1. Flexibility plus boundaries, trauma survivors are trained to be flexible. We give in immediately because we already know:
    1. You will lose any conflict
    2. Resistance earns punishment so don't resist.
    So we are super flexible, but without boundaries flexibility is not an advantage.
    I am developing good boundaries, which requires me to use my flexibility, I can endure the discomfort of disappointing someone now. We all get disappointed at times.

  2. This is so comforting. Everyone thinks I'm too accommodating and loving and too flexible but I know deep down inside they're the ones who have a difficult time understanding

  3. Does Biology hinder you from this? No matter how hard I try to strengthen my emotional intelligence, my shortcomings always remind me of my parents. My mother has extreme anxiety, bipolar and low IQ. My dad has anger problems and low IQ.

  4. Yeah, and if a tree is strong enough, it can withstand the wind. I personally don't believe in this flexibility thing. It's the reason the world is the way it is. People can be and do anything, and we all have to be so flexible that it's OK. People need to be adaptable, not flexible.

  5. I am someone who has survived a lifetime of trauma and I am very flexible/adaptable person, so this picked me up and I really needed it ❤

  6. I use to be very flexible but here where I live at some point I thought maybe I was too flexible but no, and it maybe because the response I received when negotiating by phone on in person with other people. It was something very positive. According to the circumstances I use to make adaptations. Isn't me giving away my rights or letting others abusing me, no, it was like I didn't have a filter when it comes to see my needs and the other people's needs and how to prioritize accordingly to the circumstances and the social resorces we were using at the moment. The same happens with my kids and with myself. We all can developed adaptability and empathy at a higher level and if only society based their system on this concept I think many things can be solved. Its an excercise you willingly practice or you have the ability to do it and the more positive results the more tendency you have to adapt this behavior and it can becomes a life style as well. Why not? I am teaching that to my son who is autistic, high functioning, and to my daughter who has a sensorial condition but showing them at the same time responsability. Resposnability under de foundation of flexibility and planification and organization but always flexibility and adaptation as a powerful fools to drive yourself through the rest of it. I put those things in a balance when talking to them so they don't see things in black and white. Not always an easy task when it comes to let them practice it but they are smart and they clearly understand it. I tell them, if you fail you tried again. Its a process. Its about not panicking and just rearrange, reinvent, negotiate, ask, search, see your alternatives, think of you and the other part, the circumstances, prioritize and relax.

  7. I would argue saying "flexibility of psychie" and "flexibility of personality" are not the same. You can be consistent and constant in your personality (knowing who you are and how you present) and be flexible in morphing that to others and the world.

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