What is Anxious Depression?

Anxiety and depression often come together. And there’s different ways this can look. Sometimes anxiety spawns depression, where you start off with something like obsessive compulsive disorder where you have these overwhelming thoughts that you can’t get out of your head or rituals that you can’t stop doing. Or you may have generalized anxiety disorder where you are gripped with worry and fear. Some people’s anxiety can be so bad that they wake up every morning and throw up. Or you can feel like there’s a heavy weight pressing on you all day. Some people feel like their throat is closing all day long. This is a horrible way to feel. Especially when there’s not a clear reason to feel anxious. You can start to think – what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I feel normal? Feeling like this for weeks or months on end can make some people sink into a depression. In this case, you would have two disorders, the original anxiety disorder and then a depression.

That’s one scenario. Another scenario is when your primary problem is depression – having no joy, feeling hopeless, hardly having the energy to do anything. Instead of feeling a heavy weight on your chest all day, you feel tears just behind your eyes all day ready to stream at the slightest provocation.

This is what your depression might look like if you had pure depression. But many times people have anxiety symptoms mixed in with their depression. The anxiety doesn’t rise to the level of a full disorder like panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. But it’s presence is enough to make the quality of your depression different. The term for this is depression with anxious distress. Anxious distress is what we call a course specifier. It gives more specific information about how your depression looks and behaves.

Here is the criteria for this specifier. This is from the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 5th edition.

Anxious distress is defined as the presence of at least two of the following symptoms during the majority of days of a major depressive episode or persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia):
Feeling keyed up or tense.
Feeling unusually restless.
Difficulty concentrating because of worry.
Fear that something awful may happen.
Feeling that you may lose control of yourself

If you have depression with anxious distress, be prepared that you may need more than one medication to treat your condition and you may have a try a few before you get one that works well with the least amount of side effects.

Zhao K, Liu H, Yan R, et al. Cortical thickness and subcortical structure volume abnormalities in patients with major depression with and without anxious symptoms. Brain Behav. 2017;7(8):e00754.

Fu CH, Steiner H, Costafreda SG. Predictive neural biomarkers of clinical response in depression: a meta-analysis of functional and structural neuroimaging studies of pharmacological and psychological therapies. Neurobiol Dis. 2013;52:75-83.

Ionescu DF, Niciu MJ, Richards EM, Zarate CA Jr. Pharmacologic treatment of dimensional anxious depression: a review. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2014;16(3)

Want to know more about mental health and self-improvement? On this channel I discuss topics such as bipolar disorder, major depression, anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), relationships and personal development/self-improvement. I upload weekly. If you don’t want to miss a video, click here to subscribe. https://goo.gl/DFfT33

Disclaimer: All of the information on this channel is for educational purposes and not intended to be specific/personal medical advice from me to you. Watching the videos or getting answers to comments/question, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. If you have your own doctor, perhaps these videos can help prepare you for your discussion with your doctor.


  1. I have both. Antidepressants have made me feel flat or even worse. Clonazepam for anxiety has helped, but has also made me dependent on it due to my doctor telling me to take it 2x daily for years. I forgot to take one dose, and the withdrawal was terrible. Please do research before starting any new medication.

  2. I stick my meds and practice mindfullness. But sometimes the only thing that jolts my body and mind out of a slump is looking at some naked women. I don't mean porn, it's a natural stimulant for men.

  3. Anxious Depression, often described as a challenging combination of depression and anxiety, is a complex mental health issue that many individuals face. Dr. Tonmoy Sharma, a distinguished mental health specialist and author, and the Sovereign Health institution, are at the forefront of addressing this issue with their holistic approach to mental health care. Testimonies from both employees and patients highlight the transformative impact of their services, as individuals express profound gratitude for the comprehensive care they receive. Dr. Tonmoy Sharma's advocacy further emphasizes their commitment to helping those in need. Their evidence-based therapies, personalized treatment plans, and compassionate support have proven highly effective in helping individuals confront and manage the intricate challenges of Anxious Depression, ultimately leading to positive, lasting change.

  4. I foolishly lost my career job of 20yrs…. It caused me to stress so badly, … causing anxiety and severe depression. I suffer so horribly. I feel all the dread of apathy, guilt, regret, shame and total hopelessness. I just sit, or lay down all day. I can't go out.. and have no interests in doing anything. Im like paralyzed… i really don't like existing anymore..😢

  5. I lost my Dad & got made redundant two weeks later, and my marriage seemed to deteriorate… have struggled with anxiety & depression since

  6. Im so scared right now, I’m so very tired of the struggle. Age 49 and have bad insomnia, ocd and depression with racing type thoughts. I’m in bed and just don’t know what to do as I feel I’m out of options

  7. Im so fustrated with myself I know what I need to do I just am so overwhelmed I don't do anything and Im anxious cause things need to be done its just too much and my mind is just having a freak out. Im sad cause Im even like this. I need help fa real 😢😮

  8. 😮… I just read myself. I'm so overwhelmed also, to do anything, or go anywhere. I keep freaking out all the time. I admit to having severe Trauma, that destroyed my life. But, were not talking about the cause. It's the horrible Anxiety, insomnia and depression that has paralyzed me. I'm unable to get out of my room. The littlest things seem too impossible, and the extreme fatigue in have from sleep deprivation… I have no energy or motivation to move. I need help, but can't commit to anything. My life is now jeopardized,… I don't care anymore.

  9. There is a simple reason why fear is almost always a constant companion in depression. Most people have to earn money on a daily basis because they are not the Rockefellers and depression makes them dysfunctional, unable to handle even small things because they are in a different mental state that they themselves do not understand. Who would not be afraid in this situation?

  10. Thank you so much for this video. I’ve been feeling like this for the past 2.5 years. And I’ve been feeling very disconnected from everyone at work. I didn’t know what was going on.

    It’s hard to do everything. I just start crying or having panic attacks. I feel trapped.

  11. I have a bad combination of anxiety with depression and insomnia too, often getting 3 or 4 hours sleep a night then being awake during the night feeling agitated like I can’t go on much longer. It’s very scary, can anyone relate ?

  12. It’s the worst type of depression especially if you are worrying about something or feel bad about your past. If you feel sui cidal depression then it’s truly the worst. Other types of depression are more manageable

  13. Too me anxiety is the overwhelming feeling im gonna fuckin die…i dont wanna hear "I started crying randomly" shit i wish i could cry….anxiety isn't a cute "quirky" thing , to use as an excuse to be a ho.

  14. (24 male) been diagnosed with generalized anxiety since 2019 and 2 episodes of depression and now dysthymia/anhedonia tried every antidepressants and even did rtms which caused me tinnitus btw.only 2 options left for me ketamine and ECT.,was always curious about psychedelics on its effects for anxiety and depression.maybe one day ill even try those i have nothing to loose anyway.

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