5 Ways To Deal With Mental Health Issues

If you’re struggling with mental health issues, you’re not alone. In the midst of mental health struggles, finding hope and healing can feel like an uphill battle. But amidst the challenges, there are pathways to light and resilience. In this deeply heartfelt video, we delve into five tender strategies for navigating mental health issues with grace and courage.

Each of us walks a unique journey, facing our own battles with depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. Yet, in our shared humanity, we find solace and strength in reaching out, in opening up, and in embracing the support that surrounds us.


Researcher/Writer: Morgan Swift
Editor: Rida Batool
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice Over:Amanda Silvera (http://www.youtube.com/amandasilvera )
Animation: Georgia
Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Bilyeu, T. (2020, Feb 27). The Secret to Ending Mental Illness | Dr. Daniel Amen on Health Theory [Video]. YouTube. www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS_MuaOYBIo&t=478s
Greater Good In Action. (n.d.). Mindful Breathing. UC Berkeley. ggia.berkeley.edu/practice/mindful_breathing
Mental Health America. (n.d.). Mental Health Treatments. mhanational.org/mental-health-treatments
Pombo, E. (2019, Feb 1). Self-Help Techniques for Coping with Mental Illness. National Alliance on Mental Illness. www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/january-2019/self-help-techniques-for-
SAMHSA. (2022). Living well with serious mental illness. www.samhsa.gov/serious-mental-illness
Smith, M. Segal, R. Robinson, L. Segal, J. (2022). Building Better Mental Health. Help Guide. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/building-better-mental-health.htm
Zaccaro, A., Piarulli, A., Laurino, M., Garbella, E., Menicucci, D., Neri, B., & Gemignani, A. (2018). How Breath-Control Can Change Your Life: A Systematic Review on Psycho-Physiological Correlates of Slow Breathing. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12, 353. doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2018.00353


  1. Keep your appointments with medical professionals and do not stop taking your meds. Build a community of people who relate, understand and you can talk to for support. Mindfulness. Know your triggers. Self Care. Self Care. Self Care.

  2. Sometimes taking a moment for yourself and to breathe and totally make a huge difference when it comes to controlling and looking after our mental wellbeing. 👍

  3. Whenever I try to talk about my mental health at home they just don't understand what I'm trying to explain they just say it's normal you will be fine after sometimes later ❤️‍🩹😐

  4. I make a mistake of talking about sth I should not have said I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to say it but when I realized how a big problem I got really sad can’t focus because I have many bad days in a row and now I have this big problem I felt really and down and sometime just wonder how can I prevent saying sth like this and lead to a bigger problem again I got very anxious

  5. If only mental health was as "cheap" and physical health care. They system is no longer designed for the commoner to get well. Just keep on pushing through until you are used up and no longer useful.

    Good video as always. Just wish I could use its advice.

  6. I was recently told that I might have a medical problem called serotonin disorder and it’s potentially fatal which scared me and gave me a whole lot of mental challenges

  7. (Be wary of suicidal content.)

    This all details about analyze(by myself experience not form an expert) what I was going through for many years and i never understand what i facing. Many of your video make me understand myself more or less. it made me feel like someone understood me. I thought I was just weak but Honestly, I'm still not sure if I'm depressed or if I'm just imagining it.

    When I was in elementary school to high school.

    -I got bullied in school. I was squeezed for money, used violently, body shaming and humiliated.
    -bleeding is normal for me.

    -The bully try to make me lonely, intimidate others, don't help me.

    -The teachers never helped me. The teacher only makes everything worse.

    -I have a few friends that I don't contact often. I'm unsure if I trust them or others, so I don't discuss life issues with them.
    -i don't tell anyone my problems. It pointless in thailand many people still think mental illness is you just to soft.you cry because you weak.
    (It reason i become more silent person press the emotion most of the time.)

    -First time having suicidal thoughts.
    -My family don't know about it i don't want them to worry.

    During my time at university

    -Suicidal thoughts have disappeared.

    -I try to change myself to be a good and nice guy to understand everyone. But now a day, I just realize I am a people pleaser. It makes me lost now. I don't know what I like anymore or what things I want to do.

    -Lose myself.

    In Present(Please understand me, I hate myself too.)

