The psychedelic future of mental health care | Mendel Kaelen | TEDxCambridgeUniversity

By synthesizing legacies from the Giants in psychotherapy with insights form modern research with psychedelics and music, Kaelen argues that the future of psychiatry will likely be “psychedelic” in the true meaning of the word

Kaelen is a Neuroscientist from Imperial College London exploring why music and psychedelic drugs are powerful tools to change consciousness.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


  1. Great talk, thank you for your interesting insights in these matters. I know several people who have greatly benefitted from doing psychedelics or how they prefer, plant medicine. 🙂 It is great that this is scientifically researched and applied. I think it could really transform the paradigm om mental health in our western society.

  2. He's providing the factual, evidential basis for things that psychonauts have known for thousands of years.

    I cured my own depression through bi-weekly self medication with LSD, in conjunction with weekly therapy sessions, and self-prescribed journaling.

    I'd wait for my parents to go to sleep, Friday nights, then I'd take my medicine, and sit in my room all night writing every insight that came to me. Music was a deeply profound part of that experience as well. I'd wait a week, and on Thursdays I went to my therapist. We'd discuss the experience and what I'd learned about myself, and he'd give me things upon which to meditate during my next experience.

    It only took 4 cycles of this over the course of 8 weeks. It's now over a year later, and I've never been in a better headspace. Acid saved my life, and it moves me to tears to think that others will be able to benefit from it in the way I have.

  3. I think the added temporary interneuronal synapse connections thanks to marijuana and especially the psychedelics are literal wiring upgrades to our brains that can be made permanent through normal neuroplasticity learning. These new connections give parts of our brains new access to both our current sensory perceptions, heightening them and making us more appreciative of everything we experience, while also giving parts of our brains new access to memories making even our memories heightened with literally new mental perspectives on them. It’s like a physical empathy, giving our brains the ability to have new and more diverse perspectives on everything, past and present.

    These substances widely have the reputation as creativity-enhancers but I think actually they’re empathy-enhancers creating new perspectives, giving artists greater ability to imagine how a wider audience will perceive their work while it’s in progress, making it more creative as a result.

    Legalize, release, expunge and give industry advantages to the minorities most harmed.

  4. Thanks but i think i'm qualified to pick my own playlist and it's going to be way more transplendent than this guy's. Starting with Pink Floyd — Careful With That Axe Eugene.

  5. Help!! I suffer from anxiety/ social anxiety/ depression… I'm afraid to try psychedelics because of my severe anxiety and way to over think..I'm just so so afraid of having a bad trip, but I do want to try. Idk what to do. Anyone that has any insight/advice much appreciated

  6. Psychiatrists are always going to be "behind the 8 ball", because psychedelics work a 1000 times better when with some close friends, in a safe environment than is some " lab". They also try and tell people they have some " problem" (ptsd, adhd, add, ect….ect). Yes life is difficult a lot of the time…but please never be one of those people that say; "I`m not a victim, I am a survivor". "Bumps in the road" are there to make us stronger….they build character (= beautiful people) !!! After saying that…I wish everybody a positive Millenium 🍄Peace 🙂

  7. The story of Michael 8:50 being freed from 18 years of depression, after the psychedelic and the music, gave him the most beautiful experience in life, and that he then started to compose music himself afterwards. That is just so beautiful to hear, and brough tears to my eyes. <3

  8. I have bipolar it has to do with electrical activity in the brain, we need more research on the physiology and structure of the brain, also neural link may give us more insights

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