Mentality | Mental Health Documentary

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, help is available. You can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, or, if you’re outside the United States, visit


This film tracks the evolution of mental health treatment through the stories of patients and professionals across the Great Lakes. Over their lifetimes, they have watched America’s mentality about psychiatric illness change and treatment options greatly improve. But in a society that leaves millions of people with mental illness untreated, on the streets, or in prison, how far have we really come since the days of the asylums?


An explorative journey into the diverse world of mental health. Produced by psychologist Dr. Mukesh Lathia, this documentary aims to shed light on the experiences of individuals grappling with various mental illnesses, whilst advocating for the importance of professional help through therapy and medication in managing these conditions.

While we strongly endorse the use of medication as a crucial component in the treatment of many mental health conditions, we understand and respect that it may not be the most appropriate solution for everyone. Each individual’s path to mental wellness is unique and should be treated as such.

We hope this film sparks conversation and reduces stigma surrounding mental health. We believe that understanding and compassion are the first steps towards change, and we invite you to join us in this pursuit.


For a behind-then-scenes look at making the film:

Our latest mental health documentary project:

If you’re interested in owning a physical copy DVD of the film for educational or personal use, please provide your name and address via

Directed & Edited by Garret Morgan
Written by Keith Schnabel
Produced by Mukesh Lathia
Featuring music by Wagner Koop


  1. As a practicing psychiatrist and the producer of this film, I have always wanted to make a film on mental health educating the community about the stigma surrounding the mental illness and the intricacies of mental health system. Grateful to Garret Morgan for helping me realize this passion project.
    It is truly heartwarming to get such insightful feedback from all of you.
    Please share this film with your friends, your family, your community.
    Thanks, everyone.

  2. I did the therapy things. I can’t tolerate medication. The way I get through the days is by being fake and not sharing how much I’m hurting and not letting myself hope or attach.

    I wish there was a way for people who genuinely want to die to be able to die. I’m tired of being a human.

  3. This is such a eye-opening documentary! I respect the doctor for saying do not call them cuckoo! I don’t know if anyone else has ever experienced this, but standing up for yourself and someone asked you “have you took your medication“? Such an insult. Just because we’re diagnosed, doesn’t mean that our feelings aren’t valid.

  4. God Bless this Dr. With his compassion. Mental health has altered my life since i was about 8 yrs old,now at 57 and in AA recovery group,it seems to help me. I won't feel alone there.

  5. Jesus is the GOD of peace! If you have inner turmoil then He’s the one you turn to and trust because he cares for you and knows you better than you know yourself because he created you.

  6. To this entire documentary, all I got to say is this: OF COURSE or DUH or WHAT WORLD DO YOU LIVE IN or OBVIOUSLY…. Is there anything else I can come up with? This doctor in the intro gives us some example of a stent being equal to mental health treatment.IS this guy supposed to get the Nobel Peace prize for that statement? No, he just said what we all think. He's no genius.

    You hear politicians arguing about nonsensical issues it seemed to make sense in the news. Why? Because we haven't elected the right people. Mental health treatment in this country should be a right, just like if my house is burning down I call the fire department. Well guess what, what's worse? When my life is burning down, who do I call? How do I afford it? Why isn't there an immediate response for me as a human being, is a citizen of this country?

    We live in prehistoric times and our politics is the only way we're going to change that but simultaneously they prove to us that we live in prehistoric times.

    Vote and make your voice heard for laws that expand medical insurance including mental health treatment. That is the only way.

    You only have to watch 2 minutes of this documentary to understand. There's nothing more to say. Get your ass out there and make your voice heard and vote for the people that expand health insurance as a right for every human being in our country. Within that mental health has to be a priority, not secondary the way it is now.

  7. It's so taboo for the family, for the community, for anyone who is close to u if u have mental illness…. anyone can be in that situation, and I can not call them "looney"…… I worked b4 in a mental hospital as a cleaner and u can see that we all can be in their place depends the situation……..they r people

  8. With mental illness seemingly on the rise in this country we desperately need an overhaul of the mental health institutions and give these ppl the support or help they need now more than ever!

  9. It sucks because I have schizoaffective disorder and I can barely afford take care of my teeth and my mental health at the same timewithout sacrificing something with the insurance I have…. America shouldn't have to choose

  10. To anyone reading this give yourself grace and be proud of how far you’ve come even when you feel stuck know slow progress is still progress. You are loved, you are needed, you’re not alone. ❤ I get it 💯

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