    -I'm 27 and unemployed.

    -Don't want anyone visit me.

    -Don't have any goals.

    -Don't want to have kids or get married.

    -I don't want to have any relationship with a friend or girlfriend.

    -Feeling lost and don't know what to do.

    -Self-comparison to every one.

    -I live with my parents. I sell food in the morning (I only sell food, not make it) and help hang curtains for my parent's business.

    -After that, I just live in my room.

    -I feel guilty all the time.

    -I have a feeling of worthlessness.

    -Don't have any motivation at all.

    -I'm tired from every activity.

    -I'm thinking about my family. My father, mother, big brother, and little sister would have a better life if I never existed.

    -Suicidal thoughts plan and method for searching for it.

    -The only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that my family will pay a price if I decide to commit suicide.

    -My family never drives me away. They love me, that's why I'm still alive.(They don't know about suicidal thoughts, I don't want to put more stress on them.)

    -Playing games still brings me enjoyment, but I also feel guilty at the same time. (this mean i not depressed?)

    -Every time I'm alone by myself, my mind starts to replay every bad memory and every bad word again and again, and I can't snap out of it. Cry is the only way to make it stop temporarily.

    -I don't want to live. I just don't want to exist.

    (If you feel not ok just tell someone your love or trust it will help ALOT trust me.)

    (after reading this Please realize that I am sharing this story very embarrassing and very difficult for me.this hard me to shared)

    (I still don't know if I'm depressed or if I'm just looking for an excuse to act selfishly like this.I suffer all the time, but I think I deserve it.))

    (I started to exercise. But it is very difficult, even though it should be easy.)
    (Love you Psych2Go, You make me understand myself mush more. )
    (Anyone who read this be happy and bleed you all .)

  8. Im alone i have no money so no help from anyone whats so ever. Some days im ok jst numb other days im over whelmed. Im sick of feeling this way im just done and over everything. I dont want to do anything i just want to disapear.

  9. Acceptance & patient breathing 100% Laughter as well, finding that one special person who becomes your healing 🩹muse. Mine is MJ (Kim Myung-jun) from ASTRO. If you're lucky, their glowing shine can be life altering! Rough and low times still happen, but having a higher inspiration like God, lol, and or an MJ is a rainbow of fortune and protection! ╮(╯▽╰)╭

  10. I wanna ask you I have lately some empty foggy thoughts and I talk to myself too much loud and I cant focus on anything sleep too much because I don't sleep well in night because I have night thoughts I don't have any relationships makes friend or love for any one I prefer to stay alone and drawing dark thought like suicide drugs self harming even I started hearing weird voice when I holding any Sharp matel and my family don't care about me some time just need a hug or a kiss even I started to think I m asexual for some reason did these a bad signs❤

  11. Nobody really cares, I actually asked people at the pharmacy if they thought I was crazy and they said nothing. I even gained 15 pounds. It's like I'm part of this unrecorded scientific experiment and that society is taking care of the problem. If I were being honest, shrooms aren't special. People are supposed to lie to you about your experience, and you're supposed to walk away with a specific message about reality or your character. I actually think you can brainwash people with shrooms. I recommend against taking them if you think it's going make you grow up or make you a non-virgin. You have to grow up and learn skills and get a job. People are really into Disney or fantasy. Doja Cat is very good at brainwashing and she can handle an enormous crowd of high-energy people. Your drug dealer or someone who gives you the drug and watches you trip out is supposed to control or interpret your experience. Thinking for yourself is an important life skill.



  14. I LOVED you guys, including the breathing exercise at the end of your video😀!!! It's such a simple practice many of us do to "reset ourselves," but it's so effective😁.

  15. This is all very helpful 🥰 I remember when I got hit hard by PPD and couldn't talk to anyone about it. Breathing and looking out at the vast open sky helped me relax. I also joined a Facebook group for moms and it made me see that I am not alone, other moms are going through the same exact feeling I'm having. Although I didn't partake in the conversation there, it did assure me that I too can get through it.

  16. guys bad news ı think ı might have slightly developed anxiety but nahh then it would be a mental "disorder" which mine isnt becuase i have solid reasons to worry which makes disqualifies it from being a disorder so yeey ı dont have a disorder?

