How we can bring mental health support to refugees | Essam Daod

The global refugee crisis is a mental health catastrophe, leaving millions in need of psychological support to overcome the traumas of dislocation and conflict. To undo the damage, child psychiatrist and TED Fellow Essam Daod has been working in camps, rescue boats and the shorelines of Greece and the Mediterranean Sea to help refugees (a quarter of which are children) reframe their experiences through short, powerful psychological interventions. “We can all do something to prevent this mental health catastrophe,” Daod says. “We need to acknowledge that first aid is not just needed for the body, but it has also to include the mind, the soul.”

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  2. Essam Daod is a Christian Arab from northern Israel as he said from Haifa, will little background about the Christians in the middle east they once were the majority before the Islamic occupation, and it dwindled through the years from persecution by the Muslims invaders. the Christians had there own identity and culture and unique languages that the Arabs forbid them from speaking it, so as the time go by the Christians not only took the Arab language but they started to define themselves as Arabs, and here we are now a doctor that identify as an Christian Arab is now facilitating the conquest of Europe by supporting this influx of Islam into Europe.

  3. 1) 99% of them are not refugees they are immigrants

    2) 99% of them are really poor

    3) having more poor people in a country result in more criminality

    4) having more support for them won't change a thing, because nothing have worked till today

    5) giving them social aid won't magically change theyre economical status

    6) no it will just make them come twice as fast because it's free money

    7) immigrants keep flowing in mass

    8) criminality and economical instability of the country keep raising Wich result in the end of Europe

    9) all you people that are trigerred by this comment are the ones responsible for the degradation of occident

  4. If we, the lucky bastards we are can do something extra to help them, this is bigger than you could possibly think since we would have the power to shape the next generation into a better generation.

  5. the reason people use things like children in their examples is to find common ground and start a dialogue. That's why they do it. It is an age old psychological trick meant to destroy barriers and foster dialogue.

  6. A better idea is to scrap islam in those backwards countries that produce refugees in an endless amount. We could have 500 million refugees from arabia, middle east, north-africa and central asia. The green grass in europe is tempting with welfare and industries and modern values. But cultures from poor countries do want all these things but they want to change it to the culture that they flee from. It is also said that many are not fleeing, they are on a political religious mission to spread there influence and power. There has been problems in Europe with people like Merkel but a majority want to stop islamisation of modern civilisation.

  7. Very touching….. no children should undergo this type of manipulation,for innocence remains within. Remember to take your hardship into a new way ,for you have sacrificed to leave . Respect ,renew, do not preach ,never loose your tradition,make your own way now and earn respect from the people. You did not make it ….. You came to change.

  8. So we aren't just meant to permanently feed and house the invaders, we need to logistically organize their healthcare, we need to bombard our beleaguered and utterly dilapidated mental health structures, who mind you cant meet domestic demand already, with hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of deranged people from backwards societies?

    No. And no to you too. You have to go back.

  9. Is there a talk that addresses causes instead of symptoms? Like, how do we stop bombing other countries into stone age and instead help them build schools, hospitals to avoid refugees in the first place?

  10. Over 80% of refugees are young men from countries not at war, who have no skills or money. They also hate the West and treat women and homosexuals badly. Most honest people want them to be sent back.

  11. check learning breakthrough program. it's a brain fitness exercise that can strengthen executive function. by doing so you can be able to suppress excessive amygdala signals and hence lessen effects of PTSD and anxiety. make sure to do it 2 times each day for 2 years .

  12. It's not our bloody responsibility.

    Stop trying to remove white people.
    4 major cities in England are now white minority.
    Which is completely unfathomable.

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