1. I have a university degree in computer science and have studied art history and studied artistic painting. I feel that both paths has enriched my life. I originally wanted to be an architect and I am fascinated by houses and dvellings of different kinds but computers were also too fascinating to ignore! Have also studied cognitive psychology which comes in handy in this AI hype right now. I am diagnosed with schizofrenia but that is helped by Olanzapine so I am lucky in that regard.

  2. specialising in chemistry cos chemistry is clearly the most fun subject on the planet 🥰🧪is it easy to combine subjects from completely different fields in the US then? In UK this is quite hard 😅i did science and languages but this was v hard to find a uni that did that here

  3. I was a qualified Electrical Mechanic, but couldnt get any respect. I learned, how to live comfortably on welfare, and save as much as I could on it. Most of my life, is sitting around meditating in a chair. I dont spend money too often, and so I save it. And, invest it. Some day Ill be rich.

  4. Wait huh how do you have a Bachelor of Arts in biology?? I thought that would be called a Bachelor of Science? Does the American system work different? Is there a difference in what you studied?

  5. how is biology a BA and not a Bsc? I know your degree has an arts element but sounds like a science major still? Perhaps US is different to UK system

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