  17. Tw (suicidal thoughts)

    Me: I wanna kms
    Also me: but I know I shouldn't
    Me (again): I wanna see why I should kms
    Yt search: "reasons not to kms"
    Phychtogo: Message to ppl who need hlep, this video
    Me: I feel a bit better now! I'll sleep tonight and see if I will kms or not tmr :3

  18. Man, the online has shaped my mind, even though I know I may have depression due to self harm incidents, including just now, I ALWAYS tell myself I'm being overactive and I'm just a teen-

  19. Hi my mum passed away not long ago she helped me with my mental health problems now she not here I got iller and I'm griveing has anyone else lost someone they loved cause I don't no what to do I'm scared of men for good reason please help me what I can do 😢 I have mental health problems and psychical problem plus griveing to help me please

  20. Back then when I was a kid I had a pretty nice childhood but I have been on the verge of becoming insane and the only people I can talk to are my friends because I trust them with my life and back in 2020 my dog that I grew up with passed away and I had depression the rest of the month and my depression got treated but it never went away when I’m acting like I’m not hurt I am probably, psychologically and physically, I just hate my life and there is only 3 things that I love friends racing cars and my childhood and I can’t forget my parents and me getting jumped by two people giving me what feels/ looks like giving me a hallucinations sometimes

  21. Hey, psych2go! Ive notice recently that something has change with your animation style but for me personally, i really like your old animation style. It's much simple and very wholesome! That's just for me but anyways thank you for your videos! It has helped me so much😊 lots of love!❤

  22. There are a lot of people with nental health issues out there, however, and its tough to hear, a lot of people claiming to have mental health issues are just lazy. And its been seen as wrong to call this behaviour out.
    People with actual mental health issues need support, but they're being lost in a sea of people who just choose to sit around and do nothing all day.
    Put down your phone and go for a walk and you'll see how much if a difference it makes, and then think, is the reason you're not doing that is because you physically can't, or because you just don't want to.

  23. I Watch your Videos for a while and,they are really helping me
    I got depression When i was 12 course My parents are rard and i got bulliger,but i found someone that i can Tell everything and suports me,I will Tell My parents in the next weeks and thats course of you Videos,they showed and told me thats its ok to cry and thats its ok to have Problems,so i want to say thank you

  24. I wish to be a girl but without the sergury, family gudging and the aftermath of looking out of place with the face structure and because of this desire i really been feeling low like i got the short end. My veiw is i like expressing myself clothing and feeling wise and that comes off as weakness and less then. With being a male you have to do so much to achieve this status and me personally i dont desire that states of a man and i want to be free from this but i dont know how and i dont know what to do about it. Thank you for reading this and any help or tips will be appreciated

  25. I used to think that i shouldn't do anything about my mental health bc the it wouldn't be real, then bc nobody would help me, i was all alone with it (i don't have any close friend so.. its rare when i vent about my problems, its hard to make a good friendship i just don't know how) and i just accept it and vegan rooting kn my own bed every day. I realize i wasn't happy, this wasn't what i wanted for my life, so i try to change, i have been trying really hard but time to time i go back to the beggining… i have done s3lf h4rm, i'm not a good person, i'm not been a good friend in the past or a good brother… but i wanna change, for my loved ones, bc they deserve the best version of myself and bc of me, i also deserve the best version of myself and this videos have been helping me. I want to change.

    In an argument with my mom i told her that i "love me more than i love her and my dad" i love them, but not enough to let them hurt me, idk what to think about them. Sometimes they are really sweet but other times they left… scars that hurt even remember about them, about the things they have told me, done to me and more…

    I don't actually hate them, i just don't trust them anymore, i don't blame them but myself. I shouldn't really blame anyone bc they didn't know better, that does not justify but keeping the anger will hurt me more and i'm trying to forgive (not good at it) to stop having that feeling in my chest. I'm trying also to forgive myself but its hard.

    I thanks this kind of video for helping me so much and even sometimes save my life, this videos are wonderful.

    Also sorry, english isn't my first language, i just wanted to vent a little bit hehe

  26. Thank you all. I am 12 years old dealing with suicidal struggles, but I know my mom can’t live without me so I don’t commit suicide. Thank you all for the help.

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