. Like the things I’m saying aren’t at al what I’m feeling. When ppl ask how I am I only respond with “oh I’m fine!” Or “yeah I’m ok, why?” I have had my “mask” so to speak slip before but it was so slight that ppl don’t notice. I hate myself and my life. I just want to die but then again I don’t cause I don’t wanna make my family or friends sad. I feel I’ve just lost everything but I don’t know what it is. Sorry it’s so confusing, I hardly know how to put it into words

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