What is Treatment Resistant Depression? #shorts

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  1. Yeah, but the issue is the added desperation of taking positive steps that aren't working with depression. 2 months without reconsidering dosage without reconsideration. I would consider that failure of care.

  2. I been on Zoloft a ssri for about 5 months currently on 150MG and don’t feel like it’s levitated my depression I’m not skeptical and think I actually have bipolar 2 and need a mood stabiliser

  3. Can you define what "don't feel better" means. Does it include people who feel better initially, but then it stops working again, or is it specifically people who never see a mode increase?

  4. Damn, I must have the most treatment resistant depression EVER. Only 2 drug trials?? I've tried pretty much every ssri and snri known to man 😂 Someone send me a new brain please.

  5. US. Only 2? Gotta pump those numbers up 💪
    But in all seriousness, I think at least a couple of mine weren't at the minimum effective dose, but it's like my psychiatrists were afraid to up me! I'm a fairly petite female, so I guess maybe that's why they were hesitant, but I have a naturally high tolerance against a lot of drugs for some reason (let's hope I never need pain meds smh).
    The only drug that has ever worked for me so far (whether for depression OR anxiety) was Lexapro, and stg it only worked for two weeks 🙃
    Due to the sheer frustration of it all I haven't been on anything in over a year, and tbh it's nice not having to think about it 🙂

  6. Hi Dr Marks,
    I didn't have treatment resistant depression, I had a misdiagnosis which I detected with you help.
    Psychoactive drugs did mess me up but I recovered, thanks to Dr Daniel Amen. I do the things one must do for mental and physical health. The only med I take is 37.5 mg of Effexor 6 times per week for chronic pain management, thanks to Dr Andrew Gross. It works!!!
    thanks for this educational content
    Otherwise ZERO MEDS.

  7. Maybe add a mood stabilizer then? I’m on a antidepressant and a mood stabilizer. That’s what worked for me. I had to go on a mood stabilizer for my psychosis episode, after some tweaking I’m back to normal. I’m a bit afraid of going off of my mood stabilizer because I worry about my psychotic symptoms coming back, however I am not depressed anymore. I don’t like the unpleasant side effects from it though.

  8. Question I have is how do you even know people are taking the medication as prescribed?? unless it’s given to them they come in you give them the meds and they take it right there; How do you even know if they’re consistently taking it? so that part of it is not standardized and we’re just moving forward with different medications and different amounts or strengths ….the other thing is how can we cover that so it’s more accurate

  9. Don't you think that depression or any other mental illness shoud be treated by the cause, not by the symptoms? I think that you can treat the symptoms with medication but that wouldn't cure the person from depression. But I think that if you work on the cause of the symptoms and come to a point of poise with the therapy sessions, it would be the best solution. What do you think about that?

  10. Question: What do you do when just about everything (medicine, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, counselling, resource counselling, in-patient, support groups, etc.) has failed?

    I've tried over twenty medications or more (literally) over the course of a little over two decades, all with various severities of side effects (including putting me in the emergency room a few times… looking at you, anti-psychotics). These included medications like Zoloft, Lexapro, Buspar, Abilify, Seroquil, Latuda, Olanzapine, Effexor, and so many more. Most medication that didn't make me ill have been minimally effective, only just taking the edge off. Any higher on the doses and we start going into dangerous territory. Treating Bipolar I, C-PTSD, and panic disorder (agoraphobia) feels like an impossible task at this point. We've tried medication, therapy, counselling, support groups, you name it. I guess, in that respect, it's the literal definition of "treatment resistant". Insurance won't cover the new medications on the market like Vraylar, which costs ~$1,000 without prior authorization. Even then, they keep saying we need to try other medications that we've already failed with. At this point, we're actually looking into the possibility of medical marijuana because it's just about the last thing we have left. Are people with treatment resistant depression supposed to just suffer through the rest of what isn't treated?

  11. Make sure you don't have adhd. You can spend a lifetime with "treatment resistant depression" only for it to magically disappear with proper adhd diagnosis and treatment

  12. What about ones where all of the side effects were having a bigger impact on your life than your actual depression?

    I've been through several medications where technically my depression went away, but the side effects of the meds were so bad I ended up right back where I started because they made me miserable.

  13. In early 90's tried the various SSRI meds and tho' it helped my mood, I developed a dry, antihistimelike response every day about the same time which was then followed by a crushing migraine. Before ever trying antidepressants I never had headaches, let alone migraines AND this, according to the psychiatrist and pharmacist , was not(yet) a known side effect.. Have had fairly frequent headaches and periodic migraines since. Too bad because they did help level my mood
    What I did learn, back then and before it became mainstream info, was that these drugs, when starting them, can cause suicidal thoughts. This never happened but I will say, of the 4 I tried, Prozac and Effexor were thee weirdest experience and Effexor. was too st

  14. Had 10 months, 3 weeks starting dose the rest full dosages, of Zoloft, it made everything worse. l was weaned off it because it got so bad l literally attempted to saw my head off with pruning saw.
    Zoloft messed me up for a very long time.
    The next 3 depression meds didnt work either so went off them all, got my own place & independence and focused on pyschiatrist sessions, self analysis/reflection and self help.
    Was okay but still had extreme bouts of anxiety/depression so approached my new GP and was prescribed mirtazapine (avanza). Didnt work 15 years ago but working fine for me now. Haven't looked back. Those 10 months were, By Far, THE absolute worst of my life and havent been same since.
    Zoloft should be discontinued imho, wonder what the correlation between zoloft hitting the market and suicide rate increases are? but l bet won't do that study, shareholders has gotta get their "return on investment", dont they.

  15. And what do you do when your psychiatrist won't listen to you about your depression and keeps you on the same thing for years and won't change it just wants to add yet another pill. So frustrating. Makes me feel like a guinea pig.

  16. I've been in therapy and on meds since I was 15. I'm 35 now. I grew up with some special needs, mostly just mild learning disabilities. Over the years I have been on every medication under the sun and never got anywhere. Everyone treated me as just another really depressed and anxious person. A few years ago I found out that my whole life I'm actually a higher functioning autistic, which explains why I've never gotten much relief through medication. If you've been struggling with this all of your life I encourage you to find a psychologist and get tested. Unfortunately many psychs and therapist aren't trained to spot autism. I even went for TMS treatment recently, the full 6 weeks and only saw a very slight benefit from it. For many autistics with treatment resistant depression it comes down to more life skills and training and figuring out how to cope with the bad depression days than actually getting rid of it completely, since autism itself can mimic many of the signs of depression emotionally wise.

  17. I personally didn't react very well to the first medication I was prescribed. The second one worked very well for me even though my mother had an extremely bad experience with the same medication when she was younger. medication and its dosage has to fit perfectly to work imo


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