Mental Health

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  1. I wish you'd do a video explaining why some people with a mental illness like me can't work. I get called lazy because I can't work. I hate it. No one understands why I can't work.

  2. Awesome, Armando! Will you be makimg videos about the pathophysiology of specific illnesses and their treatments like bipolar disorder or scizophrenia?

  3. I came to your channel for immuno videos; but this is one is my favorite!!!
    I have ADHD; but stigmatization of society esp other girls calling me "attention seeking" or "needy" somehow triggered eating disorder in me as well. I am better now as far as eating disorder is concerned, thanks to my amazing physician. But the problem of stigmatization remains and it is RUINING a lot of people's lives 🙁

  4. I fully agree with this video! The information is so true! However, a lot of people who are watching this and some of the other videos are those of us who have dealt with mental health issues personally. How do we go about getting the stigma of this disease/condition reduced? It's sad to say, but sometimes the church is a place where people with mental illness are pushed away instead of supported; and a lot of time the people in a church don't have the information to give to people of how and where to get help. How is this to be addressed? But overall, thank-you for this video. If you can send it beyond this site – say to facebook, it may help pass this excellent information!

  5. Mental issues are the result of subconscious acts of deterioration from mental bullies such as parents or other childhood people. People are so unaware of the damage they cause others while living their lives, that it's hard to comprehend the fact that those illnesses are caused or amplified by the majority of people.
    But no, there will be no fighting in our society, so we have to give in to bad subconscious behaviors and just live our lives weakened. Wrong, not gonna happen as we have great strengths, too.

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