Improving Outcomes by Listening to Patient Communities, an Emerging Evidence Base

#deprescribing #benzowithdrawal #antidepressantwithdrawal

This speech was recorded at the ‘Current Issues in Psychiatry’ conference in Lexington, Kentucky (2024).

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  1. Thank you Angie for all you do for the withdrawal community. This gives me hope for my own healing and, hopeful the psychiatry community will begin to listen to our experiences acknowledging our very real suffering of protracted withdrawal from these meds.

  2. I feel your pain to the bone. I have no words how much I admire you, Angie. Thank you for being the voice that we need, when we can't speak. Thank you for being so consistent to fight, even though it must be re-traumatizing to tell your story to the "criminal professionals" over and over again. When you told about akathisia I started to cry. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH 🙏❤

  3. Angie, your presentation was so precise! Thank you, 16 months cold Turkey from cymbalta… I was on it for over 20 yrs, prescribed as an add-on to pain meds… i tapered off my pain meds, but even though I got thrown off cymbalta; I would not have known that I needed to taper very slowly off cymbalta… so informed consent is so important…..thank you❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️ the akethesia is so bad…. Improving, but still hardly sleep (2 hrs at a time if that)…

  4. 7:55 as an actually autistic person I approve this message. Because the same happened to me and it turned my high masking hardly noticeable autism into higher support needs and low masking autism

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