Plants, the microbiome, and mental health | Christopher A. Lowry | TEDxMileHigh

NOTE FROM TED: The relationship between diet, mental health and the microbiome remains an ongoing field of study. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:

If you suffer from mental illness, you’ve probably heard this well-meaning advice: “eat healthy & get some sunshine.” But do you know WHY this works? In this mind-blowing talk, neuroscientist Christopher A. Lowry explains his cutting-edge research and offers practical advice for preventing & treating depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You won’t think about plants the same way again! Christopher A. Lowry, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Integrative Physiology at the University of Colorado Boulder with a secondary appointment in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Center for Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Dr. Lowry’s research program focuses on interventions for the prevention and treatment of disorders including anxiety, depression, and PTSD, with an emphasis on the role of the microbiome-gut-brain axis in stress resilience, health, and disease. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


  1. I'll let the cows eat 30 different plants in a field and eat the meat instead.
    Fasting also does wonders for the gut.
    Eating 30 plants a day is exagerated and unsustainable in the long run. Less is better.

  2. Having BPD, PTSD and anxiety I've been doing this for years getting in over 21 plants per day and it absolutely works plus I consume probiotics, I've never been medicated and I cope very well.

  3. 30 different plants at the grocery store has got to cost more than $30. From my understanding once you blend the plants, they start to lose their vital nutrients after two or three days; and will start to oxidize. If any doctor in the near future is going to recommend a green diet for depression and anxiety it’s going to be a naturopathic or nutritional psychiatrist more than likely not covered by insurance. The government would never approve of this, it would hurt the pharmaceutical industry and their wallets. They’ve already shut down Scientists that have discovered Foods that can cure cancer. Let food be thy medicine.

  4. I was cured with antibiotics meant for a sinus infection. I knew it was caused by five foods. If I ate any of them I would get severe depression for three days. Sunflower seeds also gave me debilitating, unlocalized back pains along with severe depression. One day I had severe fatigue and went to the doc. He though I had COPD.

    At the office I noticed my sinuses were tender, but not painful. The doc believed me and gave me three courses of antibiotics. I was totally cured of severe depression and could eat whatever I wanted.

  5. Se empieza MIERCOLES por la mañana,se pone en un vaso tantos granos de arroz como KG quieras perder y se llena el vaso por la mitad de agua.Por la noche hay que beber el agua dejando los granos de arroz y volviendo a llenar la mitad del vaso con agua.

    JUEVES por la mañana en ayunas,media hora antes de desayunar se bebe el agua dejando los granos y se vuelve a llenar la mitad del vaso con agua.

    VIERNES,en ayunas se bebe el vaso de agua con los granos de arroz.

    NOTAS : Siempre hay que utilizar el mismo vaso sin lavarlo,hay que tapar el vaso con un platito,se comer lo que te apetece y beber mucha agua,es necesario creer en esta simpatia y lo mas importante,poner los granos por KG y no mas de lo necesario porque esos KG se bajan y jamas se recuperan,y si te pasas puede ser peligroso para la salud.

    Una vez que lo hayas hecho,tienes que publicarlo en algun medio,y a partir de entonces comenzara a funcionar

  6. Dr. Khadar vali aka the millet man of India has created protocols to reverse all diseases on this planet with his five positive millets that has enough fiber and with full of microbes (the fermented millet porridge)

  7. It is noticeable that the majority of diseases are related to the imbalance of beneficial bacteria, which is organic food and the practices of our ancestors from the way of giving birth to children, breastfeeding and the way of preparing and diversifying foods contributed to fighting a group of diseases and modern science has concluded that the best thing to live a good healthy life is to return to what is old

  8. Excellent presentation. I am increasingly convinced that the answer to many of our modern life problems – both physical and mental – lies 'under our feet'. Thank you, Christopher Lowry.
    PS I've recently read that the incidence of bowel cancer in the under 50 age group has doubled over the last 20 years. Could this be related to diet / stress / inflammation / our obsession with 'hygiene'?

  9. I find this speech fascinating. It’s not talked about or even encouraged by mental health professionals or even general practitioners because there is no money to be made by big pharmaceutical companies. They control the health care model we use today. Not Drs or anyone in the healthcare care industry. Big pharmaceutical companies pay the politicians and those who control healthcare regulations. Sad but true.

  10. Hello, thanks for the video. Kindly let me know which specific Bacteria strain are you talking about in the video that was used in the trial which lowered the stress level of the Veterans? thanks

  11. I went on a WFPB diet first hoping to slow my cancer growth down, then discovering it helps with immunotherapy response (currently NED). I think it also had knock-on effects on mood. I've never suffered depression and I'm generally positive, but never so consistently as during this diagnosis and beyond, which I believe also feeds back on immune health. I wonder if it's not just the bacteria doing their work but also the psychoactive compounds in plants, especially as I'm including every dietary herb & spice I could get.

  12. Fabulous video, I didn’t know that vegetables were full of bacteria that are good for us. So what happens when I make soup which boils the veg for a short while prior to leaving it simmering until the soup is ready? I’m guessing the bacteria are all dead although the soup will feed the gut bacteria that I already have. So do we have to eat raw vegetables to achieve the benefits of a greater diversity in our bodies, or is there a way to gently cook them to preserve the bacteria within the plants/veg

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