1. Hi. My name is Dakota Allen and I was there for a year and a half on the residential unit and 3 or 4 times on the acute unit. I have a couple of things would like to get across to the people who are thinking about sending their kids here. When I was 14 or 15 I was sent here for several different reasons. Prior, when I was 7, I was diagnosed as an epileptic. Heartland and all the staff included except for one nurse, ( and to call out someone specific that was horrible to me, Dr. Heggy) I had been lock in a room every time I had a seizure. They would keep me in this room for as long as possible. They would drug me as a rabid animal with darts in the buttocks. They told me that I was not having seizures, but having behavioral problems, 'fits". This went on the WHOLE time I was there. They took me off all of my seizure meds, and my family fought for me to be put back on them, but they took me off of them with out even running any tests. After I got released from their care, I went to a neurologist, and they gave me an EEG and MRI to be re-diagnosed with epilepsy. I now have brain damage because they did this to me. They hurt me to the core and if you send your kids there, there is a chance they will do the same thing to yours. I beg of you, please do not send your kids here. No one deserves the kind of pain that I went through.

  2. This place is fucking hell i was there for seven monthes you dont change live you fucking ruin them the staff treat u like shit and you guys need to stop i wanted to kill myself before i went but after being there i wanted to more you guys dont help you fucking ruin it and oh yea to the staff member jason FUCK YOU, YOU TWISTED BACK STABBING FUCKER

  3. I hope everyone there burns in hell for what they are doing to my girlfriend right now she told her mom about all the shit going on after being there for a day. All of the kids fight eachother and pick on others while the staff just watches in amusement like it’s some kind of entertainment. If I could go there and meet the person who created this facility I would personally beat the absolute fuck out of them for not giving a fuck about who they put on staff. You put all these fake accounts out to make it seem like a great place but in reality you don’t give one single fuck about the people truly needing the help. You don’t understand shit about them and don’t even try I saw the reviews on your page and someone said they still wake up with night terrors after the shit they went through oh you just wait until I here more about you money sucking twats and then come up there to get her out I can’t wait to meet your low life bullshit excuse of employers and yeah maybe there might be one good one but you guys have staff there telling kids who are forced to go after they just tried to attempt suicide that they are nothing and will never be anything. This isn’t a prison or boot camp for military this is suppose to be a place for children desperately searching for help and you can’t even do they honor of giving it to them instead you give them ptsd and make it harder for them to become better. Being better isn’t being all drugged up 24/7 and thrown into a room when they brake down crying being helped is when you truly sit down with each and every kid and crack open their shell to see what is really going on and how they can help themselves. Your not getting that they’ll go back to what they were doing after they’re out if they can’t figure out how to save themselves 1st

  4. this place helped me in a way. it helped me with my communication. i struggle with selective mutism, so it’s very hard for me, but they didn’t seem to understand that. my communication did get better though. i also learned better ways to take care of myself with my diabetes. i’m doing a little better. i know it’s gonna take a lot more time. the staff on acute that i like were esperanza, lacey, cody, megan(bhs), bethany, stacy, tamitha, shellie, and maggie. the staff that i liked on residential were kyla, morgan, shelly, braxton, caren, ron, jason, alyson, david, mercedes, danielle, tori, jackie, kameron, alecia, whitney, stacy, theresa, AMANDA, and i loved the house keeping cheyenne, nicole, and cat.
    i’m sorry if there’s anyone i missed. thank y’all for helping me though and trying to understand. i think about y’all all the time. i miss you so much. i love you all!!🤍

  5. oh yeah, i also loved the people i met on residential audrey and i actually met on acute, but we ended up being on residential together. if you see this audrey, i love you bro. savannah, angel, madelyn, grace, delaina, sophia, natalee, and kai. i love and miss y’all so much😭🤍

  6. i miss everyone so much:( i’ve been home for a month now. it’s been hard but i’m trying my best. i started therapy on monday which went rly well. i love y’all<3

  7. This is a total lie. Besides Jason everyone there treat the patients like they were less than human. They were abusive and neglected the needs of the patients there. There has been 3 deaths that were a direct result of the treatment there. This place is horrible and there needs to be something done about this place before it takes more kids lives or before it destroys anyone else because if you talk to any past patient of this place you will hear about the horrors commuted here.

  8. My son was there in 2023 for a few months. He had some tough days there, but the staff was very attentive to his needs on his tough days. He now talks about how he misses the staff there as well as the children who were there with them. He is now doing so much better with the skills that he’s learned. I can’t thank everyone there enough.

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