What is wellbeing | Kate Laffan | TEDxLSE

In this talk, Kate will explore the different philosophical perspectives on what wellbeing is. She will then detail the efforts in subjective wellbeing research to understand wellbeing using individuals’ own reports of how they think about their lives and feel as they go about them and make a case for their use in our efforts to understand what the good life is and how to promote it.
Dr Kate Laffan is an Assistant Professor in Behavioral Science at the Department of Psychological and Behavioral Science (PBS) at the London School of Economics. Kate carries out research at the intersection of economics and psychology aimed at producing policy-relevant insights which can help to address environmental challenges and promote human wellbeing. Her work has been published in leading
outlets like Science and Nature Human Behavior. She is currently working on the mental health and conservation benefits of nature connectedness, as well as examining the predictors of low wellbeing around the world. Kate is passionate about policy impact and co-leads a working group on Behavioral Science for Sustainability in the UN’s One Planet Network. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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